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Posts posted by AlienOvermind

    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: Mastery from gilded kitguns is not shown in "Profile > Equipment" screen. Cannot confirm whether the mastery itself was obtained or not.
    • VISUALhttps://imgur.com/a/SNzXJ2q
    • REPRODUCTION: Trying to level up kitguns (Sporelacer and Vermisplicer) resulted in this bug
    • EXPECTED RESULT: Both kitguns were supposed to be shown as mastered in "Profile > Equipment" screen
    • OBSERVED RESULT: One of kitguns is stuck at Rank 26 (which was reached before 29.10), another kitgun is shown as unranked
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: Happened with my both not fully mastered kitguns. Non-kitgun weapons are shown as intended.
  1. This bug was supposed to be fixed in 24.2:

    On 2018-12-18 at 3:59 PM, [DE]Megan said:

    Fixed getting Transferred back to Operator if your Warframes reaches 2HP, regardless of being invulnerable (Quick Thinking)

    But in fact it still happens. I encountered this bug in the roon with DoT clouds on Eris:


    Mesmer Skin was protecting me from dying, but every time I tried to switch to Operator in that room, I was pushed back to warframe ~2 sec later.

  2. Venari is not an "added bonus", it's the part of her abilities. Does she really need an extra melee — that's a valid question. Maybe she doesn't. But it wouldn't hurt anyone if she'd get one. Also, you can ask the same question about Garuda. And the answer would be the same — she doesn't really need those talons as well. But it's still nice that she got them.

  3. 5 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    If you’re not Garuda, you’re not entitled to an on Warframe weapon.

    Yeah, I hear you, but my question is still the same: why exactly it should be this way? Preferably without irrelevant analogies.

    You know, DE could easily release Garuda without those claws. And if "people complaining" is a valid reason, then Khora should definitely have the same innate melee too. Because people were complaining about her not getting exalted weapon as well.

  4. On 2018-12-26 at 7:54 PM, kevoisvevo said:

    there was weapons like the zenistar and nikana prime which overshadow most of the weapons at mr 10+

    Just remember that melee didn't get rebalance pass like primaries and secondaries because of upcoming melee 3.0. So of course melee powerlevels are all over the place. But for guns MR is kinda relevant now. I'm sure you'd be able to find some exceptions, but the for the most part low-MR weapons are weaker than high-MR weapons now.

  5. On 2018-12-26 at 9:08 PM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:


    Garudas claws are her own unique feature. Not every frame suddenly needs whatever the newest frame does.

    And why exactly not? Keep in mind, that Garuda's "unique" claws are not unique at all. It's just normal claws with nothing special about them — they don't have any unique mechanics (apart from being usable only by Garuda), they are not boosted by ability mods, they don't have unique stance. Just a normal basic melee.

    I agree that not all frames can have real exalted weapons like well... Exalted Blade. Or Hysteria. Implementing those is definitely a big deal. But adding "signature weapons" like Garuda's Talons should be as simple as making yet another melee weapon — which is basically make a model and assign some stats and that's it.

    So yeah, it's not unreasonable at all to ask for a "signature" whip for Khora. It's not absolutely necessary of course, because spamming 1 is close enough, but that's another story.

  6. I don't think it should be punishable. I mean, sure, it leaves a bad taste, but it's not that terrible. In sorties failing a mission is already a sufficient punishment. And in normal missions (when you don't have to get all vaults) it hurts nobody — you can easily complete the mission without the Tenno who was too ashamed to face his failure and thus decided to commit sudoku. Unless that Tenno was a host — but again, host migrations is separate problem and I'm sure DE will eventually fix them to never break the game.

  7. All her abilities are a bit flawed. Mind Control suffers from horrible AI that makes controlled enemy stay idly instead of mowing down his former comrades. Chaos is not fully reliable as enemies would still attack players quite often. Absorb deals tiny damage. But all those things are fine. Kinda. I mean, don't expect much from 1st ability, Chaos is still good even if's not 100% foolproof and Absorb can still be used as a great defensive tool.

