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Posts posted by xKratos_Aurion

  1. Yup, older annoying bug and i think it's prime time to put in the spotlight.

    After all, one would think that when releasing a new (relatively) hard to obtain, high magazine and slow reloading weapon the best decision, both business wise and gameplay wise, would be to make sure that all the mods that might make it more desirable properly work in order to sell more of it, but i guess that wasn't the case.

  2. Great topic, buddy, was searching for something like this for a while ( even tought all the math got my head spinning XD ).


    i have one question tought, what happens if we put Vigor as a 2nd defensive mod instead of steel fiber? yes you lose some armor, but you gain 120 health and shield, so you can fully proc vex armor even if your sentinel get destroyed and can't use guardian anymore.


    right now i'm using this as a maxed power & duration build, what exactly would be the numbers with cold ward? sorry to bother <.<



  3. got it yesterday.


    setup: limbo duration - banshee range/efficiency - Ash max power for clean up at the end or when necessary to conquer a point at the start of a round.


    we had also a disarming loki but it turned out to be kinda pointless. yes it allowed me as limbo to safely banish even a napalm and beat him (we all had CP so it was doable) to death, but another ash would have made for much faster clean up.

  4. game's totally broken. nobody in my clan can manage to go past the launcher. it downloads some kbs at 1-2 bs and then get stuck at another checking for update.

  5. "Increased the amount of Fusion Cores you get in Void Survival Rewards depending on tier of Survival being played."


    still the same as before from what i saw, and now u can get orokin cells in survival 4 instead of cores -.- .

  6. all elemental buffs augments (and total eclipse too even if normal eclipse only gives it's buff to weapons), are supposed to buff everything, weapon or power.


    i started to use oberon in def, ecc practically for this augment. it's most likely that the fact that some skills are not affected is a bug more than a feature.

  7. sadly this will not happen. the closest thing you can have to 1st person view is going invisible with a loki with black energy color (from smoke colors) and color correction off in the options.

  8. fjUcymp.jpg


    builded for infested in the screen, elemental and events mods are fully interchangeable for all combinations with that many formas. seeker it's simply a must.


    got and forma'ed both mara detron and brakk. i prefer the detron since the brakk loses it's king dps after 5 meters.... and it doesnt even really shoot visual pellets like the detron does, so it feels more like a marelok than a shotgun-like weapon.

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