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Posts posted by Oridius

  1. So, Ivara apparently has a bug for her second ability, Navigator.


    When in the Orbiter, checking the abilities page of Ivara, it shows this:





    After using it once, it changes to:





    After a third time, it becomes:






  2. Seriously.


    Want to go stealth and cash in on that sweet stealth modifier on an extermination mission?


    Too bad! Here's two jerks that will utterly wreck your attempts at stealth, and your attempts at getting that stealth modifier!


    DE, please, make them optional. They're much more harmful than helpful in certain styles of play.

  3. Limbo is a nice concept and a good design, I like him. DapperFrame is nice.


    The problem with Limbo is that his abilities suck on almost every level.


    Banish: Nice concept. Horrible in execution. Banish only removes a single enemy at once, for a large cost. It does a total of 500 damage, which is enough to out and out kill most things until you hit end-game content, where Limbo's relative squishiness is really felt. It has a knockdown effect, but other than the raw damage and the fact that it stops the target from shooting at you if you're in realspace, it's basically useless.


    Suggestions: Add a greater degree of crowd control to Rift-Space. Because, honestly, Limbo needs it for his abilities to be viable and useful. Adding a universal slow, armor reduction and fire-rate reduction to enemies, and speed boosts and damage multipliers to allies would make Banish, and cataclysm, so much more useful and viable without being annoying.


    Perhaps also allow it to suppress Eximus Auras, for a great utility.


    Also, Rift-Space needs to have the shaders reworked. It is far too dark and gloomy and is very annoying to play in for lengthy periods of time. Perhaps use the same shaders as Valkyr's alt, except in blue instead of the red-ish color that Valkyr has.



    Rift Walk: I actually like this ability, it's nice and fun. It's a powerful survivability tool, though it is currently bugged. However, it suffers in the way of not allowing Limbo to pick up loot, or carry Data-masses and Void Keys. 


    Suggestions: Allow Limbo to pick up and carry Data-masses and Void Keys. Loot isn't so much of a problem since Limbo can cancel the skill at any time, but not being able to take Data-masses and Void Keys into Rift-Space is much more annoying. Especially when Loki can go invisible and carry them, or Valkyr can Hysteria and carry them, et cetera.


    Also, it doesn't currently protect against explosions and Anti-MOA knockback balls. I'm pretty sure that is a bug, though, please fix it if is.



    Rift Surge: It's useless. Almost completely useless, in fact, and requires the use of Limbo's first and second abilities, or Limbo's fourth ability to have any effect at all. If the effect it had wasn't so minor, it might even be more useful, but as it stands, it's not.


    Suggestions: Rework the skill entirely. Instead of applying a damage bonus against enemies in the Rift, have it apply a damage bonus against enemies currently in the same space as Limbo. This will make the skill useful by itself since Limbo won't have to mess around with all his other abilities to get the necessary set up required for this skill. Secondly, make it allow Limbo to shoot at enemies in the other space as Limbo, at 25% total damage. This will allow him to attack without risk to himself, but also severely limits his damage output. Thirdly, turn this skill into a toggle that disables energy regeneration. This is to implement a balance, and make the energy regen gained from Rift Walk and Cataclysm actually useful. Rift Walk, regen energy, toggle Rift Surge on, lose energy but become able to shoot out and deal limited damage.


    Or, alternatively, banish something, toggle on, shoot it, toggle off.


    It will allow Limbo a much greater degree of flexibility.



    Cataclysm: It looks nice, but it sucks.


    Suggestions: Apply the same CC from Banish to Cataclysm. Just doing that will make the skill many times better than it currently is. Secondly, allow Limbo to cancel it at any time, or change the skill to allow those inside to pick up items. Both would be preferable. Doing so will make the skill much more useful and much less able to troll and annoy players. Especially with the thirty seconds of being unable to pick up mods and loot from an area.


    Doing so will fix just about every problem with the skill, and make it more viable to use with team mates around.