    But. My biggest issue with Nyx rework is hard cap on the number of enemies debuffed by Psychic Bolts. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE (insert Vay Hek pic here). Psychic Bolts needs to be spammable. Or it should be turned into some fairly big AoE, similar to Petrify.

  8. Semi-autos with insane fire rate are indeed a bit silly. Sure, some semi-autos do give that feeling of power behind every shot — and I can understand that some people like it that way. But still I believe that gameplay should take precedence over those "feeling" arguments. So, in my opinion base fire rate should be used to determine if the weapon should be semi or auto. Something like if firerate is more that 4-5 (exact number is debatable, yes), the weapon should be auto-fire. If it's less — it can either semi or auto depending on how devs envision that gun.

  9. I doubt Nova would get any changes since she's already one the very best frames.

    And honestly the only thing I realistically would like to be changed — I want Neutron Star augment to block auto-detonation, so that the only way to detonate Null Stars would be to press 1 again. That's basically it.

  10. 38 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

    Also, you are not taking into account that if people have more certainty in what they are buying and are convinced it can take less time to get the stats they want, the purchase and flipping of cheap Rivens will go up as people are more willing to invest in certainty.

    If stat locked rivens become untradeable, it also means the moment someone locks stats, that riven is taken out of circulation. Prices of bad rolls would go up as the overall number of rivens in circulation has decreased. It is just best rolls that drop in price. But lazy whales are always willing to fork out a lot.

    Yeah, I kinda missed that indeed. You have a good point, maybe introducing stat-locking with trading restrictions wouldn't really reduce amount of platinum spent on rivens. Now we only need to deliver that idea to DE.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

    Also, if riven stat locking became a thing, the solution to stop the price drop is just to stop stat locked rivens from being traded

    Yeah, that would probably be a fair compromise. But the thing is: prices of the ideally rolled rivens would still drop. Potential buyer always has a choice: either buy a cheap riven and pour kuva onto it or buy expensive riven with ideally rolled stats. With the ability to lock stats the former would look much better than it is now, so more people would pick that over buying the expensive riven. And thus riven sellers would have to adjust.

  12. Rivens' massive RNG-gates on all layers make the whole system very platinum-driven. I.e. want a Riven in the first place? The only reliable way is to buy one. Want a riven for a specific weapon? The only reliable way is to buy one. Want a riven with specific stat? Well, you know the only reliable way to obtain one.

    So, stat locking would mean that obtaining a riven with specific stats would be much easier. And thus prices would drop significantly. And lower prices = less platinum spent across the board = less platinum purchased from DE. It's this simple, really. Of course Scott is against stat locking on Rivens.

  13. Garuda passive should include stagger immunity in addition to current damage bonus on low health. Her general gameplay loop is kinda risky: she needs to get in melee range to get the shield, the shield itself offers mediocre protection as it doesn't block AoE and stops fire only from one side, she needs to stay on low health to get benefits of her innate damage bonus. All of this plus the ability to turn health into energy without Rage make Quick Thinking basically a must-have. And unlike some other frames (Nova for example) where QT would be helpful as an emergency EHP buffer, for Garuda QT is the main source of survivability. Meaning those staggers from activating QT hurt her much more than other frames that could use QT in their builds. That's why I think stagger immunity should be added to Garuda's passive ability.

  14. We have tons of useless or almost useless mods. Getting another one shouldn't be a big deal, right? But Synth Charge is different. Unlike things like Intruder that were useless from the very beginning, Synth Charge could be a good mod.

    First point: Knell with 3x damage (actually less than 3x since it'd take a slot that would otherwise be used for some other damage-boosting mod, but whatever) maybe was a bit too powerful, even that probably wouldn't be enough to change the meta anyway. Staticor, Pyrana Prime, Aktiletto Prime would be still be the most used guns, because they are not only effective, but also much more consistent then "needy" Knell. So, this indirect nerf to Knell wasn't 100% justified.

