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Posts posted by FearsomeWarrior

  1. There is a higher range on the northeast out from Cetus. From there is a tiny tallest topographical point on the south end of that range with a flat rock outcropping and one of those giant force field generator towers. Standing on the rock outcropping aim at the funny bushy tree and go for it. You should slide down and thread the needle through a flat rock wall. If you get through that and continue down you will get the achievement at the last second as you hit a rock in some water.

    I did use Nehza with all three Slide/Friction mods. Hope this helps somebody.

    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/btRFO


    The location facing the direction you will be sliding. See the player arrow in the map? Its small but its there.


    Aim at this funny tree:


    The rock you will slide through:


  2. Many of us want to see Ducat value at end of mission reward screen. That seems to be a requirement at this point. I have a freaking printed out sheet to look up and the 10 seconds often screw me from making a informed decision.

    This pales in comparison to not knowing if you have an item or not. Please DE give us a indicator showing how many of the item we already have in our inventory. Thank you.

  3. 1 minute ago, CarrotSalad said:

    Very sad i cant bring casual friends on void farming anymore. Why not just remove projections altogether? or just have it 1 projection for 4 rewards? The way its been changed now it punishes us if our friends are all working off different schedules and time to play. I can picture some of my more fussy(casual) friends quitting over this :(

    It actually sounds terrible and a huge nerf to me.

    The least they could do is keep current system up alongside it.

    Bring your friend to any mission that drops Projections. Problem solved? Anyone doing Mercury to some success should have done the defense mission there.

  4. 43 minutes ago, Nijyumensou said:

    well ,there...are locked room....other than the infested ones...or maybe i have yet to unlock it...
    or they can maybe revamp the spaceship size along with the new major update XD

    The locked 'rooms' are airlocks to connect to other ships. The infested growth is a lump on the side of your ship leaking in through the only weak-point in the hull.

  5. Banshee is what I want and chronologically was over-taked by Vauban. So she is up next unless there is some horrible accident.

    Magnus Prime and/or AK Magnus Prime.

    Galatine Prime. I think everybody wants it. No question there.


    Why you noobers bringing up non Tenno weapons? You can't Prime a Jat Kittag silly scum.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Magnulast said:

    I'm getting sick and tired of these, BLESS NERF INCOMING.

    LoR? JV? 

    Nope, it won't. I'm perfectly fine as is, even if Blind mirage and Bless trinity is removed.

    It makes the game better. 

    It finally removes two stupid jobs, and frees up for more creative use.

    Players like me actually have skill and focus on killing targets and using other abilties rather than just relying on two.

    It will teach players that you'd actually need to fight instead of relying on cheap builds to get you out of trouble.

    Love it. We can actually play the game? Yes please.

  7. 1 minute ago, Flackenstien said:

    **My thoughts:**    

    Excal and Valkyr's changes definitely seem like good ways to balance these powers. Exact values may need tweaking, but that's expected.  

    Ash's Ulti needs more interactivity, making you work a bit more for the massive damage.  

    Trinity's Ulti completely overshadows her entire kit, barring Energy Vampire.   
    It could use a toning down, but with an added utility.  
    For example:    
     Now has a range limit.  
     Heals over time instead of instant. (Damage reduction stacks with each heal over time, making that less instant too.) 
     Decently reduced duration for the damage reduction.  
     Can now pick up downed allies within range.   
    Well of Life really should be Trinity's go-to healing skill, and Link aught to be worth using outside of when you don't feel like spamming Bless.

    Ideally I'd like to see Blessing tilted more towards helping Tenno survive a rough battle by giving heal over time with matching damage reduction boost over time, being more like an actual "blessing" than a cure-all godmode.   
    The added utility of something like letting it revive would make up for it not being infinite range and instant speed. (Ideally it would still have a very large radius though, maybe enough to heal Tenno a couple map tiles over.)  

    Well of Life could get a range buff (with heal reducing with range), and the Augment could use a rework. Pool of Life would be pretty neat if it instead made X enemies within range of the initial target also be suspended as Wells upon cast. Adding to CC and total heal capabilities.   

    Each Link chain could have the ability to connect to allies before hopping over to an enemy, giving the damage redirection to very nearby allies too. Giving her more support utility and making up for Blessings reduced duration.   

    Energy Vampire would need some balance adjustments too. It's simply infinite energy.  
     Maybe have its Energy replenish negatively scale with how much Energy a Tenno has. Warframes with over 50-75% Energy would receive little, but frames with 0-25% Energy could shoot all the way up.  
     The Energy returns could go down with how much damage the target takes too, having less overall returns when you kill the enemy to rush it for Energy, and higher returns when you let it cook.

    I love your post.

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