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Posts posted by x13x

  1. just got on today to do some defence agianst infested and my charge attack with the othos was doing 150-200 damage with damage mods equiped.

    i need someone to confirm this as basic Orthos use to do 600 charge damage, so somethings up.

    also tried Hate and that dealt 600 damage.

  2. for the past few months i have only been getting common 3 fusion cores and a small list of mods. at first i thought it as being unlucky, but now i feel that it seems to be bugged.

    i am unable to get any other variant of fusion cores besides the common 3.

    anyone else experianceing this or that can give me some insight to whats happening.

    edit: bit more info on the small list of mods i get, seems to be a hand full of mods that i get very frequently, but i cant get any others, regardless of there rarity.

    this is annoying as its very hard to upgrade high level mods with common 3 :C

  3. i have been having the same problem for a while and my ticket is still in the process. i am assuming that they are working on the problem as i havent had a reply for a day now. just hold tight, you not the only one out there. i had done a little research of my own and found that anyone that created the account and plays through steam gets this problem as you are directed to a link so that payment can be made through steam.

  4. I have noticed a flaw within the market regarding prices and im sure other have too. i will use the snipetron, which is 50k credits or 225 platinum, which seems fair, however you can by 60k credits for 90 platinum... so you can buy the weapon for 255 platinum or 90 platinum and gain an extra 10k. similar story with other weapons... what i think should be done with this is to lower the platinum cost of the items or raise the credit price, or edit the amount of credits recieved when purchasing them for platinum. sorry if this was a hidden secret.

  5. Except...you do get the rewards...

    If you want to spend forever and a day exploring every passage, make a private game...

    i agree with shadow, if you want to farm you should create a private or solo game. i dont think theres anyother solution to the problem you have other than finding a group of players with the same play style as yourself or just asking your other players to slow down.
  6. Having issues when trying to purchase platinum/founders. the link generated get a blank page with "invalid Parameter" i have seen that others have had the same problems but havent shared how to fix it. my guess is its somthing about my account being linked to steam, so its trying to make the payment there. im thinking this because i made an other account and tryed and the link works. i have messaged support a good few hours ago now and havent had a reply yet, so thats why i message here. hope someone has a fix for me.

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