    Second: Sure it's impossible for all mods to be BiS, but every mod should ideally have at least some niche. And for current version of Synth Charge there's none. And it's especially true since secondary weapons has pretty much the best mods of all gun categories — get your Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent, 2 elementals and usually crit mods (Primed if possible) and you'll have only one slot left. Augur Pact or RoF mod would usually go there. Or riven if possible. Or Ice Storm / another elemental. With this competition there's simply no place for mods like current Synth Charge.

    What should be done in my opinion: the mechanics itself should be reverted and this mod should be equippable (and should work obviously) on any secondary gun without exceptions — including Knell, launchers (Angstrum / Kulstar), Bronco, etc. And instead of mechanics the number of bonus damage should be tweaked for balance purposes. Maybe they should start with +100% damage instead of +200% and see how it would work. And work with that number from there — decreasing or increasing it depending on feedback and further testing.

    • Like 6
  15. 10 minutes ago, Elanair said:

    a command system where you can set it to prioritize items that you wish Helios to scan

    Easy way would be to make an alternative scanning precept (or several), that would be installed instead of default Investigator and would force Helios to scan some things all the time (like plants or kavats).

  16. This was requested so many times, that I've given up on it completely. But yeah, I agree that applying a buff to a teammate should also give the same buff to yourself. I would definitely try to include these augments in my builds if that was the case.

  17. Small reworks? Here are what I think would be nice:

    • Chroma's 1 should scale from weapon mods.
    • Volt's speed penalty while carrying a shield should be gone.
    • Nekros' 1 should automatically add a target to the top of SotD enemy pool even if you wouldn't kill it
    • Oberon's energy drain for it's 3 should become lower with each target. For example 33% less per target: 1st target drains 3/sec, 2nd — 2/sec, 3rd — 1.33/sec, 4th — 0.89/sec, etc.
    • Wukong needs more reach on it's 4. Though I'm hopeful DE may address this with Melee 3.0
    • Titania's 1 should always make enemies float very slowly — honest physics is absolutely unnecessary here.
  18. 14 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    I wouldn't say no as long as they are the same polarity as the link-type mods, I've literally got one slot which doesn't have a polarity on all my kubrows/kavats and they currently use the link-type mods (obviously lol) so if they're going to be an 'alternative' then they can't be a different polarity imo.

    Well, all base health / armor / shield mods currently have D-polarity. And it's true for all warframes (well, Umbra aside), sentinels and pets. So, honestly I doubt DE would suddenly decide to make health / armor / shield mods with any other polarity.

  19. I.e. mods that boost health, armor and shield of our Kubrows and Kavats regardless of our warframe's build and health/armor/shield values — similar to Sentinels' mods.

    Current link-type mods work really well with tanky builds, but if you prefer playing without survivability mods or rely on Quick Thinking — you pet is out of luck. Which is very unfortunate in my opinion.

    New set of non-link pets' Vitality / Steel Charge / Redirection is needed to provide a middle ground between link-mods on squishy warframe builds and link-mods on tanky builds. And obviously we shouldn't able to equip these new mods along with current link-type mods — the idea is to put link mods when you're going to use tanky warframe and put non-link mods when you switch to some glass-cannon build.

  20. Is there a possibility Prime and Deluxe warframe models would be available for Tennogen in a future?

    Prime models were probably not really needed for older Prime warframes like Volt or Nyx, because they used the same body with a couple of extra parts slapped on top, but new Primes tend to be completely different. So I believe Tennogen creators need a way to adjust their skins for new Prime meshes.

    As for Deluxe skins — many of them could really use a reskin and I believe our community has enough talented artists who could make Deluxe skins great again.

  21. 3 hours ago, ZodiacShinryu said:

    But DE has stated before that they planned Umbra to be a limited series (the lore sort of backs that up) so there won't be a lot of frames going around.

    It doesn't have to be 35+ new frames. Just 2-3 would be enough.


    1 hour ago, peterc3 said:

    Umbra will only be variants. There's no reason to have completely new frames only for Umbra.

    There's also no reason not to have completely new frames as Umbras.

  22. Yes, it would be a bit OP, but I want it anyway. I want to play with Kubrow / Kavats / Helminth Charger, but honestly leaving a sentinel behind is just too painful.

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