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Posts posted by Dis_conected

  1. 42 minutes ago, blazingcobalt said:

     I like it!

    The bit of a swirl reminds me of her portals, could mix something in there as well. Definitely gonna play around with her face more.

    thanks also what do you plan on doing about the cape?


  2. as an addon to my prior comment in regards to the face. in both helms made by DE there is a sense of facelessness to the helm i think that smoothing it out and maybe adding one left "eye" to it. the idea with the eye is to, much like in your original design, is to accentuate the subtle curve of the hat and to play with that glowing eye in shadow / I see you sort of expression


    here i made a crummy edit to show my idea


  3. love the hat part but not too keen about the face  i just don't get what it is supposed to look like is it a skull or a helmet? also it's not depicted in this pic but how do you plan on going about the cape/scarf? (no i'm not asking whether or not you're gonna cover her butt) all around the concept is fantastic, the hat and the collar are amazing. keep it up you've got tennogen material right there 👍

  4. the reason i propose this is well to be frank miasma dosen't have much going for it is it effective? kinda but it's also a bit too simple that and with the reduction to saryn's tankyness i thought why not essentially make her a sort of evasion tank by giving her a small constricted area to lure enemy's into. the phrase come into my parlor said the spider to the fly comes to mind.

  5. imagine this miasma creates a cloud that cloaks saryn (and just her) from view. any kills made by her in this cloud expands it and resets or adds to the duration of the cloud

    how dose that sound? 

    EDIT1: the reason i propose this is well to be frank miasma dosen't have much going for it, is it effective? kinda but it's also a bit too simple that and with the reduction to saryn's tankyness i thought why not essentially make her a sort of evasion tank by giving her a small constricted area to lure enemy's into. the phrase come into my parlor said the spider to the fly comes to mind.

    EDIT2: thats reset OR add to the duration witchever the devs decide

  6. ok so from my point of view there are 3 problems with saryn the first is the reduction to heath which can be ether compensated with an armor buff or rolled back.

    the second of problems is that the 3 ability combo decreases her "kill speed" in comparison to other frames and weapons. the third is that spite all the energy and using 3 skills there it is just so hard to make it worth it as it is easy for this combo to miss its mark so to speak. so how do we solve the second and third problem?


    simple bye bye miasma. i propose a new skill designed to synergies with her third skill. i call this skill germination strike.


    Germination Strike: Hits a single target turning that target into a living bomb stunning it for .5 of a second and slowing the targets movement speed. when killed the germinated target explodes dealing damage in a small radius and spreading all status currently on the target to all enemy's in a significantly larger radius.


    this new skill adds synergy with her third skill and changes the purpose of her design from dot to debuffing. this also allows for more significant and faster game play


    thank you for your time

  7. ok so from my point of view there are 3 problems with saryn the first is the reduction to heath which can be ether compensated with an armor buff or rolled back.

    the second of problems is that the 3 ability combo decreases her "kill speed" in comparison to other frames and weapons. the third is that spite all the energy and using 3 skills there it is just so hard to make it worth it as it is easy for this combo to miss its mark so to speak. so how do we solve the second and third problem?


    simple bye bye miasma. i propose a new skill designed to synergies with her third skill. i call this skill germination strike.


    Germination Strike: Hits a single target turning that target into a living bomb stunning it for .5 of a second and slowing the targets movement speed. when killed the germinated target explodes dealing damage in a small radius and spreading all status currently on the target to all enemy's in a significantly larger radius.


    this new skill adds synergy with her third skill and changes the purpose of her design from dot to debuffing. this also allows for more significant and faster game play


    thank you for your time


    please post constructive feedback no arguing about whether or not she is good as is


    EDIT: to reflect Coatducks post

    EDIT2: i hate you Coatduck( re-posting in megathread)

  8. There are a lot of issues hiding specific items.

    Games do have things like hide helmet. But that easier since it covers an entire item type.

    To make it possible to hide seasonal items DE would have to ad an additional variable to all items.

    If anything an option to "hide face" currently the only holiday items removed I know of, are face items, mustache and bunny ears. The Arrows were a usable item and consumable. The holiday skins were skins and people don't seem to take offense to them like they do bunny ears. Everyone also forgets the candy cane, but w.e.

    A menu option to hide Face equipment would be the only reasonable thing DE would do.

    Personally I think leave the items as permanent options and tell the killjoys to deal. The fact is we already have items that aren't serious in the game, winter theme items, so leaving these as permanent isn't that big a deal. People think there will bunny ears everywhere but after a time many people will get tired of them and they won't be as common. Also to make them less common DE can add non holiday face items which many will choose over joke items

    I have seen so few things that the community suggests get implemented if DE where to do this it would prove the pessimistic nature of the statement i just made wrong and in doing so restore my faith in DE


    return the BUNNY


  9. Mine isnt about the RNG directly, but about fighting the RNG


    As I supported the Corpus in the Gradivus Dilemma, when Detron became obtainable as a harvester drop I felt it was a question of honour to get it, after waiting a month for the RNG and not getting a single part, I decided to go on the offensive: I got marked and began to join corpus missions wait for the time limit for the harvester to spawn and then abort and redo, again and again I wouldnt play any other mission until I got what I wanted. Idk how much time it took me, maybe two weeks, maybe a month, it felt like an eternity, I got the Detron, but since then I always try to remind myself that a game is a way to have fun, not to torture yourself.

    praise this tenno and speakith the truth

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