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Posts posted by Tahaneira

  1. So there I was, spamming Plains Assassination missions in hope of getting the mythical rare mods. I reach the last stage, kill the stooges, and an Aerial Commander spawns in his Dargyn. He look at the chaos, sees my Nekros rampaging around slaughtering Grineer with his undead pets, and apparently decides that he doesn't want to be involved in this.

    So he leaves.


    He just flies off the map and parks on the far side of a hill, preventing me from reaching or shooting at him. Needless to say, I failed that mission.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Buff00n said:

    Whoops!  Sorry, buddy, I totally missed missed yours.  

    It doesn't matter anyway because I can only make one of those work.

    Run Rabbit Junk (Stand Alone Complex): Mandachord (Original)

    (Probably more wrong than usual, but I had to stop because the DailyMotion player tends to blast my ear with static when I rewind a lot).

    Yeah, sorry about that. It isn't on YouTube for some reason, just a bunch of scenes where it's the soundtrack.

    I continue to recommend songs that don't work with the mandachord! But one worked eventually. Thank you! :D

  3. I've noticed that when playing Syndicate Infested Rescue missions, the alarms will be tripped in the prison even when I'm nowhere near the lasers. Often they'll go off when I'm popping the airlocks looking for the target. I know it isn't other players, because I always play solo, and if, by some miracle, the syndicate operatives reach the prison alive I always tell them to wait outside. It's getting pretty irritating.

    Also, please make it so that the Taxon uses Molecular Conversion on alerted targets and not suspicious ones; it's busted some of my spy runs that way.

    Also also during Syndicate Infested Exterminate transmissions from Mutalist Alad V Assassination will play throughout the level.

  4. The Valkyr's Bonds syndana cannot be equipped.


    Who: Valkyr

    What: Cosmetics bug

    Where: Liset, and everywhere else.


    Reproduceable: It's a constant bug. I noticed the bonds were missing from the Valkyr, so I went to the equipment screen and they weren't listed as an option. They're still in my inventory and the market confirms I still own a set, they just won't show up as an option to equip.

  5. I just noticed this in the archwing alert. Does anyone know if this only happens to the host? I was hosting at the time.

    I tried it hosting, not hosting, and running solo. It does the same thing no matter which way you run it. Every other Elytron ability works, and so far as I can tell so does Odinata.

  6. I'm interested in joining your clan; I'm currently part of one, but sadly, I'm the only active member, so I'm looking to move on. I'm pretty experienced, active at least once a week, usually far, far more, and I have a TeamSpeak account. I'm not very good at/dislike PvP (one may be the cause of the other) and I do like to play on my own sometimes, but I like working in teams and teaching less experienced players if need be. My in-game name is the same as the one here.


    Looking forward to hearing back. :)

  7. 127 in one room = 127 at the same time = harder unless your a press 4 to win person :D look at it that way

    Extra challenge is fine, until they manage to eat through my health and shields before I can fire five bullets even with Iron Skin on, because my computer can't handle eighty Grineer, forty Corpus (including Shield Ospreys, can't forget them), and, in one memorable match, a platoon of Moa Eximus (because the Perrin Sequence delights in my pain) in the same room.

  8. So I'm going about my business, trying to piss off Ruk enough to send the Grustrag Three after me. I go to Valaca, Europa to fight for the Corpus when I notice something.


    The Grineer are slackers.


    Every time I played, I would run through the entire map without encountering a single enemy. And then, once the last three rooms were reached, all one hundred and twenty seven enemies would spawn in a single, laggy, glitchy mess.


    I guess their victories with the Balor ships have made them overconfident?

  9. So yeah. I'm not well-equipped enough to take on the Archwing mission solo, and I'd like to have Limbo sooner than a month. I think I can handle the Excavation missions solo, so I just need some people to help me farm nine fragments. It would be greatly appreciated.


    EDIT: Found someone who could help me out, got enough fragments now.

  10. Yeah, that ones is a pain, someone i was playing with found a way to glitch out of that room, but I couldn't figure it out. Otherwise you need a warframe with an ability like valkyrs rip line, excaliburs super jump, or vaubans bounce pad.



    Managed to find a way into that pillar location.


    There is an entrance hole higher up the knot of branches that can be reached by traversing a long branch that starts in a side alcove near the pillar.


    Go to to the alcove jump on a large box and face the wall, wall run and back flip onto over head branch (can take several attempts).  Walk along branch until at cache and jump down.


    But once inside you may get stuck there as the the branch is to high to get back onto.  So you can grab the cache but not get back out.  Would probably need Super Jump with Excalibur to get out.


    Or if in a group on the way back after all the mission objectives are complete one of the players goes in to get the cache while other players go to the extraction point to end the game.

