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Posts posted by (PSN)Skarpar

  1. This also doesn't touch clearly-functioning-as-intended-but-terrible-design-changes things, like how if I use the Ogris, its once-red Charge targeting reticle has turned a pale, translucent white color that is pretty much impossible to see in snowy environments.

    That'd be a good thing for a customizable option, even - crosshair options and colors. But I digress, no?

    I believe the change in the crosshairs was part of the HUD update and there has been numerous comments about it being unsuitable at times (I believe), cannot recall off the top of my head whether a more recent patch alters this or whether its here to stay (for the moment, as you never know what may change).

    edit: clarified a point

  2. At least this is a hot fixable issue i would believe.


    This made me chuckle, a hotfix on the PS4 - this doesn't happen as we'd have to get a hotfix made, send it to cert and then we can get it :-) .


    BTW I mean no offence just am at work and anything that can give me a chuckle while on nights is a good thing.

  3. I'm a UK based tenno and about fairly regularly although I work shifts so when I'm on changes over a three week schedule, but send me a message I'll be happy to run missions/voids/mindless extermination.

  4. When I log-in onto the site and try to click any of the links on the site, for example: to the twitch stream, I'm redirected to sony's website, whereas if I follow the links while logged out then I can follow them as normal (and get to where I want).


    I assume that this is an issue that doesn't affect the PC players but has anyone else encountered this problem?

  5. also in update 11.5 do we get harvester weapon wen we kill him?

    For killing the stalker you have a chance of getting bp of the Stalker's weapons (hate, despair or dread) and its merely a change of him appearing in a mission not a sure thing. Had one occasion where he killed me in two consecutive missions (both solo) then I didn't see him for at least a week.

    To get the harvester's (or Harvey to some) weapon (or parts/bp) you have to kill the harvester, and his appearance rate will be buffed in U12.

  6. Also, if you are looking for the harvester for later, complete an invasion supporting the grineer to the point of getting battle pay (5 invasion missions essentially), then just run random corpus missions until he spawns.

    Supporting either Gineer OR Corpus until you get battle pay means you can be targeted by Harvey. At least in the next update you should be able to tell if you're death marked or not.

  7. I am getting really sick of PC players having access to content I'll never be able to use. Legendary cores are yet another example.


    If you watched the latest PrimeTime then i believe it was mentioned that this won't be the last time we see Legendary Cores in the game so it's likely that they are due to be released at some point but PC players are being compensated with these due to cost involved in ranking up Steel Core (I think it was that one) to max while it was oddly buffed (up in rank rather than a % increase in rank - which it is now).

  8. I think, but am not sure, that it's to do with the news linking to websites thats the issue on the PS4, however that being said I think it would be useful even if there were no links present just a notification being said and then informing us that we should check forums for further information.

  9. I assume that it will start the event on release day (just like oberon and the cierco) 


    Poor corpus.. they invent something.. and get hunted for it.. while we ignore those pesky grineer who dont make anything new n' shiny D:


    The funny thing is that, if the wiki is true, you can be deathmarked by the Harvester by supporting Corpus or Grineer for 5 invasion missions - to be hunted you just have to play against corpus in any standard mission - it doesn't have to be in an invasion mission.


    However, I put my hand up to say I happily slaughter Corpus most of the time - mainly because their rewards aren't as appealing as those of the Grineer.

  10. So does that mean we miss Operation Oxium Espionage? Or will it run like the Cicero Crisis did for a set length of time before recieving the same rewards as the PC side did, provided we pass of course :-D .(The new Aviator Mod and a 3-Day Affinity Booster).

    Plus those corpus will be taking another hit as players start farming that Oxium for the new weapons.

  11. Just playing a tower exterminate and finished when I was logged out. Now I seem to be unable to log in and I am told I need a warframe account to play. Is anyone else suffering from this at the moment? I'm in a party chat with others any they're suffering from the same issue.

    Does anyone know whether the servers are down ATM?

  12. Found this a pain to complete - easiest way I found was to switch 'Jump' and 'crouch/slide/roll' and equip 'acrobat' and 'wall run' using Trinity (the frame I was currently leveling - plus the two polarity slots helped), used soma for weapon choice and passed the second time with this loadout (the first time I made stupid mistakes due to being used to a different button configuration).


    Good luck with the test

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