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Posts posted by ----Shadowless----

  1. First off, since you are attempting to build around Nova's Molecular Prime you will need a basic overview of what and what does not affect the skill: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Molecular_Prime


    Build A - Speed Nova:




    Duration is what affects both the 'range' or how far the molecular prime spreads as well as how long it affects the enemies. Range just affects the AoE of the explosion that results from killing the primed enemies.

    Thus, glancing at the mod setup the only 'required' mods for a speed nova would be:
    - Primed Continuity
    - Narrow Minded
    - Overextend

    Every other mod on the build is just for personal preference.

    I use:
    - Natural Talent: Because it just makes the game flow more smoothly for me.
    - Primed Flow: Because as a Zenurik user, energy is constantly being supplied and thus it is nice to be able to have a storage for it.
    - Quick Thinking: Syncs well with Primed Flow.
    - Handspring: Same reason as Natural Talent.
    - Stretch: To increase the range of the explosions.

    Note: I mainly use speed nova to pretty much speed up every easy defense/survival, with easy being either 40 waves/minutes or under of ODD/S or Void Defense/Survivals or Sorties.


    Build C - Slowva:




    Duration is what affects both the 'range' or how far the molecular prime spreads as well as how long it affects the enemies. Range just affects the AoE of the explosion that results from killing the primed enemies.

    Thus, glancing at the mod setup the only 'required' mods for a slowva would be:
    - Primed Continuity
    - Narrow Minded
    - Blind Rage (R4)

    [ You could replace Blind Rage (R4) with an Intensify AND a Power Drift, but I think mobility trumps all. ]

    Every other mod on the build is just for personal preference.

    I use:
    - Streamline: Because it remedies some of the efficiency lost due to Blind Rage.
    - Primed Flow: Because as a Zenurik user, energy is constantly being siphoned and thus it is nice to be able to have a storage.
    - Quick Thinking: Syncs well with Primed Flow.
    - Escape Velocity: Vroom.
    - Stretch: To increase the range of the explosions.

    Note: I exclusively use slowva for LoRs, thus the Escape Velocity, however you could replace it with whatever you want.

  2. To answer your question succinctly: Max Range + Good Duration / Effiency + Low Strength.


    Here's my build at the moment:



    I'll list the stats here so you don't have to keep bouncing between tabs to look at the images:
    Power DUR - 245
    Power EFF - 130
    Power RNG - 175
    Power STR - 70



    First and foremost, I would like to state that I only invested a single forma because we still don't really know if his second skill will undergo changes in the near future, seeing as it is new and all. Who knows? It could get a lot better, but in any case, I built this Vauban around his Bastille. One of his more popular and reliable skills.

    There are many ways to build Vauban, however you specifically asked one that fits in LoR / JV.

    In LoR, Vauban is pretty much used to cc the enemies (obviously), however what makes him pretty special (in my opinion) is that his Bastilles can net scorpions. And if you ask any LoR player, they will tell you that scorpions are probably one of the most annoying units in that raid due to their ability to just hook you off the pad, whereby restarting the pad stage or even just ending the mission if you were hijacking in nightmare.

    With all that being said, I think range is extremely important because you want to capture enemies before they can even enter firing/hooking range. However, I also think duration is as equally important as range.

    The following paragraph will detail why I did what I did, but feel free to skip it:

    In an ideal LoR, you would just be a Vauban who throws bastilles anywhere and everywhere. And by ideal, I mean a raid where you are not required to stand on a pad. Sadly however, we don't always get to play LoRs where everyone is on-point and nothing goes wrong. Maybe someone disconnects or maybe someone has no experience, but whatever the case is, you know you should stand on a pad during the hijack, else fail the mission. When these circumstances do arrive, do you wish to be the Vauban that has 23s bastilles surrounding your allies' pads? Or the Vauban that has 37s bastilles? I opted for the 37s, even if my range suffers a little bit, I find it more than big enough to catch enemies before they can even see people on their respective pads.

    You guys might be worried about that abysmal 70% strength, but trust me, it's more than enough since you get to catch up to 8 enemies in one bastille. Furthermore, due to streamline, each bastille only costs 52.5 energy which means you can and even should throw 2 to 3 bastilles in each location.

    - In regards to the last slot, you can slot whatever you want, as you wait for the possible changes DE will make to his second skill.
    - Might be wondering what's so special about netting scorpions, so I will give a quick answer: Mirage's Blind is only a hard cc for the first 4s, after that the enemies can and will move/perform actions LIKE scorpion hook. You can't really expect a mirage to constantly blind every 4s because sometimes that just isn't possible, whether it be due to the lack of energy, or perhaps they are hacking a panel, or just distracted. Whatever the case may be, it's better to perform at your best and not rely on others too much to achieve the objective. :D
    - If you have further questions, I will be happy to answer them.

  3. As Wopel stated, damage types DO make a difference.

    In saying that, I found it tiresome to constantly switch weapon configurations before each mission.

    What I do now is have my primary with corrosive and heat, as I find that works best for general play, with my secondary as viral and heat.

    Note that, this is just for the 'A' configs of primaries and secondaries.

