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Posts posted by highly_developed

  1. Because it's usefull. In early level you use it for escape, cause the duration is short, but with right mods, you can use it for attack.

    Use Decoy and Invisibility in the beginning, and farm more Raid mission.

    You need:

    Vitality (life) and Redirection (shield)

    And if you aleady got Cronus, sell other blueprints for 2500 credits

    • Each faction has a higher chance to drop certain mods, while having a small chance to drop other mods as well. The following is what each faction drops most often.
    • Infested: Power Abilities, All types of Freeze damage.
    • Corpus: Fire/Electricity/Armor Pen. Mods, Power Max, Power Efficiency, Power Range, Melee Charge Speed, Loot Radar and Enemy Radar, Puncture Mods. (Tactic Polarity: the line-shaped symbol)
    • Grineer: Critical Hit Chance, Critical Hit Damage, Multishot, Basic Damage Mods, Power Duration, Power Strength. (Attack Polarity: the V-shaped symbol)
    • Universal: Fusion Cores, Sentinel Mods, and Stun.
    • Raid/Spy/Capture missions offer a mod upon completion normally being Stamina Regen, Stamina Max, Vitality, Sprint Speed or a Ammo/Magazine/Reload mod.

    haha ty but not "why" - "how"

    do you just use the ability and as you use it, it levels up?

  2. So, I am likely going to purchase the Ash frame. I think it'll cater to my potential play-style much better- as I'd still like to employ that steatlh role but have some offensive special abilities.

    Can anyone comment on this move? I see they are the same speed, with a difference in HP vrs Power being the biggest statistically difference.

    Lastly, does anyone know if the "frame packs" are worth it? If so, I'll wait until they are offering an "ash pack" because at the moment they say there is a "sale" on the Ash frame however it is significantly more expensive than any others..

  3. The Loki isn't really intended for damage output, anyway. Your role is distraction and misdirection.

    If that playstyle doesn't suit you compared to damage output, then yeah, it was probably a mistake.

    Now, with weapons, just about every frame does similar damage due to mods and such, I'm only talking about powers.

    Definitely and I understand that completely. In a team setup, where I knew I had compentant teamates I would definitely be able to and perform well at those tasks. However, in the pug-style gameplay I've been experiencing it's more of a solo with some friends style. Not too much team-work.

  4. Alright ladies, I'm currently a level 11 Loki frame with a number of 'decent' upgrades to my stock weapon set.

    In a group scenario I am still finding myself to be the most squishy of the lot and often times taking more hits to take down an enemy(when a charged sword shot just wasn't possible) And yes, I understand this frame probably takes a bit more finesse than the other frames, I am not one to run into a group of enemies without a plan(read: stealth)

    I have to say, while the abilities sounded good on paper, I don't find Loki's abilities too fruitful in combat. They are great for "OH SH!T" moments, but otherwise they are quick lackluster. I currently own the clone and teleport skills and I have come to realize that maybe I've made a mistake with the Loki frame.

    Is the only way to get a 'different' frame to buy platnium(side bar, can platnium only be purchased IRL?) Or am I able to craft frames in the foundry? Such as Rhino, Nyx or Mag. Essentially I am looking for a frame that will do some damage!

    I am wondering if it would be worthwhile to essentially start over as another frame at this point or if I should tough it out and try for another frame.

    All in all I am having fun but I am finding that Loki is a bit useless in a group situation. My main asset is when everyone else is down I am able to survive and kite the longest or distract while others heal-up/escape.

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