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Posts posted by Mr.Mango

  1. oh there's daopay for warframe?

    my account is linked to steam, is it possible for me to swap to whatever I want?


    Nope. And I cant use my mobile phone for steam, because mopay doesnt support my provider.

  2. The Tenno are gonna confront the USSC... kinda have too at this point but everybody saw that coming.


    The real confrontation is when you have a Tenno of the Old Order with the Current Era's Tenno that serve the Lotus in the same room.


    Well, if they really start fighting each other, Im concerned there will be not much left from Uruz squad.

  3. This Thread solves no purpose.


    OP should stop guessing things that are in the future, its still not clear if the Frost Prime will be an additional Frame with an extra slot with it or will be available as a reskin for all of us that already have Frost.


    Also, you got 50 plat when you started the game, thats enough for 2 more warframe slots, and 8 weapon slots is more then enough.


    Gonna contact a mod to lock and delete this Thread.

  4. Wow this is an issue since January and still not fixed?


    Im having this problem every time IF I can see my friends online. Most the time none of them are online, even if steam FL clearly says "X and Y are playing Warframe"...yeah, great...

  5. Oh please.  Chaos lasts 20 seconds at max level.  With duration enhancement it lasts 25 seconds.  This isn't infinite like it was before, but that's far from nerfed.  It's fixed.  It also prevents you from recasting Chaos early if there are any enemies affected by your first one still in range, so now it takes skill to use instead of just spamming the button whenever a new group of enemies approached.  This is not a nerf either, this is balance.  She's still perfectly viable, and I've made it past wave 20 on a defense mission with her on my team this evening with ease still.


    Nyx actually got buffed!  Absorb now has a base damage that ain't too shabby, capable of killing mid ranged enemies outright like most ultimates without taking a single hit.


    Not really but hey, at least I can start playing Mag, Volt, Ash and the others again that have their ulti do what?...Oh yes right, killing almost everything they can see.


    Guess we have to wait for another NERF THAT-Thread for them...

  6. I cant agree psychic bolts deal 125 dmg each + 30% from focus for total 162 armour ignoring dmg which is also multiplied by 3 against light infested. Now fire these 5 bolts at point blank range poof 2k dmg, sure 50 energy isnt cheap but for its damage it isnt that much either. The other problem is that it can be used reliably only at 20+ meters or point blank.


    Exactly, and I honestly dont want to sit infront of anything and make a cast for 2k damage, if I would want that I could use one of my underpowered shotguns.

  7. So, take her last ability that makes her actually useful away?


    First of all, 75 Energy is not "undercosted" thats a big investment if you're fighting a big group of enemys, expecially for such an Ability related Warframe like Nyx.

    Yes, Chaos is too strong, but what else do you have? Mind Control is useless because it doesn't work properly, same goes for Psychic Bolts. What have you left? Absorb? Not worth the 100 Energy.


    Bring in some constructive feedback on how you would make her other abilitys better or change them to compensate for a nerf on Chaos, instead of yelling "NERF THIS!" or "NERF THAT!".

  8. English isn't that difficult to learn, I'm german and I had it in school since I was 12. Was one of the worst in my class till I got interested in it 1 year ago, now Im at a point where I read most books in english, play most of my games in english and watch movies/series in english.


    German, french and other languages are much more difficult to learn then english is...Im right now trying to teach some Brits the difference between "der", "die" and "das" (which is the german equivalent to 'the')...that's going to take me more then a week. :P

  9. I can neither confirm nor deny this conclusion.


    Knowledge is power, hide it well.



    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

                                                   -Random Librarian


    Foolish are those who fear nothing, yet claim to know everything.

  10. Interesting Decisions. And can't say I agree with them. I would have thought we would see ppl like Ced23Ric whos active, an old member of the community and probably one of the most known Forumer. Not some random who joined 1 month ago the game, whom most of the forum don't know or respect.


    Again, bad decisions.


    Being an old member or respected because of all the time he spent in the forums, doesn't make someone a good moderator.

  11. Yea I have to agree. It kinda kills the immersion not being able to see anything of the specific Planet that you are doing the missions on.

    It also makes everything look the same (well, it is but you get what I mean.)


    However, right now it might be a bit too much to ask for, like streets, military bases on earth. Or specific atmosphere stations on Mars, Mercury or Venus. Or some kind of "Gas Giant Station" like in the Star Wars Movies.

    You need to keep in mind that there is not a team of 200 dev's working on this project, but I have hope that we will have these things ingame at some point in the future. :)

  12. I'd say the Debut was bad.


    The Glaive is an iconic weapon, it is something special. Maybe not for the 'mass' of Warframe Players, but for me it is. It is not a buyable skin with +/- or anything like that. It is the first weapon of it's category and for Dark Sector fans something like the number "117" for Halo fans.


    I think, what would've solved the problem very easy, is introducing this weapon as a 'Disk', well ,a sharp disc. Then you can buy a Reskin/rename that turns it into the Glaive. This Skin is available through Platinum or a..."Reward" (maybe?) for hitting, for example, rank 10.

    Nobody would have complained about that, it is work to get there but those who want to skip it and want the reskin now, can just buy it. It is a fair way of making sure that people who really, really want that skin can skip the leveling while the F2P-Players have to wait and put some efford in it and they'll get their reward. 

    But a reskin is not giving any advantages or disadvantages, it just adds a nostalgic factor to it.


    Now, we have the first weapon that is from release on buyable for Platinum and available through "?" alerts. To be honest, Im doing every day after I come back from the university 1 thing, open Steam and my Browser and just keep twitter in there and then I go and do something else. I can stop playing the game for a month, and if after this month, the Glaive BP appears, I can just log in and make a quick solo rush.

    Tada - Glaive is mine with 0 efford.


    The Alert system does need work, but I want to make 1 point clear, they should never, ever, mix up the "?" alert weapons with the cash shop, in my opinion.


    But what was the biggest mistake (again, in my opinion) was that they introduced this 'new' system, that you can skip the RNG-roulette and just buy it, with 'this' weapon.

    That was a huge mistake and is something they really should've thought about. The weapon was super hyped (Yes, I know, it might  was not intended by them, but thats how it works.) and people where excited for it, farming res and putting "efford" into getting the weapon. Of course there are people with 50k alloy and millions of credits who can get the weapon instant, but these are also the ones that want the manual reset, so it is not to blame on the Players, that a lot of people just craft every new weapon straight away. Still, most of them still have to farm for the materials.


    Like pre-posters already said, if they would've released more information about this may could've been less "shocking".


    Honestly, I think that the way we get "?" alert weapons needs a lot of work, I do not feel special for having all "?" alert weapons and I would not feel special if I would get the Glaive because I know exactly that 100 other people just got exactly the same because they were luckily enough to be online when the RNG-roulette said "Yes to the Glaive!".

  13. ...is disappointing.


    The Glaive issue has been beaten worse than a dead horse...


    The shotguns needed a nerf, but I feel damage drop off is a rather stupid way of going about it...widened cone of arc would be better and more realistic. Now, I'm doing what feels like half damage at 5m away.


    I've been noticing a lot of new UI bugs that cause me to have to restart the client to keep playing.


    The worst, by far, is the nerf to melee - unintentional or not. Now, ~50% of the time I get a kill with a power attack, I will be locked in an animation that stabs the ground and does nothing while wasting time and making the player more vulnerable.


    Agreed with all points, they went way too far with the Shotgun nerf and the Glaive is an unpleasant glimpse for the future.


    Haven't seen the bug yet because I started playing something else again, but sounds really damn annoying.

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