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Everything posted by Rivetman

  1. Playing daily syndicate missions with the Corpus Spaceship tileset occasionally has the 8th, last medallion missing. I have encountered this problem from time to time, where sometimes the last medallion would not show up, even after scouring the mission for it. Also, syndicate medallions in the Orokin Tower tilesets should not spawn in areas of treasure rooms where you cannot pick them up. Notably, there are two side hallways where one can serve as an exit after the attempt or both do not open in favor of the middle hallway. Syndicate medallions can spawn in one of the side hallways, which may or may not be accessible if their respective walls open of not. Orokin Derelicts can also suffer this problem with areas where walls not always opening to reveal potential medallions.
  2. The Korrudo sparring weapon also suffers from this problem. This happens in the same areas mentioned.
  3. The Atterax with the Telos Skin seems very blacked out while in the Orbiter or the Entrati Labs tilesets so for. Labs: Orbiter (Drifter's Camp, but also in default Orbiter):
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