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Posts posted by Perral

  1. Ever since this update, I have had major performance issues when fighting Profit Taker.


    Anywhere else on the Vallis is fine, but when I look at the PT during its fight, I can barely move my character. When I tried to use void dash, the delay between going into void mode then dashing was so long that I was actually out of void energy by the time it tried, so I just ended up jumping.


    Again, before this update, it was fine, and everywhere else still is, it is not a problem with my computer, just the profit taker fight.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Zareek said:

    Oh? It seemed from previous updates on the matter, that they made 1 map at a time. I believe they started off by releasing 1 map reworked. But hey if that's the case, thats wonderful news!

    The actual map changes are one at a time, the lighting and rendering changes will be global. The other thing they did one at a time was PBR, but they've finished that overhaul.

  3. It's been a while since I've done this, so bear with me. I wanted to do Ember first, but she's complicated, so here's Nova.

    Please do not just downvote and move on just because you think she's fine with molecular prime. I don't intend to touch molecular prime (directly), the problem's in the other abilities.

    So, the problems as I see them are as follows:
    1) Nova has very little survivability. She's not alone in this, but hers is entirely reliant on a mix of her 4 and 1. As I've said, 4 is good, but the 1 is a defensive that actively removes itself for the sake of pitiful damage, meaning you need to reduce range as much as possible to keep it for any consistency, which ruins your 2 and 3, while also requiring vast amounts of duration to be helpful.
    2) Antimatter Drop is just too slow. Yes, it does a lot of damage, but in most cases, by the time it actually gets to deal its damage, the enemies could very easily just be killed by someone else, completely wasting the energy and ammo you put into it.
    3) Worm Hole is very niche. Sending someone/thing 50 meters away is excessive at best, especially for its cost. Yes, it's good in Plains/Fortuna, but you don't spend all the game in Plains/Fortuna, and being slammed into a wall is not that fun. This is an easy fix, really.
    4) Her passive is particularly useless. Not quite as useless as Frost's but still pretty bad. Knocking down nearby enemies isn't helpful when most knockbacks fly at you from out of its range, or when said knockback has already killed you.

    So, my proposed changes:
    New passive: Melee attacks as Nova have a % chance to prime enemies with antimatter.

    Essentially applying molecular prime to enemies hit by melee attacks. I'd say to have it unaffected by mods, so as to make up for the fact that you aren't spending energy for it, and if you're running speed nova, if they're in melee range the speed isn't really necessary anymore. It does mean that you'd need a melee weapon to make use of it, but so does Hydroid. I wouldn't have primaries or secondaries do this because they can hit too quickly, which could invalidate MolPrime altogether.

    Null Star: No longer shoots out projectiles at nearby enemies. This didn't really fit Nova's theme in the first place. Instead, Nova creates four larger orbs that circle her. As long as you have at least one orb, a % of damage taken is absorbed. Upon taking a hit with this ability active, an orb becomes primed, and explodes after 4 seconds. The explosion damage is equal to a % of the damage absorbed during the time the orb was primed.

    This should make the defensive part of this ability far more consistent, as well as thematic with the frame. Although, I'm uncertain whether duration in this case should affect the number of orbs created, or the time before the orbs explode. As for Null Star's augment, I'd say it should instantly prime all active orbs, meaning that the damage absorbed over the next few seconds would be multiplied by the number of orbs. You'd also no longer want to drop range so much, thereby keeping all your abilities useful. What's the point of an explosion based frame if you have to shrink the explosions to avoid exploding yourself?

    Antimatter Drop: I've said that it's too slow, but at the same time, you can't really speed it up in literal terms, or it'd be impossible to charge it. Instead, I'd say to remove the ability to have more than one at the same time (because you don't really need 2, after all), and instead have the ability to detonate it by reactivating the ability. Secondly, I'd like to add a bit of synergy with MolPrime, and have it instantly detonate any MolPrime effect that's hit by AMD, regardless of whether the enemy died or not. You could say this is a nerf, because you lose the damage buff on the enemy, but really, if you wanted the enemy dead on a slow build, the AMD would kill it, and if you're on a speed build, the AMD might not kill it, but the enemy would now not be sped up, meaning you have more control over the speed effect. Alternatively, a synergy with the new Null Star could be that on cast, it resets an active orb and transfers its damage to the AMD.

    Worm Hole: Slight change, reduce both base range to 20, and the base energy cost to 30. You'd need to cast it more to go the same distance, so it'd take a bit longer, but it'd be a lot more useful in most tilesets.

    Molecular Prime: As promised, untouched. It works fine and does good stuff. There's not really anything to add.

    In all, I think this would tidy up Nova nicely. In case you couldn't tell, I really don't like have to drop range on the frame for the sake of the current Null Star. Explosion frame should have more explosions. The end. I'll keep thinking of stuff for Ember.

  4. I noticed some inconsistencies when gaining standing while doing conservation, as I was checking how much standing I needed while on the Vallis, then going back to Fortuna and finding I had far less than what it said before, so I decided to do a test.

