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Posts posted by Snowi

  1. If you've gotten stuck because of this bug, here's how to beat it :D! You know the bug where you enter the speed room with a main door in front of you and one either side that open upon completion later. If you don't go through the door before it closes you can't open it again but the marker for starting the room still shows somewhere inside :D I haate leaving missions so this was my answer to it!

    tl;dr just leaving the mission and starting again is the only other way/muchh faster~

  2. *Sigh* Firstly, thanks for all the hard work on all this new stuff and can't wait for the new story parts! I don't usually login and comment but here goes.. And, well, you can skip the rest of this comment cause it's just another disappointed reply from here.

    When you say you're gonna hotfix something later in the week, something that gives unique, unobtainable content you can't get any other way ever again, and then you patch it early.. A lot of us might feel sorta disenfranchised. Yes I'm complaining about pet abominations.

    They're not a game-breaking, advantageous item, just cosmetic nightmare fuel. Can't get one now.

    Yes it was a glitch, we know, but so much other stuff coulda been fixed instead of pulling that rug out from under us early. I feel super lucky I didn't spend plat yet on dna to rush some before mid week or I would feel cheated on top of that. Had been trying to farm dna but gave up after 20+ scans with not a single one. You woulda had my plat and probably a good few others.

    Still love the game but a lot more wary. Don't understand that decision making when you had told us we had time. Lucky console users have advanced warning, like every time something awesome can be obtained, glitch, baro or otherwise.

    No need to say more really.

    Keep up the good work but yeap.

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