    I also sometimes have a config C on the weapon for specific loadouts.

    Notable examples that come to mind at the moment include:
    - Bladestorm Ash Loadout: Body Count + Viral Karyst
    - Bless Trinity Loadout: Primed Bane of Grineer + Radiation Lex (Mainly for LoR[NM]) | Toxin Glaive Prime
    - Spore Saryn Prime Loadout: Gas Status Lanka | Gas Status Hikou

    And even fun ones like:
    - Laser Show Secura Dual Cestras


  4. 9 hours ago, ViSo36 said:

    My build is pretty different:

    52% Duration

    175% Efficiency

    160% Range

    185% Strenght

    Thats for a 740dmg on a 24m range, with only 1.14 energy/s. Which in my opinion is much better.

    Can be improved, because I dont have installed Primed Continuity and I have both Vitality and Redirection.

    Changing redirection for Overextended the numbers are 500dmg on a 37.5m range with the same 1.14 energy/s. Which is still much better than Shadowless first build. (( +dmg +range and - energy/s ))

    It might be because you and I have different play styles. When I play a frame, I try to push it to its maximum limit.

    So in this context, if your ember can have close to 100% energy for the duration of the mission, then it is pretty clear that she can be further pushed. That's why I implement blind rages into my build, even if the runs don't go beyond two C rotations.

    I took the liberty of trying to mod for your stats, this is what I think you had in mind/is your build:


    As mentioned before, this is probably a better ember if you don't have arcanes, due to its more 'energy efficient' state. But it doesn't have firequake, nor firewalker. :(

    Or maybe this build isn't your build, however let's assume that the above build is yours.

    The only issues I have with this (note that these issues do not apply to everyone) are, the lack of:

    - Primed Flow

    - Firewalker

    - Firequake


    To me, playing primed frames without Primed Flow, is wasting a lot of potential energy that you could've had from interacting with orokin orbs, or just picking it off the ground. It is also a waste to me because I have an Arcane Energize set on my Ember Prime's helmet, so there is a lot of energy waste just from that. However, if you don't play with an energize set on your Ember Prime or abuse the orokin orbs, then feel free to use ViSo's build.

    Ember Prime without firewalker is sad. :(

    However, I know not everyone likes bullet jump mods, but I feel is you're going to play ember through alerts and captures/exterminates, you might as well move fast.


  5. 2 hours ago, Fluttershy750 said:

    what is that mod energy conversion?

    Energy Conversion

    Basically: Energy Conversion is a Warframe mod that increases Power Strength for the next ability cast after picking up an energy orb. At max rank it gives a bonus 50% power strength. (Essentially another Transient Fortitude, but without the duration loss.)

  6. ssBcIlz.png

    This is my sweeper prime build (comes with Carrier Prime).

    I mainly build it for status alongside damage. The best elemental combinations for cc are undoubtedly blast with electric. I mean, sure you could have viral status, and other status effects, but I've found this works best due to it having the most 'scaling'. You could remove point blank and vicious spread for other +status chance mods, but I like this balance, and it has yet to fail me.

    My build is similar to those already mentioned in the posts above, however what makes mine stand out is... I provided an image! :3

    Note that this sweeper works best on carrier due to its limited range.

  7. JQ9w9Ug.png


    So basically, this is what I recommend for a 'go-to' Ember Prime build.

    For me, I usually play Ember when I am rushing through exterminates, whether it be void keys or alerts, meaning the enemies are fairly weak. Other times, would be half-afking in an ODD or T1/2/3 Survivals (and extracting at 20mins solo.)

    Now, onto the build...

    Naramon due to the vast majority of USEFUL auras that possess this polarity, but in this case I just switch between: Enemy Radar and Corrosive Projection.

    As aforementioned, this particular ember is just used for low-leveled missions, and thus you tend not to stay in any mission beyond two C rotations.

    Anyone who has ever played Ember, knows she doesn't scale particularly well relative to most frames. HOWEVER, if you still wish to bring her beyond the two C rotations, you can do so with... Firequake! This augment allows you to constantly cc the surrounding area, if only one enemy at a time.

    I always try to throw in a Primed Flow, because I don't think you can ever have too much energy, especially on a energy-hungry frame like Ember.

    Energy Conversion is always a great choice on frames with toggle-abilities because it gives the toggled ability an extra 50% power strength until it ends.

    Firewalker is there because... Ember is fire.

    ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

    However, if you're more interested in a more 'effective' build, you can look at the following build...




    This build drains energy at 3.46 energy/sec. So I can understand how many will shy away from this. However, this energy drain doesn't really affect me, because I possess an energize set. Even with a set ranked at level 2, the drain is barely noticeable. I also don't implement mods that improve hp/shields, because I know I won't be bringing her into a game beyond two C rotations.

    If you compare this build, and the one listed all the way at the top, the only difference is that instead of Vitality, I have a Blind Rage.

    If you have anymore questions, I am happy to answer them.

    With Ember, you want to use weapons that have +heat damage. For example, you want weapons with the combination of: Corrosive/Viral + Heat, in order to maximize accelerant's effect. You also don't want to constantly spam accelerant.

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