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Posts posted by Tatsukko

  1. 1 minute ago, ThunderKitsune said:
    • Grinlok Zetiata: +183.8% Damage, -110.6% to ?
    • Ignis Feva-acriata: +115.1% to Damage, +38.8% to ?, +92.4% Crit Damage, -24% Damage to Corpus
    • Tonkor Feva-acricron: +51.4% Crit Damage, +63.5% Crit Chance, +22.1% to ?
    • Zarr Visi-ignitis: +12.2% (118.8% max) Crit Damage, +17.6% (+158.4% max) Damage, +9.3% (+83.7% max) Fire damage, -5.5% (-49.5% max) Zoom
    • Paracyst Acriata: +207.5% Crit Damage, +266.6% Damage, -29.2% Damage to Grineer
    • Cernos Croni-argicron: +113.2% Crit Chance, +34% Damage to Grineer, +46.5% Fire rate (x2 for bows), -33.7% to ?

    I did my best at some form of translation, I don't even know what language is on the mods there.

    You got some good mods here.

    Grinlok Zetiata: -110.6% to Recoil

    Ignis Feva-acriata: +38.8% to Reload Speed

    Tonkor Feva-acricron: +22.1% to Reload Speed

    Cernos Croni-argicron: -33.7% to Reload Speed

    The language is French. You got the other translations correct.

  2. WTB Aklex Riven with -Recoil and some other good stats (+Crit Chance/+Crit Damage/+Damage/+Multishot etc.)

    Price will be determined by the bonuses and I'm  ready to offer 1.5k or more for the perfect riven. Negative is not required but if you have a good negative like -Zoom or -Ammomax I'll pay extra.

    Edit: Got one. Thread closed.

  3. Pretty much. Since OP thinks Valkyr is so OP, I challenge him to do a 4 Valkyr, hysteria only, sortie defense, and a 4 Valkyr, hysteria only, hijack sortie, and a 8 Valkyr LoR. Let's see if he can make his point in those.


    The point is, valkyr is only effective at staying alive. She can't kill hordes of enemies like nova, she can't stop large groups of enemies in defense missions, etc.

    So if my warframe can use just two mods and not even be maxed or potatod and can still all that content is that not broken?

  4. I don't like the word "rework" expecially for Volt. Well, some mechanics of his skill could be changed, but they should be the same as now. I'm sorry but don't see your suggestions better than ones of other player who wrote on the forum.

    I just want that the distortion created by his 2nd skill would be cancelled while you are still, no-sense to have it as it is now, it makes sick other players.

    I dont just want volt to have a rework he needs one. As for you not liking what I suggested I have no problem with but atleast link other threads or try and contribute to this thread, as I said in the title its what I think.


    As a player who uses Volt as his main I like your ideas but they may make Volt kinda Op especially your recommendation for his third ability.


    The first ability I agree with you completely though that is a fantastic idea. It reminds me of the electric missile from InFamous. One thing I think would make it great would be if enemies would disintegrate when they die because it is impossible to tell if they are alive or dead.


    With your second I am not sure what you mean by it.


    His third ability is honestly already great and the changes you recommend may make him way too OP.


    His fourth like you said absolutely sucks and I have a different recommendation.



    Now, what would be great would be to get inspiration form the "Force Repulse" ability in star wars the force unleashed 2.
    1. Where there is the initial shock wave 360 degree blast of pure concentrated electricity.
    2. Enemies within closer proximity say 5m get the most damage and then there is a damage falloff after that range.
    4. Enemies that live are flung like rag dolls away from cast location which would leave them vulnerable to melee finishers or other attacks.
    5. Aaaaaaand a cool bass heavy explosion like sound effect to make it oh so satisfying to use.
    If you are wondering, Yes I made this GIF purely for the post



    I can understand by not wanting to make volt "op" but I think its not really a issue when you have the likes of trinity,valkyr excal with almost god mode and also being able to dish out insane damage. I dont want volt to be another "meh" frame I want him to be a top tier frame but thats just my opinion.


    What I meant by his second being like iron skin was not the power itself but its that when I play those frames its the power I use the most so for me its the best part of the frame.


    My idea for his 4th came from a tesla coil/plasma ball. If you can imagine volt would be a walking tesla arcing to anything in the area while also giving him a bubble to protect him. I still really like what you said tho

  6. functional, and usable as a Weapon, are very different things.


    correct grade Steel to make a Weapon out of, would be SO strong - your Hydraulic Hammer is liable to break trying to flatten the Ingot into a more workable piece.


    Steel that has achieved the correct Crystalline structure is basically indestructible while still having enough give to not shatter.



    make no mistake, the grades of Metals being used there are chosen for being 'good enough for something that will be tossed into a Warehouse' and easy to work with.

    not chosen because it's Weapons grade Metal.

    Im not trying to be salty but as I have some experience in the metal world I can shed some light on the situation. First of all there is no metal that we know of that is so "strong" that it can not be flattened under a hydraulic hammer when heated. The hammers hit at minimum of 1.5tones which is far stronger than any human being in existance has ever hit and even if you could find someone who could swing that hard they whould have to hit the.metal atleast 5times per second to match the hydraulic hammer.


    The steels they use are most of the time over kill for what they use them for, do you know how strong spring steel is? Its not "cheap and tacky" at all its used make car leaf springs for a reason. Spring steel is stronger than the materials used to make orignal katanas which would normally be a carbon based steel that has been folded numerous times but, its full of imperfections unlike steel made by precision based technology.


    From a previous comment you made you noted that forging techniques have been "lost" lol wut? They have never been lost they have been improved upon by modern blacksmiths that make there blades even stronger than the blacksmiths from eons ago.

  7. Tbh you can't make volt passive to be immune by his own power type without doing that to Frost, Sayrn, & Ember & even Chroma. But 15% to electric weapons isn't bad.

    Fair point. Another idea I was thinking of is that he would slowly regenerate ammo for all his weapons when ever he was running

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