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Posts posted by ShinoHarvest

  1. on 16.8.2




    on this sreen i take one shot of my castanas stat(4226.9 corosive & 2051.3 fire) but ancient take only 385*3 this is not 75% of 6k+ domage


    3x0 ??? thx bug ^^


    electric statut ? (this is just other bug witch castanas ^^)

  2. Fixed Lieutenant Lech Kril being unkillable due to players not being able to properly hit him with ranged weapons.


    serious next step boss dead if player enter in boss room ? stop make game for noob only pls

  3. 2. Enemy armor is insanely strong, far more so than enemy shields

    3. High level enemies one-shot kill you regardless of how much health and shields you have

    4. Our weapons are so ridiculously powerful that enemies need to reach incredibly high levels to provide any sort of challenge


    Sorry but you mega noob pls stop speak engame if you don't have level and strat for survive to this.


    2 -> you can reduce the armor of ennemi with mod or skill

    3 -> you can survive by control and/or trin invul (99.29% domage absorb is ready on lv 300)

    4 -> you can easy kill lv 300+ with good strat and warframe combo

  4. Pour ce qui est des contrôles sur interrupteur, les scorpions sont très facilement éliminables par la portée de leur compétence très faible. Une petite technique est, si vous avez un carrier, de garder un œil dessus : si il se met à tirer c'est qu'il y a un ennemi que vous devriez éliminer au plus vite. Car, à courte portée, beaucoup d'ennemis peuvent vous bouger ne serait-ce que d'un à deux mètres, ce qui vous fait quitter votre bouton. L'invisibilité peut être un plus mais celle obtenue par les kubrow et sentinelles sont perdues à l'attaque. Et entre les drones nulifier et ennemis potentiellement dangereux à longue portée, comme les bombardiers non désarmés ou eximus incendiaires, je préfère prôner une vigilance active plutôt que l'inactivité dans le but de rester invisible et d'espérer ne pas se faire choper dans un trou d’invisibilité ou par un eximus incendiaire.

    Tu noteras que, comme précisé dans la vidéo, Trin EV & Bless n'est pas obligatoire. Elle permet juste d’économiser une grande quantité de déployables d’énergie qui seraient alors nécessaires. Il m'est déjà arrivé de faire des raids sans vampire suite à un crash de celle-ci.


    Pour ce qui est des contrôles, plus il y en a plus le raid est "safe" mais il nous est déjà arrivé de le finir même si il ne nous en restait plus qu'un. Le tout est que moins de contrôle = moins de marge d'erreur.

  5. This problem happens sometimes, and it solves by itself. I don't know what can be the cause of this at the moment. I suggest you log out, close your browser, and try again. If the problem persists for many days, then I could need more informations to further investigate the issue.

    I have log out, close browser, clean my builder cookie and if active french mod no work, but ok only in english.


    PS: my clanmate have same problem

  6. Effect: Grant a little buff to every members in the clan (5 to 10 % for ONE stat)

    RP: Inject energy in the time and space stream in order to tenfold the power of a Tenno's Clan. Time and space manipulation Orokin technology which has been recently discovered in some Orokin ruins, forgotten by all, in the endless void limbo.

    --------How it works--------


    Each injector room can be configured separately to grant a different buff (lightning color and 1 or 2 holograms graphically change)


    Injectors continuously use ressources (either at a fixed hourly rate or which depends on the number of clan members connected).


    There should be an option to turn off an injector if the clan wants to save some ressources for later. (This option could be linked to the treasurery right)


    Resources can be consumed by wisely chosen injectors but it can be usefull for players who gathers tons of unused ressources.

    I am thinking about nano spores (gathered in mass during the survival mission in the Orokin derelict), command module and alloy plate (found is mass in the Void espacially during survival missions), and salvage which abundant ressource.

    Building the room:

    Injectors can only be built one by one and their price double for each injector built thus it will be very expensive for a clan to accumulate many buffs.


    It will indirectly lengthen the lifespan of this addon and can let its place to future addon which could add buff (new injector configuration) which would force the clans to build new injectors which can be very very very expensive.

    There should be a possibility to increase the build time depending on the number of injectors already built which could motivate some clans to use some platinums and so allow the devs to make some profits.


    According to the build system from dojo that Injector’s cost will be calculate with the type of clan (Ghost, Shadow[x3] , Storm[x10], ect...). That system doesn’t give an advantage to the big clan but motivate Tennos to be more active.


    Old topic:



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