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Posts posted by Jeffrywinkles

  1. it's disappointing how someone could plop down money to become a master founder and know nothing about DE's foreseeable plans,

    like did you just find out about this game yesterday and drop the cash and buy everything and are QQing now how theres no content?


    what we have down the pipe line


    - Clan system/Clan focused PVPVE

    - Revamping of Bosses to be more than just tank n spank

    - more areas 

    - Paragon/prestige system for weapon's to give them more polarity slots

    - Story based missions

    - Borderlands style Dueling


    warframe has been out for less than a few months, and just a couple of months ago this game had 1 set of tiles and that was the indoor spaceship corridor, and that was it for the entire solar system, now look at it we have a good amount of varying tiles and stages and even outdoor stages.


    so much has changed in only  a few months time, you are so jaded by the fact that you can play it without a key but the fact it this game is very much in a closed beta state just open to everyone. 


    most games take years of development before going into a closed beta state let alone an open beta state, this game has barely been in development for little over a year before going open beta.


    to put things into perspective ill use grinding gear games since they are also a ARPG with randomly generated rooms and also a very small dev team just like DE.


    Path of exile went in development in 2007  before announcing it's existence on September 1st 2010 then stayed in closed beta till January 23 of 2013 when they finally went into open beta.


    so that is 6 years of development, and you're complaining that this game has no content while its only been in development for a little over a year?


    next time do a little bit of research before dropping cash on a game that's in a beta state then QQing because its not a finished game.

  2. If pvp all you will see is trinity with hek from the true gamers

    implying DE won't do a great job with pvp shows alot of faith which is ironic since you're a founder.

    this does not mean anything ive seen many people imply that "pvp will be imba because X skill and X weapon"

    but who's to say DE wont do pvp specific mods? or a certain kind of pvp that's more objective base rather than killing?

    i bought founders pack because i put a good amount of trust in what DE can do, saying that pvp will ruin this game is kinda

    the opposite of that.


    pvp or no pvp i trust DE will do a great  job with this title.

  3. So OP how many frames you have at 30, how many weapons you have at 30, how many swords you have at 30, did you reach rank 8 already, did all your weapons have full moded? Is your frame full moded?

    i don't care much for pvp but this is straight dumb, why does someone have to be a completionist to have an opinion?


    "do you have maxed everything and are rank 1 in leader boards? if not don't post your opinion" ''


    ^pretty much how you sound right now.

  4. currently plat works like this


    Orokins/Warframes/weapons/Blueprint Rushing = convenience purchases 

    Cosmetics(skins/colors) = Frivolous purchases

    Warframe/Weapon slots = optional purchases


    im more than willing to bet a good chunk of money comes from the first option simply because alot of people just don't wanna wait and want it now,which is great for DE because they get people buying,


    even with the credit increase it's not going to stop people from convenience purchases, in their minds why wait 12 hours - 3 days for a warframe/weapon when i can have it now. just like how there are people who are willing to spend 25 dollars on league of legends skin, there is no shortage of people willing to spend money on convenience, now if this will sustain them long term? it all depends if DE can keep the content coming


    personally i still have 1k plat still on my account, i have only bought warframe and weapon slots, i don't like buying weapons/warframes straight up because it takes away alot of the fun for me personally. and it gives me something to work towards. 


    league of legends is practically the same way, so many people grind for ip points to get that special champ and then they proceed to play the life out of it, then they set their eyes on a new champ and it repeats.


    its addictive really, and while it may seem like  a negative thing, its a very good thing for devs in the f2p market.

  5. currently AA's are good enough to deal with light and medium armor mobs but for heavy/ancients/bosses Charge attacks are king.

    the reason being is because the heavy/ancients/bosses have an innate ability yo reduce normal dmg by a certain percentage making AA's useless

    so currently modding for AA's isn't terrible but wont serve a purpose for dealing with the harder mobs, but then again that why we have guns =P

    personally i mod my Melee's for AA's simply because when i do face heavy/ancients/bosses i simply use my guns.

  6. Yes, endgame is an MMO term stands for the highest area of the game where the top level folks go to show off their stuff. Or go get the stuff to show it off. I think that technically ... the higher level areas ARE the end game because that's where the rare stuff is supposed to drop from, right?


