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Posts posted by -Ferret-

  1. The actual design is like *click*, go back, check next ... what can we do with the plain weapon? Nothing.

    What we need here is a bar with the specific weapon and its stats. If I want to use any weapon I want a real time scroll bar that shows me the stats. I also want to see the effect when I add mods in real time.

    Try it this way: go to the arsenal and show all weapons for a slot like primary weapons.

    Give players the option to choose or click "next weapon" to rush through the menu. Once a weapon appears it should be modded with a real time showcase what happens to it. 


    What we have now is a waste of time. It's like a one-click and see a weapon, add mods, see the effect, go back, check the next weapon, add mods again, go back, see the effect and so on. To mod and use weapons takes a few minutes. That's useless.

    If you want me to show you an effective GUI just drop me a line.

  2. Just keep the balance in mind. There is no primary short-to-midrange-weapon at this time. A whip was to powerful to be secondary. The whole Chameleon should be a pure close-to-midrange-Frame. Nothing more, nothing less. It would fill the gap for those who love a stealthy approach.

  3. This Frame comes with the ability to slip into enemy bodies. Let's call it "Face Off". Ever seen the movie? Ever wanted to be an Infensted Disruptor? This skill gives you the opportunity to be one for a while.

    It also has a skill to set up tripwires. We all know it: there is a bunch of enemies and you are forced to move backwards. Tripwire works between walls and clomnuns. Tripwire makes enemies fall. Higher levels increase stun.

    His third ability is to look like the texture of the wall once hes is close to it. Walk to a wall, cloak an then do a silent kill.

    His fourth ability works like glue on his feet and hands. He can do a wallrun and sticks to a ceiling, doing lots of damage when attacking an enemy from above.

    Of course we need a new weapon. The Chameleon likes a long tounge. So what's about a new weapon?

    I think about the Energy-Whip. I should be able to cut enemies into half or when charged to pull your prey to close combat range. Like Pull from Mag or the skill Scorpion Grineers use.

    Well, this is nothing but fantasy. What do you think?

  4. Did I hear something like "Mum!"?

    It's alpha and was just released. Just be patient.

    There's no need to buy Forma. The more members you have the higher the chance that some of your members will find some Forma playing alerts. Building a Dojo will not and shouldn't be done in two days.

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