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Posts posted by ASZephyn

  1. Taking out my Kronen, I dashed forward, lapsing out of the visible spectrum and skewering the first two guards. A neck snap ended the third in the room while a Smite killed the fouth and final guard. I turned to Doc, giving her a thumbs-up. She laughed to herself. We grouped up on the elevator, EAmorr pushing the button, plunging us into the depths.

    We moved through the facility with complete stealth, sticking to silent takedowns and invisibility to clear the way through to Regor. Rounding a corner, we entered a huge room, a statue of Regor standing tall in the centre. The man himself dropped down.

    "Oh, you are here. I was nervous. Pacing. Thought I wouldn't have the chance to kill you myself."

  2. "Well, I've heard that Equinox has 2 aspects. Should be interesting."

    I pulled out My Latron Prime, Vaykor and Kronen, the rifle and tonfa disappearing as soon as I holstered them, only the pistol visible on my leg.

    "I guess we're about to find out."

    The ship shook as it hit the atmosphere, shuddering as the heat built very quickly before hissing filled the air, the reult of torrential rain colliding with the hull. I turned to Doc.

    "Alright, put the helmet on. I need to run you through the display."

    Doc did as I asked, the helmet and suit locking together.

    "Now, in the upper left is a minimap. Upper right has your shields and integrity. Below that is mine and EAmorr's shields and integrity. At the bottom right is your ammo for your weapons, and below that, you ability and energy gauge. Your first ability is Smite, which deals instant damage. Next is Hallowed Ground, which puts down an area of effect. Then there's Renewal, which heals all of us, and there's Reckoning, in which you lift and slam enemies. Think you can remember that?";

    "Ja... I think so..."

    "Now all abilities take energy, so keep an eye on the gauge. If you run out, tell us and one of us will drop a restore. Ready?"



    The doors opened, and I leapt out, landing on the ocean platform, EAmorr and Doc landing behind me.

  3. "I imagine it's going to get quite painful in a few seconds. Your physiology is going to change slightly."

    Doc fell silent, suddenly looking quite nervous. A few seconds passed. and she looked at me. I frowned.

    "Well, this is unexpected. It would appear that you changed the armour to fit you, not the other way around. It must be because you haven't been exposed to as much Void energy as us. Now, the Orokin. Basically, they were an empire that lived an indeterminate length of time ago. They were at war with the Sentients, who simply subverted our tech in order to beat us. We were thrown into the Void by the emperors, and we changed as a result. We were given old-style weapons, stuff the Sentients couldn't subvert. After that, I can't remember. But, if the Stalker is to be believed, the Tenno killed the Orokin. All that's left now are their towers in te Void, guarded by a mainframe."

    "Interesting... can zhis Frame heal?"

    "It will be able to soon."

    "Can it hurt?"

    "Yes, most definitely."


  4. Headcanon.exe


    "A Warframe is essentially symbiotic armour. However, as you may have noticed, ther are male and female Frames. However, that means nothing."

    I sent a signal and Ordis dropped off an inventory station, the automated systems of the Corpus ship bringing it into the hold before delivering it to the room. I stood inside it, the energy warping around me as I changed my frame from my Loki to Nyx, to the surprise of Doc.

    "Interesting... how does that work?"

    "Void En- sorry, Void Energy." I caught myself when I heard my changed voice. I kept on talking as my Warframe changed back to Loki, my voice dropping in pitch and bone structure rearranging. "Long story short, desperation in sending us to the Void changed us on a molecular level. Gender is no longer a defining factor of a Tenno. We change, but we keep our personality and basic appearance. My eyes will always be this shade of orange, for example."

    "Hmmm." She leant forward, inspecting the inventory station. "Can I try vone on?"

    "That... may be difficult. And painful."


    "Well, like I said, it's symbiotic armour. It wouldn't take kindly to someone who isnt its partner trying it on. It would kill-"

    "Operator, Foundry item finished."

    "Excuse me, Doc. Which one, Ordis?"

    "The Oberon Warframe."

    "How conveniant. Deliver it to the station."


    "It's your lucky day, Doc. I have a newly-built frame. Why don't you try it on?"

  5. I sat down at the controls, staring out of the windows into space. Our destination was visible in the distance, slowly growing larger as we approached. The inside of my helmet lit up, and I slid it on, locking it in place. I sealed my armour; no-one outside my armour would be able to hear.