    Maybe later on they can add a new zone where you need maxed out mods and everything super-charged when they add more abilities. Maybe thats how you are going to get them, you step into that super hard zone and beat several bosses on the way to the last mega boss.


    that would be the worst idea in the world, orokin's are at a great state right now, they are not need but add that extra something something to your weapon, making content that non super charged weapons/warframes can't do will effectively make orokin's mandatory and will not only be pay to win but will also be gated content.


    the devs have mentioned a few things on various livestreams on things that could be "end game"


    - Boss reworks, to be more engaging and less tank n spank

    - Paragon/prestigeing weapon's to add a polarity slot(taking mod progressing even further)

    - Territorial clan focused PVE, clans fight over parts of the solar system/galaxies(when more solar systems are introduced)

    - Story modes, self explanatory

    - dueling system, similar to borderlands 

    - PVP, once the PVE has a solid foundation they may look into a pvp system.

  7. monster hunter is pretty damn popular, wheres the competition there?


    when i can play warframe without being online then we can have a talk. but until then MH has always been a single player marketed game unless you are talking about the online game that i honestly have no knowledge of.


    That's a completely different game. Like, a really, really different game.

    i agree, and if we were to look at completely different games, why not dark souls? there is a competitive scene there.

  8. so in this thread people say they like to play to relax and dont want to compete. so why would implementing a competitive pve experience stop anyone from still playing casually?


    we all know DE wants to add some sort of competitive side to warframe whether it be pve or pvp competition is great, if you play casually and have no intention nor want to compete then don't.


    also saying there's other games with a competitive side and that warframe doesn't need it and you can just goto the other competitive games is absurd, just like how you want to play warframe casually there are people who want to play competitively, what makes your point of view any more correct than the other person? 

  9. Supercharging with potatoes doesn't make it twice as powerful either it just lets you have more mods on the raw damage doesn't increase.



    - unsupercharged HEK


    maxed multi shot(15) 

    maxed armor pen(9)

    6 slots for an Element mod or other things


    - supercharged HEK


    maxed multi shot(15) 

    maxed armor pen(9)

    maxed dmg mod(9)

    rank 3 fire/ele/ice mod(24)

    leaving 3 points to rank another ele mod higher


    feel free to correct me if im wrong but clearly one of these HEK's have more than doubled if not tripled in power.


    i don't think orokin's are needed in the least bit(at the current games end game difficulty) but clearly your statement is flat out false.

  10. Wow really?  It's not a big deal man and honestly isn't that just a fact of life?  Junk/fast food costs less than a food a a nice restaurant.  A Ferrari costs more than a Toyota.  There's nothing wrong with this.  I suppose we should reduce ourselves to communism.  Then you may not even have a nice graphics card to play this free game on.


    bravo man bravo, that was a silly statement and you know it lol, 


    - i want a fair playing field in a video game

    - WHAT YOU HATE AMERICA?!!!?!??!?!

  11. Yeah but then the devs would literally get no income from players who actually REALLY like this game.  Servers run on electricity, people need food and shelter, lives outside of making the game work, etc.


    Wouldn't you feel good about buying the devs lunch for the countless hours you've spent being entertained by this game?

    In the arms of the angel

    Fly away from here

    From this dark, cold hotel room

    And the endlessness that you feel

    You are pulled from the wreckage

    Of your silent reverie

    You're in the arms of the angel

    May you find some comfort here





    on a serious note, guilt tripping someone into buying/supporting is pretty sleazy.

    on topic of the orokin's i feel with 30 mod slots you can do all the content currently


    but im worried about how will they increase content difficulty while keeping the viability 

    of non super charged warframes/weapons.


    as it is currently the only reason i like to orokin weapons is simply because mod building

    is infinitely more fun when you have that room to customize, with 30 you have absolutely no building room,


    currently supercharged weapons are just way fun to mod because of mod capacity and unsupercharged weapons with polaritys are also good buy sadly alot of them come with no polaritys at all.

  12. I wonder how many people here downloaded it before it was on steam? I did. it seemed like there was never more than a couple hundred players on. steam was a huge boom, it may not stay this way but i think warframe and de have a long way ahead of them.

    i would assume because prior to that there was no real advertising heck even now besides steam i don't see warframe being advertised. luckily i played dark sector and kinda just kept tabs on DE and found out about warframe that way, otherwise this title would have gone right over my head as i dont use steam and there is very little advertising on warframe

  13. Did you even read my quote?

    could you link source? at first i thought steve posted here but he didn't, im under the assumption that p2p = pay to play and not peer to peer?


    that would be interesting to see if a game can be marketed as a f2p game then switch to p2p, i highly doubt it would work but would be interesting nonetheless

  14. Even if their drop rates were higher the materials and credits to make them would take a low level player a while to collect.

    i dont think lower players would even mind, its the higher players that make use of orokin's anyway.


    i can't see rank 5 warframes/weapons rushing to get dem orokin's

  15. You could use the starting 50 plat to buy two slots. Bringing up the total available to free players to 4, out of 12 frames. For a measly $5 bucks you can another 3 slots. I'm really not seeing the issue here.