    If it's the same room I'm thinking of, you can get out of it without a mobility power. It's possible to go into a horizontal wall run from a vertical one; run up the wall until you're higher than the branch, then, while you're backflipping to the other wall, turn your camera at an angle to the wall instead of facing it head on. Get the right angle and you'll run along the wall instead of up it like normal. You can still overshoot and fall back into the area, but it's perfectly possible to get out with any 'frame. I soloed Gate Crash a bunch of times with Rhino and only got stuck in there when I glitched.


    Hope that helps.


    (Out of curiosity, is there an official time to how long a thread must be unreplied to before it's considered 'dead'?)

  11. This is a small suggestion however it's an embarrassment that it hasn't been fixed.

    How many times have you or a teammate accidentally gone into a mission with a dragon key and either had to restart or play the mission handicapped?

    This is a simple no-brainer: Disable dragon key effects outside of Orokin Derelict maps.

    Or remember to take it off before you start your mission? That's just you being forgetful, not a fault of the dev team. I actually know people who run non-OD missions with Dragon Keys if they feel like adding some extra challenge.

  12. This probably isn't an original idea, but it's one that's been turning over in my head for about a week now and it won't leave me alone until I put it out in the world. The basic idea is what it sounds like: an invasion event featuring the Corrupted, the only faction who don't have one of their own.



    Vay Hek's void portals were a failure, the Tenno smashing and destroying every one they found. However, both the Grineer and the Corpus saw potential value in the technology, and secretly began building test facilities for more efficient portals across the Origin System. However, this activity attracted attention from the Void, and the neural sentries watching over the surviving towers saw an opportunity: a near endless supply of fresh troops. Displaying never before seen power and initiative, the sentries began to force open the portals from the other side, and the Corrupted poured through, capturing all who were suitable for conversion and killing the rest.


    Normally, the Tenno would be happy to let their enemies rot, but this sudden change in behavior from the neural sentries was troubling. Concerned over what other new behaviors may emerge if the Corrupted numbers grow too great, the Lotus ordered the Tenno to respond quickly to any such raids, and to prevent the Corrupted from increasing their numbers by any means necessary.



    The event would be close to an infested invasion event, but with a twist. Instead of the raid starting in one area and slowly spreading, being beaten one node at a time, the portals will open in one node and the Corrupted will instantly spread to all nodes in two or three layers around it. All nodes can be played at any time, but progress will be slow on 'interior' nodes; once the outer nodes are cleansed of Corrupted forces, the Tenno can start working on pushing them out of the others. Once the origin node is the only one left, the Tenno can start shutting down the portals themselves.


    Game types would probably be the standards: going through an area to clear out Corrupted hunting parties, protecting Corpus and Grineer barracks from waves of raiders, attacking Corrupted territory to free or kill groups of prisoners before they can be transported to the Void and turned into Corrupted themselves. Once you reach the portal areas, it would probably be Gate Crash lite; go into the facility, fight through waves of Corrupted to their origin portal and shut it down. Rinse, repeat. It could be mixed up by going through the portal to complete side objectives first: last-ditch killing of Corrupted victims before conversion can be completed, taking advantage of an opportunity to gain unique intel on the Towers, trying to sabotage the sentries' systems, etc. Maybe after a certain number of matches there could be a boss encounter, an Orokin guard system, or some kind of super-strong Corrupted. Anyways, once a certain number of portals are shut down, the Corrupted raid is thwarted and things go back to normal. At least, until some other genius decides to build another portal facility.


    There was also the idea that Corrupted raids could overlap with Infested outbreaks, but I haven't sorted out how that mess would work.


    New Units

    The Corrupted need some fresh blood. Maybe this event would introduce Corrupted versions of more than just the standard troopers plus Fusion MOA and Gunners. But it would also be a chance to include new units, automated units from the Orokin days that are being reactivated for this special occasion.


    The only one I've really fleshed out is the Trapper. The design is essentially a walking metal skeleton fitted over a cage big enough to hold a heavy unit. It would plants traps across the map, strong enough to capture a Grineer or a Corpus, but only an annoyance to a Tenno. When something wanders into one of the traps, the Trapper goes over and tries to scoop it into its cage. If it's a worthy target, the Trapper goes into another room and comes back with an empty cage. If the target is unsuitable (say, a Tenno) the Trapper will simply try to crush it to death.


    So that's the idea. It's not fully fleshed out yet, I'm probably going to modify it quite a bit now that I can actually see it written out.


    Thoughts? Suggestions?

  13. So, I decided to finally get around to building Loki. I checked Psamathe and saw that, as usual, no one was playing it. So I qeued up a match and sat back to read a book while waiting for others to join. About five minutes later I heard the countdown timer, so I eagerly went back to the game, only to find that I was all by myself. No one had joined, no one was with me, I was apparently trying to take on the Hyenas by myself (which I am not equipped to do).


    So what was that? Was it a glitch? Or is it a feature I've never run across, that if you wait too long to start a match the game auto-starts it for you?

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