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Posts posted by Kognito

  1. I didn't get his point.

    Did you?

    If you did, PLEASE elaborate it.

    Two Infested Ancients are fighting each other. There is no Nyx that is mind-controlling one of them. We are all aware the factions don't like each other. It's in the lore, and some missions feature multiple factions that do in fact fight each other.


    Wait, maybe there is a Nyx in that party, but isn't pictured? Yeah, that's wierd stuff

  2. Ash getting clones for his ult is way out of left field. His gameplay never hinted at him making clones, so it doesn't make sense for him to suddenly use them. Ash's third ability Teleport neatly segues into Blade Storm. Blade Storm makes sense because it is basically him teleporting multiple times, instead of just once. Half of these comments seem to agree that the idea of Ash making clones does not fit his style. Maybe we are all taking issue to Blade Storm's wonky animations. Speeding up the ult and adding a sensible slashing animation can fix some silliness.

  3. @holdenagincourt You do know where you end up. You end Bladestorm standing in the exact spot where you initiated the skill. Wiki has more info for you.


    Many suggestions here feel overly elaborate. It would be a great improvement if the player would retain control of the camera angle (still centered on Ash), as it sometimes switches to a far away top-down angle for no reason. Also, when Ash teleports to attack things in mid-air, and a simple mid-air animation state for his legs will suspend disbelief. As of now, he hovers in air with with his feet flat on a floor that isn't there

  4. Sometimes you have to backtrack a bit to some stairs or an elevator when extraction is on a different floor level. They greatly improved on this by adding the height arrows on the minimap. On one grineer tileset, a room actually had three floors, and my party didn't realized the third floor had the exit. Just pay attention to the height indicators

  5. People tend to walk past dead ends and green lockers/containers because it takes too much time to stop and loot. If the lockers could instantly dump all of its contents out instead of spewing out pickups like a faucet, then the people stopping for loot won't get so far behind the main group. Also, the pickup range of the credits can be extended so warframes don't have to be walking over it to pick it up.

  6. I saw a BP from Tyl Regor fly into the bottomless pit at the far side of the room. Why is loot affected by physics anyways? And why do they have such a small acquisition range? You would have to be standing right on top of it to receive it. Astounds me

  7. The randomness is irritating, but when the boss dies and the loot flies into the air and scatters, it is even more infuriating. Why can't they just peacefully settle on the ground? Anyways, BP drops are random to keep you grinding. How about some pseudorandom distribution on important item drops as well? The more times you don't get a recipe drop, the more likely it will happen next time. The PSD resets when you do get some recipe. I also like the idea of partitioning recipes into smaller chunks. It would create the illusion that the player is progressing after every repeat of a boss fight.

  8. Simple solution.

    Online (Open)-Anyone, default setting.

    Online (Speedrun)-Only paired with other people in this mode, just for speedrunners. Maybe throw in a time limit.

    Online (Explorer)-Same as above, 'cept maybe with a bonus for total extinction or exploration.

    I'd like this since my moood varies. Sometimes it's "Oh my god, get this mission OVER!" so I'd click speedrun. Other times, "I want to really sit back and PLAY this game!" so, explore.

    Don't know how hard it would be to program, but I'd like to see something like this.

    Speed running exists because there really isnt a good way to keep pacing. This suggestion might work, but if a party was exploring then decided halfway through to just rush the rest of the level, then having different online categories would be pointless. You can't and shouldn't enforce the way players should play the game.

    In a similar MMO called Spiral Knights, pacing was controlled by a party button, where every single member of the party had to stand on a giant button to move on or trigger an important ambush. Right now we have double lock doors where only two people have to open the door at the same time. I just think we need to have doors that waits until everyone is at the threshold before opening.

  9. By the time you will have unlocked two or three planets, the enemies start tanking your bullets. It gets more balanced, but the AI is consistently pretty easy. Easy enough that people can rush through the entire missions without their shields depleting

  10. Right now, when you are in a party, I think your teammates sit off-screen on either side of you watching the solar system. I keep getting a glimpse of their knee when I am zooming in and out of the solar system. Having a hub world for players to hang out in is fine, but this game needs to focus on much more polish and bug fixes before it dedicates time towards a luxury feature like that.

  11. Trading would encourage players to interact more with each other, but it would also allow players to get end-game items more quickly. I am for the idea of trading materials used in recipes, but the game company seems to rely on selling mod cards and recipes for real money so we do not want to cut off their market. So perhaps materials could be traded, but mods, items, recipes, weapons, and any other things the market directly sells should not be tradeable. If trading were implemented, there would have to be some separate tradechat channel for merchants.

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