    I dislike weasel words like 'Forced to pay for' when it's nothing of the sort. The F2P is like a demo, if you like what you see and are enjoying yourself, you're encouraged to spend a tiny amount for convenience. That's the entire business plan for F2P in a nutshell.


    Not buying those slots doesn't kill you any faster in-game, doesn't make you gimped in any form.


    Warframe is one of a few F2P titles available that doesn't stick a large amount of content behind paywalls.

    - was unware that was for everyone, i assumed that starter plat was a beta thing


    - isn't that the kind of f2p that most people hate? Lotro/Swotor/DCUO would fall under than "demo f2p" genre where you can play to a cap then pay for dlc and convenience, f2p has tons of variations and the better ones tend to be full fledged games and not glorified demos.


    - agreed, but it could also push away potential customers


    - yeah i agree its great.


    since the free plat is offered to all f2p players(forever or is it some open beta thing) i just dont see why not take away the 50 plat and give the 2 warframe slots to everyone to a nice 4 slots.

  16. 6 Warframe slots?

    You have to clear fully half the planets to even farm up 6 warframes.

    Why should you be given literally half the space?

    At that point, it's no longer "Do I like this game?" or not.

    You've obviously decided that you like it enough to play.

    By the time you've farmed the blueprints, the credits and the resources for your first warframe, and spent the 3.5 days it took you to build it, you already know if you like the game or not; so you can't use that as an excuse.


    Maybe once there are a lot more warframes, upping to maybe 4 slots wouldn't be a bad idea.

    But there's a wiki.

    Go look up the warframe skills and player comments.

    Ask on Player Help forum if you're still not sure after reading up on the skills.

    This community is usually more than happy to give you their 2 cents on weapon or warframe choices.

    I agree with maybe the fact that 2 warframe slots might limit you if you really like the warframes you've made.

    But if you really like them that much, then that's more incentive to pay the 5 dollars it would cost to open up 3 more slots.

    5 dollars is really not that much to invest in a game that you thoroughly enjoy enough to keep farming for more warframes.

    5 dollars in League of Legends can't even get you any of the decent skins and yet people pay for those, even though they're purely cosmetic.

    - it was a  rough number calm down, i just picked simply based on the fact there 12 warframes.

    - reviews/videos only mean so much, all the videos/reviews in the world won't give the player the same feeling as playing  it themselves 

    - yeah but that a very dangerous incentive, it could be a great motivator to go for that plat purchase or leave while your not that invested.

    - yeah it's a great example of not being restrictive, you can get everything in league without spending a single dime yet so many ppl throw money at it. why? because it does not restrict them and they know it so they have no qualms about spending money.

  17. You'll have to explain to me very slowly (like you would a child) how Warframe is 'forcing' players to buy more slots.

    keep it civil man thats all i ask, theres no need for aggression.


    anyways no one is actually forcing you but look at it from a free users perspective


    you come into warframe and you start off as one of the 3 starting frames, and you farm for a new one and you absolutely love both of them, but then you must chose to discard one of them to get a new one and it turns out the new one you got is not one you like, and there the problem,


    2 warframe slots give's little to no breathing room for free players, upping it to a mild 6 slots would greatly increase a free players longevity in the game and the longer a free player plays the greater the chance he/she ends up spending some cash on vanity items and such and or encourages and friend or 2 to play thus making them potential spending players,


    so you can somewhat see how it's "forcing" players to pay, and its not paying for convenience, a free player who has access to 6 warframes more or less know what they are willing to sell back as opposed to only have 2 warframes and rolling the dice on whether or not they will like what they built.


    its all about that "WoW" factor(not world of warcraft just the word WOW) when a free player says "wow i can get 6 warframes" its a good sign, but when they say "wow i can only have 2 warframes at a time without paying?" is a bad thing, this is just my experience with this game so far


    i have had friends who left the game because they don't like feeling restricted it happens but it's not even an issue of money or being a cheap,as these same friends spend tons on on POE and league.


    it's really something hard to explain to be honest,or atleast i can't convey it well enough.

  18. Explain to me the difference between buying normal or premium stashs or character slots in Path of Exile and buying weapon/frame slots in Warframe.



    - path gives a generous amount for free then charges for convenience 

    - Warframe gives a good amount of weapon slots, then gives you 2 warframe slot's while having 12 warframes.


    one is for actual convenience and one is forcing you to buy more or sell your warframe.


