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Posts posted by Clows-Hydee

  1. The exact same thing happened to me. The Exterminate turned into a hide and seek. 93/167 enemies at the extraction. We had to fly back all of the 45645045609 kilometers to the non-sharkwing part. Then we ran back and forth for another 5 minutes til all of the remaining enemies spawned, sometimes right in front of our eyes.


    This was the longest exterminate i have ever done, even surpassing my first t1 exterminate with an unranked seer back in my noobtimes.

  2. Merry Christmas, Tenno! I'm selling the following Arcane Helmets.


    Aura (Trinity) 190p


    Meridian (Trinity) 50p


    Chorus (Banshee) 150p


    Essence (Loki) 190p


    Gauss (Mag) 110p


    Hemlock (Saryn) 150p


    Phoenix (Ember) 110p


    Vespa (Nyx) 150p


    PM me here or ingame.

  3. Honestly I think the Spy Sorties are completely fine. They are kinda the only skillbased Sortie missions I have seen so far.

    Everything else gets roflstomped by our weapons and Warframe powers.
    I too, lost a few times in a Spy Sortie so far because of the puzzles but it was always my own fault.
    Can't confirm the lag, I play solo though, but with low framerates.

    Edit: I'm pretty sure the Grineer puzzles don't have a time limit, only an error limit. It fails if you press an already pressed thingie for the fourth? time.

  4. Is the moon tileset - which so far looks awesome - completed or will we be seeing more of it, especially some more outdoor areas, that many of us were hoping for, after seeing the concept art.

    By the way thanks DE for U18 and your passionate work in general, I love you.
    The new quest really touched me, I never expected Warframe would make me cry someday (aside from RNG of course). NO SHAME.

  5. I just had the same problem.
    Copying the game folder to another computer doesn't work and gets ignored. The Launcher wants to download everything again.
    The backup function from Steam is even worse. Not only will it not work but it will also destroy you current game files. So it creates exactly the opposite of a backup.


  6. Yup

    Dammit, ninja'd


    Impact: 5

    Puncture: 75

    Slash: 60

    Accuracy: 40

    Fire-rate: 4.2

    critical chance: 20%

    critical damage: 2x

    Status chance: 35%

    Magazine size: 20

    Reload speed: 2.5


    I hope this gets a balance pass before it comes to the global build.

    This overshadows the Attica so much, it's not even funny.

    More damage, higher firerate, same crit chance, but more crit damage, a lot more status, bigger magazine, faster reload.



  7. Good. I'm happy to report that the Venka is a Grineer weapon and not an Orokin weapon. Therefore there is never going to be a Prime version.


    As simple as that.


    I'm happy to report that you are wrong.

    This is what the official codex says: "Utilizing a new fighting stance, this Tenno weapon turns fists into claws and enemies into messy piles of meat and scrap metal."

    So yes, a Prime version of it would be fine.

    As simple as that.

  8. I don't notice anything. But I have noticed that a few of the rooms are a lot darker after the update. Maybe it's just me, but it's hard to see enemies and my suit flashlight refuses to activate.

    I agree, I noticed that too. It wouldn't be that big of a problem if all rooms would be similar, but some are a lot darker than others and especially the enemies are sometimes almost black. And I have normal brightness settings and all other tilesets are fine for me.

  9. 6xAgNbk.jpg




    I think the screenshots speak for themselves.

    Since U17 and your changes to the lighting of the Grineer Galleon tileset the transitions between the rooms are  screwed. The colors don't match.
    The screenshots are just some examples, I could provide 172794 more; just went to terminus for a few seconds to gather examples; it's all over the tileset.

    Why aren't there more reports of it? Am I missing something?  Is it a problem on my end?
    It's been almost two months now, it looks extremely ugly in my opinion and this is one of the first tilesets new players see.

  10. I was doing a Survival mission on Uranus with two other players.

    We all go down eventually, host has no revives left and the other player can not revive too or doesn't want to.


    No problem, I have 4 revives.

    But here comes the first bug:

    I am stuck at 53% and just won't die, therefore i cannot revive. This isn't the first time this has happened to me or other players. And if I remember correctly it's always at 53%.

    Still no problem, I can just crawl to the extraction, will take a while but will work, right?

    Nope, second bug (or intended?), door ignores me and doesn't open.

    At this time we are already at 0% oxygen.

    I try to open the menu to screenshot our rewards, but it won't let me.

    So now we decide that the host alt+f4s his game so a migration happens, my revive hopefully works again and he can join the aborted mission so he still gets the rewards.

    Migration works, I can revive, immediately die again because I start with 5 life because no oxygen, now third player finally revives and runs to the extraction.

    Next and final bug: suddenly the mission fails while I still have 3 revives and the other player is running to extraction.

    I saved my EE.log if this is any help.

  11. I agree that it needs a buff.
    But not that much actually.

    A maxed Ignis already kills everything faster than you can say Clem til level 20-25 or so.

    Of course you can argue that a Lato can do the same, but a Lato doesn't kill two dozen enemies at once.

    I dare to say there is no other weapon in the game that comes even remotely close to the killspeed of the Ignis in low to mid-levels. Especially with sinister reach.
    If you just take out trashmobs with it and complement it with something like the Marelok for heavies, you can take it to more high-level stuff.

    And with Ember and an Accelerant-build it's viable for endgame.

    I think a status buff would be perfect for more crowd control capabilities. So it will be the king of low levels like it already is, but also a lot more viable for high levels and also more viable without 5 Formas and a maxed Heavy Caliber.
    Damage should be buffed only a little, otherwise it would be too strong considering its room-clearing capabilities.

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