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Posts posted by Gymn

  1. Problem: Glitch in Questline

    Quest: Hidden Messages


    I currently own the Helmet, Chassis, and Systems of the Warframe Mirage. Before the first hotfix, I had rushed the Helmet and Systems in order to continue to progress along the storyline. However, after the Systems were completed, I was awarded with the Final Message with the game treating me as though I had received all 3 pieces including the Helmet, Chassis, and Systems. I managed to find the mission necessary to run to obtain the Chassis and built it along with rushing it just like the other two pieces. However, now it appears that I can no longer go to the mission necessary to get the Blueprint for Mirage. I have clicked on every single mission on the Star Chart expecting a "Find Mirage Blueprint" on one of them similar to how I found the Chassis, but to no avail as the quest appears to be completed.


    I have relogged, restarted my game, and even cleared and verified my cache, but it appears that there is no way to obtain the Mirage Blueprint for me.


    Edit: Never mind. BP was in the Marketplace. Miscommunication through the Questline.

  2. Out of the box implies modded for optimal use of their optimal late game abilities, i.e. Vauban modded for duration with the intention of using Vortex for CC and as a farming tool.

    Again, I agree with your sentiment, and it would hold water as an argument if more things were viable in Warframe, or at least on the level of usefulness of optimal builds. This isn't to say niche builds or offbeat builds can't be useful or viable, just not as much as the optimal build for each frame.

    By your same viral logic, I can mod Vauban for poison resistance and health with power strength and take a strong melee weapon to fight toxic ancients in Bastille (hyperbolic example of situational build, obviously your squad built around viral is more viable than this build), yeah it can work, but it's simply not as good as the generic (out of the box / optimal) build.

    Whist I agree with most of what you are saying, the only point I would like to make is the last statement you said is incorrect. Niche/Offbeat builds can in fact be just as effective, if not more effective, then what is defined as "Optimal." Because of the nature of the game and the generation of enemies, maps, players, accuracy, and so many other factors that cannot be quantified or accounted for in every situation to say one build is more effective than another is incorrect. The randomization of scenarios and the inability to know what is going to happen next is part of what makes the grinding repeatedly playable.

  3. My internet connection is fairly bad, I am posting from my phone and I accidentally double post some time, please excuse that. 

    Not a problem, but more to the point:

    The idea that you have said that Viral in and of itself is useless simply because it got changed reflects the whole concept of the list itself. You are talking about "out of the box usefulness" when the whole idea behind Warframe is the customization of characters. As I stated before, because of the modding capability "out of the box usefulness" can be thrown out the window. If the information you are giving people is based on a tiered list of veteran players than it is highly unlikely that these same veteran players would use the Warframe "out of the box." Not to mention in your disclaimer you said this reflects "end game" content.

    I shouldn't even have to go into the concept of end-game weaponry. That can be defined as just about anything. Simply because of the nature of the game to generate hundreds of different instances to say a single mechanic is "useless" reflects that your personal opinion is being unconsciously laden into the list.

    The simple matter is that while making a list is great passing it off as factual statements when the entirety of the results rests on the capability of the players you are running with, not even the idea that because it was composed from "Veteran Players", does not mean that it is always the case that this list will always be accurate.

    I don't mind that you composed a list based on personal opinion on the mechanics of the game. That is completely fine by me. I only have an issue saying that because you have that list it is factual.

  4. I had an idea similar to this about changing Psychic Bolt. Rather than have three bolts simply come out and strike the opponent I believe, because of the nature of Nyx, an impact based DoT could be placed on the three enemies that were impacted by Psychic Bolt. On top of this, perhaps each Bolt should have a small chance per impact to trigger a Mind Control. This idea would coincide well with the concept that Nyx is in fact capable of controlling enemies and scale well with all her other abilities. Mind Control for 1 enemy, Psychic Bolts to control up to 3, Chaos to CC them all, and finally Absorb to reap the rewards of the Chaos.

  5. I agree with you, if the list were based on some fleeting factor like "enjoyment" or "fun", but it is based solely on mechanical viability in various late game scenarios, for which certain frames are optimal, this is fact, not opinion. The only exception is Nekros, who is a top tier frame not because of any particular ingame relevance, but rather a meta relevance. Farming game, farming frame, simple as that.

    Your argument is sound in most cases, but there are specific instances where if modded correctly then most of that data can be null and void because of the bonuses given off by the Warframes themselves. Take for instance a group whom has 3 Corrosive Projections. Combined with a CC gun like the Amprex modded for Corrosive it would eliminate all armor as a result. In that particular case Saryn would shine simply because she can proc viral and reduce the entire enemy team to 25% of their original health and armor.

    While this is a sole instance, because of the nature of customization and coordination between team members it can render the testing not entirely accurate. These same type of instances can be reproduced with different Warframes and yield the same type of results that won't coincide with the testing and because of this stating a certain frame is optimal can be rendered null and void.

  6. I personally believe that while there are certain Warframes that can be optimized for certain scenarios the worst Warframe is the one that you find the least enjoyable. The game itself is about preference of playstyle and having someone tell you their opinion does not necessarily make that statement 100% fact. Listing off Warframes in a tiered list is still opinion. If you can make a Warframe work where most others have failed then there is all the more reason and challenge to use that frame.

  7. Perhaps the corrupted skills would have modified bonuses to the regular skill such as a Corrupted Contagion Skill adding additional power but at the cost of another vital component to the skill such as, in this case, reducing the duration of the Corrupted Contagion. This type of modified skill would allow for more diverse builds and better customization of your personal favorite Warframe.

  8. While the above poster makes some very valid arguments, I believe that Ash can be viable utilizing all of his powers. Granted yes, Shuriken don't damage anything above 25, but when you add in the up and coming reworks with melee 2.0 and the capability of Ash utilized as a melee stealth killer his smokescreen and teleport abilities can become utility. High level Gunner mowing down your teammates from far away? Teleportation combined with enemies' reaction to melee weapons now can result in some relief to your allies as they close in for the kill. Bladestorm of course is power based so if you wait until the Focus Specializations come out it is quite possible you will be able to buff Ash in some way shape or form and turn him into a high level killer. These are simply my speculations though.

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