  4. Dark Sectors and Solar Rails are another nice addition to the game, finally giving the infested another constant place on the map.


    They way they work, however, is not nice.


    There are currently 24 Dark Sectors on the map, 2 for every planet except Mercury. Each Dark Sector can have a single Clan's Solar Rail placed on it in order to control it, and in turn, be contested.


    This is not a good, viable or economically sound setup.


    When a Dark Sector is contested, no player may access that mission until one of the Solar Rails is destroyed, which may take up to 2 days.


    This'd be fine and all, except for the fact that every single Dark Sector is currently contested. There are literally thousands of times more Clans than there are Dark Sectors, and there is absolutely no incentive for anybody outside the Clan/Alliances doing the contesting to actually go in and bother helping one side or another.


    There are simply too few Dark Sectors to actually make this a viable system, simply because any given player can only access a Dark Sector roughly 1/3rd of the time, the entire day after the conflict until the next Solar Rail is deployed by one of the thousands of other clans looking for a Sector to control.


    My suggestion to fix this is too add more Dark Sectors; simply adding 4~ more Dark Sectors to every planet will spread out the control, and the amount of Clans trying to control them. Furthermore, to prevent repeats of the current scenario where every sector is being contested and none of the new content can be accessed, placing a limit on the amount of Sectors that can be contested per planet. Having a limit of 4 Maximum would allow the 2 remaining sectors to continue to be accessed and enjoyed by players on a permanent basis, rather than just 1/3rd of the time available.


    At the moment, it's 1 day of Dark Sector, 2 Days of waiting for the Dark Sector to pop up again.


    Rinse, wash, repeat.


    Not fun.


    Furthermore, adding more mission types to Dark Sectors, other than just Defense and Survival, would increase how enjoyable the Dark Sectors actually are. At the moment, there's just 2 mission types, and that's it.


    Adding more will increase the variety and increase the amount of fun that players can have.

  5. Nuclear fusion is the prices that drives the sun which involves fusing 2 lighter elements to create a heavier element. Then why does your stellar explosion create fallout which results fission. I would suggest take out the fallout (which I like but doesn't fit) put it on radiate (because great and radiation cause resiue/after effects) and make stellar explosion a projectile. Good job so far would love to see art.

    Fusion also, technically, generates radiation and fallout.


    Just not as much as fission.


    When you get to explosions of that size, there's still a lot of radiation involved.

  6. I like the overall idea, sort of a mix between Ember and Nova. 

    Still Radiate needs more damage or a cc thing because 80 damage per second is too weak :) 


    And Stellar Explosion is the contrary. As it offers a knock back, it should deal a little less damage. Maybe 800 heat / 800 radiation ? That's approximately the damage output of Saryn's Miasma.

    Buffed Radiate to 80/80 Heat/Radiation damage per second.


    Was thinking about adding a status chance of setting them on fire, but not sure about that.


    Since Stellar Explosion is basically a mini-nuke (think Fallout) explosion.


    How about, cut down the initial damage, and add fallout to the explosion area which either is a high DoT or maybe a constant radiation proc (-accuracy, friendly fire) and a DoT based on Radiate's damage.


    Aside that, as DeadScream said:



    Buff Radiate.



    Interesting idea, that.


    Brought the total damage down to 800/800, but now leaves a 'fallout zone' that deals constant Radiation procs.

  7. So, after brainstorming and refining this idea for a while, I thought I'd actually post it on the forums.

    The idea behind this was a frame designed for the singular and sole purpose of being offensive. To that end, it doesn't have much that much health, shields or armor, but sacrifices them for the ability to do large amounts of damage really quickly. It's not a frame meant to be in close combat, so it has two ways of dissuading those that come, passive damage aura and a panic/escape button for when you really need to leave right now. Incidentally, that last one can also be used for (costly) maneuvering.

