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Posts posted by derpforce89

  1. Not sure if it's a bug but if you hit reload again while reloading your strun wraith (haven't tried it for other shotguns) it automatically reloads after every shot. For example, if you have a full magazine and you shoot, it automatically reloads.

  2. So i was in a T4 defense early with a full squad and i had to leave at wave 15. I was the only one to leave, but after the timer finished, it said that i failed the mission. Asking a friend if anything had happened, he said that he was still in the mission and everything was fine. I went to my inventory to check if i got anything (i would know because I got 2 dakra bp) and found that i had literally failed the mission because i left early.

  3. So I raid a lot. Its fun. But what's not fun is disconnecting from the game just for it to tell you that objective had already been completed. What's even worse than that is having the whole squad disconnect so you're stuck by yourself. There should really be a way to get people back into the raid if they disconnect or crash. Yes, there is the option to rejoin the squad, but what happens if its not there or the user fails to connect?

  4. Just wondering how you guys are getting 1800 conclave for specters if you're getting it at all. The highest I've been getting is 1619 with rhino prime, Paris prime, brakk, and orthos prime with auto installed mods. I can get to 2087 if I have carrier and sweeper equipped but I still can't build the specter then because it says I still don't have enough conclave. Is conclave affected by mastery? In that case, what rank do I need to be? I'm MR 15 ATM.

  5. Just wondering about how arcanes enchantments stack. I know that you can stack the same arcane on an item up to 10 times, but can you put a different arcane on that item too? Example: if i put an arcane eruption on a syandana, would i be able to put an arcane awakening on it? Also do you still keep the effects from an arcane helmet if you put an enchantment on it?


    On a side note, I'm honestly having a lot of fun in the raids. I sorta think the timer should be slightly lower. Of course I understand why DE put a timer on it, if there wasn't people would be spamming it. Still I think it should be a little lower (maybe 20 hours?).

  6. Just a minor thing but every time I change any of my settings my HUD margins get really derpy. I would have them perfectly fine and scaled but once I change literally any setting the HUD sorta goes off the screen.

  7. The same thing has been happening to be. I don't think its tabbing out because I started the game, finished the mission, and got the grey screen of death. I've also been getting this almost every time making it quite annoying. Please fix DE. Having to close the game and restarting is very annoying especially after a mission that only takes about 2 minutes.

  8. I like fun and enjoyable as much as the next guy, but it's been what a few hours and already the whine threads?  The reality is that recruiting chat will be raining keys within 3 days and getting Mesa will not be as bad as everyone is making it out to be.  You want to talk about timeframe, go look at Mirage and Limbo, even release Hydroid with the awful Delta beacon rate.  This is not the start of something new, this has been going on for a while now.

    Recruit isnt gonna be raining with keys. Its gonna be raining with everyone LOOKING for keys, assuming people actually have them.

  9. ☑ “This guy's mesa is CRAZY!” ☑ “My deck can't win against a frame like that” ☑ "He NEEDED precisely those three pieces to win" ☑ “He got only the parts that he needed" ☑ "He had the perfect rng" ☑ “There was nothing I could do” ☑ “I played that perfectly" ☑ "Or he spent 325 plat on Mesa"


    On a serious note the mutalist nav segments should be farmable. Yes, technically you can get Mesa for free but at the rate the invasions are coming at and factoring in rng, it would take at least a month without putting any plat into Mesa. The Mutalist nav coordinates should be farmable. Having invasions rewards for it isn't really farmable. The Hek Assassinate key is a joke compared to this one. You could get all the beacons in a run, but now you have to run 9 missions (3 for each nav) to make only 1 key. Just make the Mutalist Navs a drop on a game mode such as Hive. Then maybe people might actually have fun instead of getting a Mesa chassis when they need the systems after weeks of farming invasions for the navs.


    can we actually boycott warframe?

  10. So I've been running into a problem since update 12.6.0 came out. I CAN START THE GAME. when I go to the launcher, it starts to load for a while than a message pops up saying Update failed; Download data corrupted. what should I do? I already followed the instructions on the thread about the update failing. ive uninstalled and reinstalled but I still get the same message. anyone else having this problem? HELP ME!!! I JUST WANT ME DEX FURIS AND MY BOLTOR PRIME THAT JUST FINISHED. :(

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