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Posts posted by Brakhai

  1. Recently I found out, I can't join pre-existing squads, when I want to join missions.

    It searches for a squad to join, but fails and starts a mission with me as a host EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
    I can't be host, because for some reason, my internet just doesn't work for being host and my clients lag as hell. So now I can't play public at all.

  2. Can we talk about his 1 though? Whose idea was it being a freaking cone? When you think about CC frames, you think reliability. Every enemy in orb vallis can just walk up to him from behind and just shoot him in the butt for loads of damage. His armor and HP/Shield stats are poor too. He's not a tank, not a CC caster and not a damage frame. He tries to do everything and sucks at everything. At least make his 1's degree spread bigger, so that you can be close to 360 degrees with stretch and augur reach (because frankly: you don't want to use overextended on him...)

  3. I don't know, if it's because I'm the host (playing solo/friends/invite only), but sometimes, I spend a whole warm cycle flying through map, throwing standing and iradite into the fishing hotspots and the fish just don't spawn at all. Sometimes, two brickies spawn and that's it.

    I just want to fish a little while not being pushed to extract by a squad. That is, unfortunately impossible right now.

  4. Forgot to mention, that the innate polarities on exalted weapons are useless. V and two dashes on Regulators for Mesa. Srsly? Almost every secondary needs 3 V forma. And what do we get? Two dashes. For me, the dashes might as well not be there at all because I am going to forma them into Vs anyways... Srsly, who uses dash polarity mods apart from Primed Heated charge these days?

  5. Yesterday I did an invasion for Snipetron Vandal Barrel. I double checked, whether it really is the part I need and it was. I was happy, that I will be finally able to complete SnipetronV, but today, in my mailbox, I got Snipetron Vandal Blueprint. Anybody else experienced this?

  6. 3 hours ago, Marrra said:

    Ok, so my thoughts: 

    Most of the issues I've had with Octavia have been brought up in previous pages. I haven't read all 19 pages, but there's a lot of people echoing each other so the problems with gameplay seem pretty obvious. I'll just make a list of my major points.

    • For the love of all that is holy, PLEASE give us two extra sound option sliders - one for our own Octavia music and one for everyone else's. 
    • Having to hit beats to receive buffs is problematic when ping can be such an issue for those of us playing together from all over the world.
    • Fully reworking the Mandachord system to change it to use a full octave in each section would obviously be a lot of work and unlikely to happen. But at the very least I'd like:
      • The ability to change the tempo of the music. If it was done as a flat tempo to try and keep the music from Octavias playing together in sync and not terrible, with people out there making god-awful sounding songs anyway the attempt to make things sound better is mute (and can be avoided by having the option to mute other Octavias in your game). If it's so that everyone is on the same footing whether you can create music in the system or use pregenerated song, then make sure there's premade songs at a variety of bpm to choose from.
      • Being able to extend notes, either by a toggle option on the note (such as press once, add the note, press twice, extend the note, press 3rd time, remove the note) or by adding the ability to highlight a section of notes and choosing an option to link them together to extend the note for that duration.
      • More variety in instruments. As I've seen mentioned by many people, all of the instrument packs sound similarly synthesized. It's a major disappointment after buying all of them that for a lot of the music we want to make, there's no suitable instrument available. This applies not just to the Resonator and Metronome sections, but also the Mallet - most of them sound so alike it's pointless getting additionals.

    This. So much this.

  7. Also: The fact, that the timer automatically starts, when you enter the area is such bullsh*t. Those missions are designed to be stealthed through and in sorties you just don't have the option because hurr durr difficulity... That doesn't make any sense. It is difficult enough with all the nullifiers and eximi running around...

  8. Happens to me too. A little tip to make it not so bad: After it breaks, just select the same mission again and click on cancel mission. Then you can attempt to find a squad again. Do this every time it tells you, that session is full and wait with me for the fix :D

  9. 15 hours ago, TheyreFood said:

    I am in the same boat, and as well my stance slot never changed, so i would need to forma it again....

    Well, nothing about forma in the most recent hotfix, so we will probably have to accept this bullS#&$.

  10. When the latest hotfix dropped, I just put a forma on my Hirudo. Off course it was a madurai polarity.

    But after inspecting my Hirudo polarities, there was only one V.

    As I see it, this is forma and time I am never going to get back. Is there something, our dear DE could do about this?

  11. I purchased Nidus with platinum and then started playing with his looks. When I hit randomize, it randomed me into his alternate helmet. I thought that some window telling me to buy the helmet would pop up, but it didn't. I tried launching a mission and relogging and none of those seem to change my helmet to the default one.

    I can also equip the helmet in other loadouts and when I view it in market, it doesn't say "1 owned".

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