    Name: Nucleus


    Nucleus is a tall, streamlined male Warframe.

    Most of Nucleus' front is streamlined plating, with his arms and legs appearing to be covered in lots of smaller plates for maneuverability. Plasma conduits run along his frame, built into the plating itself. It's color defaults to blue, but can be changed with Energy Colour.

    Nucleus' back, on the other hand, is also heavily plated, baring several extensions from his shoulders, elbows, upper back and the sides of his upper thighs. Plasma Conduits will extend into and meet up at these places. Plasma will periodically disperse from these radiators, both on a timer and whenever an ability is used.


    Health: 75 (225)

    Shield: 75 (225)

    Power: 150 (225)

    Armor: 25

    Stamina: 80

    Sprint speed: 1.15

    Polarities: 1 X Offensive(18px-V.png), 1 X Tactics(19px-Bar.png)


    Plasma Ball (25):

    Nucleus generates and fires a ball of Plasma, dealing 100/150/200/250 Heat damage and 100/150/200/250 Radiation damage in a small AOE.

    'Nucleus forces a ball of air to undergo nuclear fusion, creating a miniature star that he then uses against at his enemies.'

    The dual damage type of Heat and Radiation was my initial thoughts, mainly because Fusion produces a lot of both.

    Thrust (50):

    By quickly and forcefully venting Plasma from his radiators, Nucleus propels himself forwards 10/13/17/20m, leaving an aura of Plasma in his wake that deals 50/75/100/125 Heat Damage and 50/75/100/125 Radiation.

    Note: This propels Nucleus towards the current location of the cursor, not directly ahead.

    The aforementioned escape/panic ability, sort of a combination of Slash Dash and (aerial)Tail Wind. Unlike Slash Dash, this doesn't do damage in a line, but only damage from the launch position. It serves the secondary purpose of maneuvering into high places, over walls and chasms, but it doesn't go quite as far as the air version of Tail Wind, nor does Nucleus benefit from Oxium in his frame.

    Radiate (75) (Needs a new name, but that was all I could think of for the moment.):

    Nucleus generates an immense amount of heat and radiation, passively damaging the enemy around him. Range 5/8/12/15m aura that deals 25/40/65/80 Heat Damage and 25/40/65/80 Radiation damage per second to those inside.

    Lasts for 5/10/15/20 seconds.

    At one point or another, you're probably going to be stuck in a cramped hallway, with melee enemies just around the corner. That's what this is for, to deal with the bothersome Melee enemies who inevitably run straight at you from some random direction you didn't see coming. If you can't tell, it's based on Ember's Fire Blast, but unlike Fire Blast, Radiate is a constant aura that follows you, can't be stacked, and doesn't offer an initial burst damage.

    Stellar Explosion (100):

    Using tremendous amounts of energy, Nucleus forcefully ignites a fusion reaction around him, causing an immensely powerful explosion, dealing 200/400/600/800 Heat Damage and 200/400/600/800 Radiation Damage in a 30m radius. Knocks down enemies.

    Leaves a 'fallout zone' that constantly gives Radiation status effect to enemy, which lasts for 15/20/25/30 seconds.

    Your go-to kill-everything press-4-to-win power. It's a big explosion, that's all there is too it. Despite being simple, however, it deals an incredible amount of damage, 2000 combined damage, but it otherwise doesn't offer anything aside from a knockdown to the enemy. It's good for clearing a bunch of mooks, but is less useful against bosses apart from it's raw damage.

    Change list:

    26/03/2014: Brought Stellar Explosion's damage down to 200/400/600/800 Heat and Radiation each.

    Gave Stellar Explosion a 'fallout zone', which gives constant Radiation status effects.

    Increased Radiate damage to 25/40/65/80 Heat and Radiation each.

    Changed Health, Shield and Energy Values to represent correct values.


    I need it. What are your thoughts and opinions on this Warframe? Do you have any suggestions for changes or the like?

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