    "I do not approve of even the intent to use a Core."

    "Wasn't my idea. I talkerd her out of it."

    "Do they suspect anything at the moment?"

    "As far as I can tell, no. One moment, don't talk until I say so. Someone's coming."

    Doc opened the door to the cockpit and sat down next to me. I twisted my helmet off, the chain links atop the horns rattling as I did so.

    "I had a request, if I may, Zantruse."

    "Go on."

    "As your Lotus knows, I'm not from this time. I've been sleeping for quite some time, since 1972, to be exact. I've clearly missed a lot. Can you... fill me in?"

    I laughed.

    "Well, I can try. I don't have many of my memories from before Cryo, so I'll do what I can. Now, at the moment, there's a war going on between the Grineer, who were the large, armoured guys we killed in the lab. They're clones. Tyl is close to stopping their genetic degredation, and we can't let that happen. On the other side, you have the Corpus, like Alad back there. They monopolise on pretty much everything. They use a lot of robotic proxies in combat. In the middle, you have the Infestation, which only exists to consume, which makes Alad a problem, since he was actively experimenting with it. Then then there's us, the Tenno, seeking to restore balance and order in any way we can."

    "What sort of way?"

    "Officially? Through stealth, subterfuge, sabotage, and careful extermination."


    "Hah, personally, I run fast, punch people in the face, hope something good happens and take the credit."

  6. The Lotus flinched when I used her name.

    "We're not using the Core. Also, as EAmorr said, Doc was here before we were. We don't know who she is. Our injured teammate allowed us to use this ship. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a lab to data-mine."

    "I do not appreciate you using my name so haphazardly, Tenno."

    "Neither do I appreciate you chewing out a teammate for her good work."

  7. "Long story. Basically, a nuclear fission reactor in Ukraine overheated and exploded, blasting is cover off and releasing a cloud of highly radioactive dust across Europe. My guess, it's probably still contaminated, even underneath the Orokin Forest. If we wen't through with EAmorr's plan to use the Formorian Core to blow up Regor's lab, it would have the side effect of splitting the Hydrogen and Oxygen in the water apart in the initial blast before fusing the Hydrogen into Helium and so on. Basically, it would create a minature star on Uranus, which would quickly run out of fuel and eject its coronal mass, most likely boiling off Neptune and a good portion of Saturn, which is why we are NOT" I raised my voice to ensure EAmorr heard. "Using the core."

    "Mein Gott. Vell. I see vhy you would vant to avert such a disaster."


    Won't be here till Monday, keep thread alive people.

  8. "Good. No core means no disaster that would make the old-Earth Chernobyl look like a microwave accident. I appreciate you want to destroy the place, but we can't just cause a nuclear firestorm on Uranus. And anyway, we need to data-mine the entire place. Alad still wants his cure. Maybe we can ram him in a tube to set him right."

    "Whatever. Just as long as I get to destroy the place afterwards."

  9. A Formorian Core... that's insanity... if that thing ruptures on the planet, it'll fissate the water and atmosphere before fusing both....

    I headed after EAmorr, but beore I did, I turned to Doc.

    "Make sure you decontaminate yourself thoughroughly. I don't care if you have a healing factor, we don't. So just do it."

    "Fine. I can see you von't take nein for an answer."

    Nodding shortly, I ran after EAmorr.

    "We are half an hour away from Uranus. I won't let you go near the planet with that core until you tell me exactly what you intend to do with it."

  10. Usually in the range of 20-30 Plat.


    "Ugh. Tyl Regor. To think that he's almost created a nigh-unkillable strain of clones... I dread to think of what would happen if he were to successfully release a batch og his so-called Tubemen."

    "Lighten up, Zan. He's a degenerating clone. What's the worse he can do?"

    "EAmorr, I've heard that he's undergone several cybernetic changes recently, as well as creating a shield and axe for himself. Failed assassination attempts always send back reports of rocket-propelled fists and Tyl deliberately flooding the base. He sounds deranged. Insanity is always a dangerous foe."


  11. "Doc, don't touch that stuff without a suit. I don't want to have to put you down."

    "Raus! I'll be fine."

