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Posts posted by Kerher

  1. An auction house system is the way to go imo. A wall of chat is by all means a complete waste of my time. An auction house WILL lower the price of certain items, this is totally natural. Supply and demand dictates prices for items in the real world and in many games. There will be under-cutters but it was also keep people from getting horrifically scammed by spending 10x or more for an item than it's actually worth (I've seen coomon mods go for 100's of plat cause the newbie simply didn't know it was common).


    Please implement an AH but also keep the chat trading for 1:1 trades.

  2. Forgotten Oath is a brand new ghost clan looking for fun members of all skill levels and play styles (casual/hardcore).

    About Me: I'm a founder and a long time player. If you ever have questions or need help with anything I'm the first guy to jump at the chance. I'm caught in between casual and hardcore, depends on the day. I'm also fairly laid back, it's more about the journey than the destination.

    Members: I'm looking for like minded people who want to grow a community and not just a clan. There are no requirements to join but I do expect people to act kindly and maturely.

    Dojo: The layout is all planned out and I have almost all of the resources required to fully build the dojo (mostly missing forma's). Being a brand new ghost clan however, there is nothing complete and everything is a work in progress. The only constraint is time.

    VoIP: I do have a RaidCall if anyone is interested.

    Graphics and Designs: There will be opportunities for members to contribute and make graphical designs such as logos, banners, etc.

    There are currently no requirements to join. Feel free to leave any recruitment requests or questions below. You can also PM me in game, I'm frequently on.

    In Game Name(ign): Kerher


    -- Update 1 --

    We are currently full and building our dojo as quickly as possible!

  3. Multishot is a chance to shoot multiple projectiles at no cost to ammo.

    For example on the Paris with a 50% multishot. This would mean you have a 50% chance to shoot 2 arrows at once.

    If you have a 110% multishot that would mean you have a 100% chance to shoot 2 and a 10% chance to shoot 3.

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