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Posts posted by AnApple

  1. Dont know if anyone else feels this way but in the image before Chroma rears back to breath fire (where he sort of glares at the camera all hunched over) he looks pretty intimidating imo if DE gets his animations right to convey something animalistic or powerful. I can see him growing on me.

    Not to mention that if his abilities are useful a lot of people will find it easier to ignore this 'ugliness'

    Not a fan of the melted crayons for 'scales' on my dragonframe though

  2. (A movie you say?) Rhino VS Mecha Rhino. Setting: Tokyo. Mecha Rhino will disguise himself as Rhino at first but real Rhino will find out. Mecha Rhino activates iron skin and kicks real Rhinos &#!. Then real Rhino gains the upper hand by getting Mag to use bullet attractor on him drawing Mecha Rhino towards him. The battle will climax with real Rhino ripping Mecha Rhinos head off ending with real Rhino prancing back into the ocean.

  3. Dont get me wrong I hate the random color system for my kubrow. Though I prefer utility to cosmetics i understand where peoples outrage are coming from. One of the most unique things about this game imo is player choice. We can color/personalize everything from our frames to our sentinels and make it our own. Those without plat can make due with the default color pallets but i know a lot of people who purchase color pallets to customize their gear even more. You have a good system going on DE, a system that a lot if people are happy with, dont go back on it. The fact that a random lottery of sorts that you have to pay plat for to change your Llamas fur pattern was even implemented makes me worried about the future.(To people upset with their current kubrow pattern you can go to. Arsenal. Companion loadout. Appearance. And you can cycle through A-B-C loadout to change your kubrows pattern to at least 2 other options although its a little buggy. It dies not work for making imprints though as far as i know)Apologies for my bad grammar i am typing on my phone.

  4. So i have to go to work in the morning, right around the time my kubrow should be maturing so i wont be able to go on adventures with it until later tomorrow night. A question to those people to the people with adult Llamas and imprints for them. How long does it take to create or scan imprints and is it basically like a copy of your entire kubrow or just specific traits like fur pattern and breed?

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