    I groaned, shutting the door behind me. She could kill herself if she wanted. I wasn't going to be held responsible. I headed into the cockpit and signalled Ordis.


    "Trace this signal."

    I played back the recording of Regor.

    "I'll see what I can do."

    I sat and waited. Around ten minutes later, Ordis contacted me.

    "Operator, the signal originated from Titania, Uranus. Are we going to- TEAR HIM TO PIECES- apprehend Regor?"

    "That is the plan, yes. As well as find any data that could cure Alad."

  12. I gathered what was left of my energy and spun, a pulse tearing the Juggernaut's forelimbs off. Radiation spread across it, confusing it momentarily, before it began to shudder from the electricity now surging through it. In a spectacular display of gore, the beast's eyes exploded, shortly followed by

    the rest of its head. A solid chunk of skull nailed me and knocked me flat. I laughed.

    "Well, that's one hell of a way to kill something." I stood up, quickly becoming serious, looking at Doc. "You've been exposed. Come on, we need to get you decontaminated."

    As we turned to make our way out of the lab, I frowned. I could see a strange light, with oddly shaped, almost square particles coming off it. Before I could warn the group, the simulation crashed, the lab disappearing and Regor's voice appearing again.

    "Oh, you thought my labs were on Neptune, did you? Shame. I would have loved to kill you myself. Pity the Juggernaut didn't fair very well. Oh well."

    The transmission cut off. We quickly made our way back to the ship.

  13. "I have an idea. It's asinine, but it should work."

    "Whatever works, Zan!" Was the reply from Ain.

    I climbed up high, waiting for the top plates to open again. I readied my daggers. As the plates began to slide apart, I turned invisible and dropped, the massive amp to my melee damage allowing me to carve straight into the Juggernaut, deep to a point where just my legs were waving around outside. I lashed out as much as possible until someone wrenched me from the beast, the plates slamming shut as my hands cleared it.

    "If that didn't kill it, it doesnt have long to live."

  14. Seeing how my Loki Warframe had exactly zero offensive abilities, and the armour on this Infested thing- no, Juggernaut- was impenetrable, I climbed upwards, observing from above as my teammates attacked and dodged. It roared, a deluge of brackish liquid spreading across the floor, smaller chargers climbing from the dark water. I frowned. The Juggernaut roared again, before a section of the plates on top opened to release a storm of acidic liquid, the metal fizzing and corroding away beneath it. I fired an arrow into the gap, its attention immediately shifting to me. The top plates opened again and I was almost skewered by a hail of barbs. I landed in a crouch and turned invisible.

    "Whenever it attacks, its plates open. Attack it when it attacks you."

  15. My hands drew my Dread as the lights went out, Regor's voice filling the silence. Ain made an arc in his hands.

    "Ah, Tenno. In my lab. Well. This is disappointing. Clearly my security weren't good enough. Mind you, nothing is good enough to contain what's down there. Good luck getting back out, and don't forget to file a report on the containment breach."

    The message ended, and a roar filled the lab.

    "Alad, was there any data?"


    One of the doors buckled, something heavy forcing it inwards. I took aim at it, swiftly changing my mind when an armoured head forced its way through.




    "Vorwärts, mein treues Ross!"


    Translation, please.


    "Be on your guard. I don't like this. Look at all the wiring. It's been chewed."

    Several sparking cords hung from the ceiling, the occasional discharges lighting the corridor.

    "T-Tenno, the lab is down the corridor to your left."

    I turned off, running to the end of the corridor and hacking into the panel. The doors shuddered open, like the machinery was sick as well. It only opened halfway. I frowned at the sight within. The bodies of what I assumed once were Tubemen were strewn across the floor, some of them intact, others less so. Some floated face-down in the water. Shattered glass covered the floor.

    "Never mind them. Filthy creatures. Data-mine the lab."



    "Never mind the seventies. We have to go deeper into the lab. I'm honestly quite surprised there weren't more resistance."

    I ran up the catwalk, through the next set of doors, a Trooper falling to my daggers as I landed on him. I hacked the door open and jumped down the shaft, the air growing noticably warmer again. I landed, and immediately recoiled from what I saw.

    "Oh, that's not good." I radioed my team. "There's Technocyte all over the place down here."


    Ain landed next to me.


