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Posts posted by WHALFARGOV

  1. Hello, 


    Is anyone else getting this error? I was able to see the mission to attack the corpus weapons caches at first. I have alt tabbed to check my email and when i got back the alert for the mission was gone.


    I have relogged in warframe to look for it, but can't find it anywhere, Check out the video, you can see the alert in the ship navigation but not on the map.


  2. WTT - Mods 


    LFT - Seeking Force & Shotgun Spazz





    Fleeting Expertise








    Vital Sense

    Split Chamber





    Lethal Torrent

    Ice Storm





    Killing Blow

    Sundering Strike



    Will update more

  3. Okay, so i noticed this when playing on Cinxia, Ceres. Unfortunately i'm at work right now so i can't post pics or videos.


    I have found a very good spot to farm for a Crimson Dervish mod here during the Specters of Liberty event.


    Mid level, there is a room with doors on both ends and train tracks in the middle with 2 carts and supply crates.

    All you have to do is stay in the area with the alarm activated and a huge number of Bombards will spawn every few seconds.


    I have farmed Crimson Dervish a couple of times in the same run here. Was looking for this stance mod for a long time without any luck since the drops are very rare.


    I hope this info helps and will try to post pics/videos later.

  4. Yeah, nice idea. Post your pics!


    We still need:








    Anyone up to this task?

  5. The Orokin was speculated to be artificial intelligence based on the way they refer to their old enemies as Sentients which would imply their lack there of. You can find out more on the warframe wikia page: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Story_and_History


    As for your lore concept, its a really cool idea and I like that Black Knight satellite story :D

    guess i should continue reading. Thanks for the compliment on the story :)

  6. What if the Orokin tried to sabotage our existence in the past?


    The Technocyte Virus must have been an Orokin invention. They wanted to disrupt human life before.....


    Thousands of years ago the Orokin sent probes to Earth to study our evolution and they concluded that we are a threat to their own existence. 


    New discoveries in the current timeline point to old mythologies on earth. Before the Orokin tried to subdue our race and make us their servants they wanted to eradicate our existence. After deeming our race as a threat they have decided to wipe us out using an intricate mechanism known to them as the Kaido Yunara.


    This weapon consisted of three parts:


    The Warhead

    Observation Module

    Delivery System



    The weapon was delivered to Earth with Intention 13'000 years from our present day. Once in our orbit, the delivery system ejected from the main body, ending up in the pacific ocean. During the launch sequence a meteoroid hit the weapon and damaged navigational / targeting and communication systems on board the weapon thus the Warhead was unable to reach it's target and arm in time, instead the warhead ended up into one of the polar ice caps.


    Since the communications array on the observation module was also damaged, the weapon was unable to relay it's data back to the Orokin and remotely the signal was lost leading the Orikin to think that the weapon was destroyed by the meteoroid.


    This incident prevented the payload from being spread throughout all life on earth. The Orokin believed that all life should be eradicated by a biogenic weapon, however sub zero temperatures in the polar ice caps prevented the biogenic weapon from being released.


    The observation module remained in an erroneous orbit around earth, collecting data but unable to send it back to the Orokin.


    It stayed there for a long time until it got noticed in 1899 by Nikola Tesla who discovered an electronic signal that he believed was coming from space.


    Later during the 20th century, the same signal was picked up by HAM radio enthusiasts in the 1920s. The object was later photographed in the early 60s for the first time and also in 1998 by a space shuttle crew on the Endeavour.


    The unknown was named Black Knight. Due to it's erroneous orbit the object was not visible at all times but it did not raise too much suspicion or interest even in the digital age on Earth and eventually it was forgotten for a long time after the major events unfolded in the SOL system.


    The warhead was discovered during the cold war on an expedition to the poles. Lucky scientists found the inactive derelict and wanted to start their studies.


    Due to the heightened alert status of both the US and Russia in the cold war, CIA operatives were operating on this expedition.


    Upon discovery of the derelict warhead they took over the find and all the materials were transferred to secure locations before tampering. 


    Thus the CIA and the US began unravelling the mysteries that lied ahead. The discoveries they made about the biogenic weapon and the modifications they applied to it finally produced the Technocyte Virus.





    I have read some of the lore on Warframe. I still have a lot to read and learn. This might be only a view on how to expand the Lore. Some points might not be coherent to the story so please correct me if i'm wrong.


    P.S. The Black Knight Satellite? - http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread975106/pg1











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