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Posts posted by Warpath666

  1. got into a pug to do a capture. we had a decient team going 4 charged lures and all. nocked out all 4 limbs and started on head. next thing i know host leaves (says he cant. cant what???) and we all migrate. np right?? NO! We lost all four lures and no more respawn in place of them so we had to finish it off and lost out on full capture....

  2. On 10/12/2017 at 9:08 PM, Rekalty said:

    Please fix Drone getting stuck/not moving at all while escorting it, had two missions so far where the drone would just stop moving, Lotus telling me that another wave is attacking it, over and over and over, spawning more and more enemies, but drone is doing jack all to move towards the extract. Spend a good 5 minutes defending it before I just  jumped off a cliff, still hearing Lotus yelling at me about another wave spawning. And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one. But I digress.

    had one of these start up. started quest about 400m away from drop off point, damn robo... took me 700m further (1100-1200m +/-) away from drop off and refused to move.

  3. farmed 4 days 3-4 hrs a day

    2 full miter (need trigger for 3rd)

    1 full ash set (could make 3 more if i got more nuroptic bps)

    1 full valk set (could make 2 more missing systems bps)

    1 full equinox set (could make 1 more just need day something bp)

    1 full hydro set (only have 1 extra bp)

    1 full saryn set (could make more with system bps ran i think 12-15 times solo)


    saryn is what took the longest. got miters valk and ash in 1 day hydro and equinox in one day.

    on my to do list is to get

    nekros (betting on atleast 3 days)

    seer (a day at most)

    vaub (waiting on nuroptics mission)

    and im done farming parts and i can go back to mutagen farming =(



    all about rng, just remember only have a 22% chance for systems drop


    Component blueprints drop from Kela De Thaym (Merrow, Sedna)

    The probability distribution of the parts is 38.72%, 38.72%, 22.56% for Neuroptics, Chassis, Systems as it is for most boss-rewarded Warframe components, with an expected required number of tries to obtain each at least once of 7.

  4. only thing i can say is i have and use extractor, extractor prime and distill extractor. have reg on phob, prime on saturn and distill on eris. saturn and phob i get common mostly, some uncommon and rare rarely. distill are suppose to help get rare not so rarely. lol, yea right. in about every 20 runs with them i get 12 common, 7-8 uncommon and 1-2 rare. not to long ago (nov i think) i was getting the detonite ampule on saturn 5/10 and cells 3/10 and 1/10 for each of the others. think they nurfed them.i get about the same drop from distillers as i do regular. thinking i want my credits back, they can have my distiller bp and 3 distillers back.

  5. so last night i was lvling a new weapon, loaded into infested defense mission. cleared to wave 7 and decided to heal up. used my 2 on a charger and started getting health back, an ancient spawns in and smacked me away from the charger. i was stuck mid air about 10m away from the charger. got stuck in the animation. i was invincible, i was only draining 1hp from charger at a time (was a lvl 43) couldnt stop using my devour. timer on 2 runs out still devouring. still cant move. still cant cancel. cant even escape to drop mission. figured that once the charger was dead i would be ok. nope, because i wasnt close to it my 1hp drain on it becomes 0hp drain when it hits 5%hp. had to wait for the pod to be destroyed so mission would end.

  6. finished limbo quest line with my friend just now. and we have crafted all 3 parts and finished the mission that (should have) given us the bp. after 7 extractors we got the bp, have ss to prove we DID get the bp. but for some reason we did not receive it in our inventory. quest is now complete and we cannot redo the mission nor can we craft limbo. =(

  7. just failed again. spotted on last guy and auto failed. stood on edge(starting side) of area 3 and the 3 that walk up did not see me i crouched up to get my first target (target to the left) and the far left enemy and far back center enemy spot me... try 3 and same result.


  8. did this today with glaive (throwing). made it past first and second set, kill middle guy in 3rd area and was insta detected. new attempt i was not insta spotted but was spotted after 1 sec. attempt 3 i bullet jumped back to area 2 and was not spotted until i got near the edge to jump back to 3rd area and was spotted.

  9. got the new lab for the dojo and started with the new warframe. donated everything i could and noticed i am sitting at -275 oxium. umm, how do you go into the negitive??

  10. the other day i was working a new warframe in lares. i preformed an air slide that landed me into a crate on the ground, the next thing i know i was looking at an all black screen. figured i crashed and moved my mouse to look up, i guess mary poppins is missing a container because i was falling through the world. i figured i would eventualy stop and pop up back next to where i had fallen in, nope, fell into the world about 4 times and died, was not able to compleete the mission.

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