    Except that you forgot to mention they had a founder's program as well. Ranging all up to 1000$ purchase, and I'm quite sure there were plenty of people willing to pay that. Hence the more freedom to be generous for the rest of the playerbase.


    the game was not restricting from the very start, founders program had no bearing on that. granted it sure didn't hurt that people were plopping 1000gs =P,


    I've only played path of exile (out of your examples), and i don't have any idea of it's success or failure as a money making product. I did however, feel extremely limited by the inventory size vs. drop rate of items. I feel warframe is slightly different in that the slots vs. items is a much saner ratio though.


    I also don't agree with your point on free players being the best thing for games (or that f2p is the best business model), although i think it is now the only viable way.


    - if you are picking up every single thing in POE you are simply doing it wrong, going indepth on how the loot works on POE is a whole another topic and for the sake of keeping it simple, the stash/inventory given is more than enough for a casual-hardcore player,

    - not once did i say "free players are the best thing for games" or "f2p is the best business model" read again,

    i said for a f2p model game free players are just as important as a paying player, free players can make terrible games survive and can make great games grow,

  19. I don't feel i can attack them, As you stated it is advertised as free to play, however i do understand that the game cannot be supported without revenue.


    For me, the problem is when someone feels they should get X for nothing, especially in Warframe where almost everything can be obtained without spending money.


    I also know plenty of people who play F2P games and never spend a penny and never plan to, they will just move to the next one. This is detrimental to the games, and the business model as a whole. I think progress you be restricted even more if you don't spend any money, and if this bothers you, tough?


    explain path of exiles success? that game gives you everything for free, as a free player you don't feel restricted in the least bit and its doing great in fact because of the ridiculous generosity given by grinding gear games people spend money simply to support.


    and while many say league of legends is a exception and shouldn't be counted as an example as a free to play, i beg to differ, i played league since its first closed beta and till this day i play, and from its open beta the game was not the giant that is is today it wasn't till it got world wide recondition at 2010's WCG that it just blew up in to the monster it is today but prior to that it had one of the best f2p models to this date.


    from a f2p perspective league of legends was outstanding, everything but boosts and skins were available ingame. from a super competitive stand point it's abit iffy i admit but ah well the champion grind is what kept people playing so while  its not the most fair competitive game from the start it's still one the the better f2p models out there.


    but yeah those who have been with league from beta times know just how small riot was(same position DE is in now) and remember the days when they just gave so much free stuff for no apparent reason(champions,exclusive skins that come with champions,ip boosts for having server issues,double exp/ip weekends), but i digress


    my point is you don't have to restrict your player base to get them to spend money. fact is slot's may not seem like a big deal to those of us who have purchased a couple, but to the potential players they will come to this game and see that they are forced to buy slots in order to keep their frames that they worked hard for.


    millions of people blow soo much cash on skins on league of  legends because they don't feel restricted and know all of the games current and future content will be free to them so they are willing to invest in pimping their favorite champs. you know what most players hate? being shoe horned into buying something because the game restricts you into buying something.


    weapons are far easier to part with, as farming mats is no big deal, but a warframe is a whole beast on its own(very RNG blue prints and the 3 day wait period)


    free players are the best thing for f2p games, they provide  pretty much free advertisement(its how league got so huge) if the free players dont feel restricted they will stay and spread the word and the people who catch wind of this great game via f2p players maybe a willing paying customer and the free players who stay and feel like the game isn't restricting will end up spending money.

  20. so any long time player know's that stats in this game is as vague as vague can be and im wondering if this was intentional to give people who love theory crafting a little bit of fun or is this something that had to be put on the back burner while they work on the rest of the game?


    there is alot of stats and such that goes unnoticed by the majority of players such as


    - Charge melee dmg having innate armor piercing( have seen people say its 100%)

    - Crit Dmg mods/Stun mods have no affect on Fang

    - Dmg mods have no affect on charge dmg but increases melee Charged Crits

    - Certain guns having innate armor piercing

    - Crit chance mods will not grant you as much crit chance as it is written, instead you will gain a crit chance amount equal to the base crit chance of the weapon. (7.5% base crit chance on a weapon with a 100% crit mod increases your crit chance to 15% not 107.5%)

    - ^crit chance is not even shown on weapons


    and this goes on, and before you say anything about how some of this maybe wrong it only proves my point that stats in this game are so vague that even if you research like i did you can still come up with wrong info.


    i mean i get it the hardcore number crunching theory crafters this must be great for you, but for me i absolutely hate how alot of this has to be researched indepth to even have  a basic understanding, how many people have you seen running around with crit dmg mods on a fang? alot of people.


    i like theory crafting but there has to be a good middle ground this is way out there, i still have no understanding how multi shot functions, and every time i see it in threads everyone has their own interpretations of how multi shot functions.

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