    "Doc, you don't come down here. You'll be Infested in seconds."



    The stars have aligned; my rewards both yesterday and day before were Grak BPs.

  18. We soon came upon a large chamber. Several pipes lay exposed, along with a console. Alad suddenly opened a comms link.

    "B-break the pipes and flood the place. That door will open then."

    Shrugging, I wrenched one of the plates off, Ain ripping off a second and EAmorr the third. Doc went to advance on the console, but stopped when a Lancer rounded the corner. He did not see the human. Doc crouched, making his way across the floor and briefly struggling over the handrail before dropping to the floor. He stood up, approaching the Lancer and raising a saw. He held it up behind him before thrusting it forward.

    "I'm going to saw through your bones!"

    The Lancer had little time to make a noise, as the saw penetrated his spine and exited through his throat. I ran up and caught the body before the armour made too much noise.

    "Heh, nothing can stop ze Ubersaw."

    I rolled my eyes, tapping on the console and frowning as the water rose.

    "Ain, whatever you do, do not step into the water while we're in there."

  19. "Doc, you really don't want to touch that stuff. Just look at Alad; that's what it does. Alright, let's go."

    I ran forward, an arrow nocked and ready. As the door opened, I fired, my arrow decapitating the guard on duty. I ran forward and caught the head and body, stopping any noise while Ain dropped the guard further down, his Latron barely making a sound. Piling onto the elevators, we dropped into the facility, two more guards falling to my blades before we dropped again, the air becoming warm and humid.

  20. "Alright, here's how it's going to work. One word: Stealth."

    As I said that, Ordis flew my Liset in close and dropped a supply pod. From inside, I took the weapons I set aside for sneaking: the Dread, Rakta Ballistica, and the Ether Daggers. As I was placing my other equipment into the pod, I noticed a fresh helmet in the bottom of it. I smiled. While I did like the intimidating look brought about by the crack in my current helmet showing just one eye, I twisted it off and replaced it with the intact one. As I closed the pod, Ordis swept by at just under the speed of sound, a traction beam taking the pod away.

    "Doctor, your weapon is only good for healing, correct?"


    "Stay behind us then at all times. Oh, and do not take anything from the lab marked Infested or Technocyte. We do not want a pandemic worse than the one we currently have." I turned to the Corpus ship, the other Tenno stood inside staring at me, "Who else is coming?"

  21. "Do you want the short or long version?"


    I rolled my eyes, a gesture I had long missed.

    "The Grineer are a race of world-conquering clones. They're mass-produced and are often heavily armoured. But, they have a short lifespan due to generations of genetic degradation being cloned over and over again. Many Grineer researchers tried and failed to find a way to reverse the decay, but none came close. Then Regor was cloned, and through experimentation, we believe he has found a reversal and has cloned defect-free Grineer. We're going in to destroy his "Tubemen" and steal research for Alad here. If Regor himself is down there, then... well, a bullet between the eyes wouldn't hurt many people, would it?"

    Doktor placed a hand on her chin, considering the new information.

    "Vell... I will just have to see for myself."

    My eyes narrowed.

    "Did you not hear the part about hordes of heavily-armed and armoured clones? You have no Warframe, and you're wearing a lab coat. You won't last five minutes in there. You don't even have a weapon that can hurt!"

    "Ohh... heh heh heh... I don't need a veapon to hurt. My hands are sufficient enough. In any case..." She pulled a strange gun from a holster. "I believe acid and armour make a very salty mix, no?"

  22. (shhhhhhhhhh young one)

    (I'm not going full fledged tf2 rofl)

    You better not. Yes, that is a warning.


    "Strange group doesn't even begin to cut it." I said.

    Suddenly, the ship jolted, the lights flickering on and engine noise filling the ship.

    "Looks like Ain got the power back."

    I walked into the cockpit, staring out into space. It was strange, having my sight back after so long without, strange not having to use my helmet's neural relay to stream a camera feed directly into by brain. In the distance, I saw a deep blue sphere interrrupting the emptiness.

    "And we're almost at Neptune. Alad!"

    The sickened man walked into the room."

    "Ah, yes. N-Neptune. now, we want one of Regor's labs." He tapped a set of coordinates into the console, and the ship lurched forwards. "There. We'll be there soon."

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