    I have just gone up to the doer rank, and since then have caught 3 delicate pobbers, all perfect, using Ivara's sleep arrow. Bear in mind that since I had just ranked up, and this being the first thing I did, I should have gone from 0 to 1800 standing.


    This screenshot shows that I did get 3 pobbers, complete with tags.



    This is the screenshot showing the standing I got out on the plains. It shows that I should have received 1800 standing, but shows my total standing as 3600 for some reason.



    This screenshot was taken immediately on returning to Fortuna. Once again it shows that I should have received 1800, but now shows my total as 1200.


    This screenshot was taken at Eudico, and confirms that I did only receive 1200 standing instead of 1800.


    So at least 2 bugs here.

  5. I made a post recently about reworking Frost, and I got a lot of useful feedback from it, mainly things that I should avoid when doing this sort of post. Anyway, moving on to the next frame that I feel could use improvements: Vauban.


    The problems:

    • Vauban has to invest in a position to get the most out of his abilities. Once his abilities have been placed, they cannot be moved, which creates a lot of waste.
    • Abilities have little synergy apart from that which is improvised.
    • Tesla's damage is incredibly slow, and loses value very quickly as enemy level increases due to the fact that if the first hit doesn't kill, the enemy is likely out of range by the time it can fire again. Overall the damage is very high, but it falls under the previous point.
    • Tesla's charge effect is mostly redundant other than the increased status chance, but the long cast time makes it not worth it, you may as well use two Teslas over a single charged one.
    • Tesla's Augment and Minelayer's Trip Laser are extremely similar.
    • All uses of Minelayer cost 50 energy. Including Bounce.
    • Bastille is a bit too "cast and forget". You put it somewhere and it'll trap anything in that radius up to a limit.
    • Vortex's effect is not significant enough to be worthy of a 4th ability. In comparison, Nidus' Larva has slightly reduced duration and double the range for only 25 energy, at the cost of no damage and only pulling on cast.


    To solve these, here are my proposed changes:

    The first is over-arching. Tesla is incorporated into Minelayer. All abilities are then moved down a slot, and have each of their costs reduced by 25.


    • Tesla is incorporated as the default use of Minelayer alongside Bounce.
    • Tesla no longer has a charge limit, and, rather than one shot every six seconds, now does the same DPS as a constant beam to the nearest target. This makes it both less wasteful, and more like an actual tesla coil.
    • Tesla augment re-purposed to now provide a chance for Shred and Concuss to regenerate once after their first detonation.
    • Trip Laser now incorporates the old Tesla augment effect.
    • Shred, Concuss, and Bounce have their effects unchanged, other than the lowered cost.

    This should make Minelayer a bit more interesting to use, especially when leveling Vauban. All I use it for right now is to throw Shred into mobs of Grineer.



    This is the one most likely to get me lynched, I feel.

    • Stun limit removed. No longer automatically stuns enemies.
    • Bastille will now stun enemies in its radius for a duration when they are rag-dolled, stunned, knocked down, or are hit by anything from Minelayer. This includes slam attacks, blast procs, panic from fire, and so on, but doesn't overwrite other direct effects of Warframe abilities, such as being grabbed by Hydroid tentacles, or being effected by Chaos. I suppose a better effect would be to activate when an enemy recovers from from something, but then it would probably appear to not do anything.
    • Another possibility is to incorporate the old Tesla effect in a way, and have Bastille automatically pick up an enemy every 2 or 3 seconds. Perhaps this could replace the augment?
    • Minor aesthetic change suggestion: rather than T-posing enemies, freeze them in the pose they were in when CCed. 

    The complaint I'll likely see about this change is that people can no longer use it to instantly CC a large crowd, to which I say "Use Vortex". The main point of this is so that you can't just put up a giant Bastille somewhere, then run off and do something else. The possibility remains, but you need to use Minelayer in tandem to do so.



    Other than the cost decrease, I'd say to leave it unchanged. Maybe increase the range a bit.

    If we were to leave this ability as a 4, then I'd say give it the ability to pull in anything deployed by Minelayer within range, with the exception of Bounce.


    New 4th ability, Overclock:

    Vauban let's out a pulse of energy, dealing ~200 blast damage to enemies in an area around him with 100% status chance. Any of Vauban's currently active deployables and any created within the next few seconds will then gain extra effects.

    • Tesla deals its damage to all enemies within its radius, but has its duration reduced by up to 75%, depending on how much is already used.
    • Enemies in an expanded area around Bounce will be launched into the air.
    • After 3 or 4 seconds, all Shred and Concuss mines automatically explode with 200% increased range.
    • Bastille will instantly effect a certain number of enemies within its radius (essentially its current effect).
    • Vortex increases its range by 50%, and will pull in any Tesla, Shred, or Concuss mines within its radius.
    • Allies within range also gain increased reload speed.

    The problem with this is that I really couldn't think of much else that it could do without the other abilities being used. The reload speed was thrown in so that it did something besides a knockdown in that eventuality, although I feel it does fit the theme.


    In all, I think this would give Vauban a much better feel, as well as giving him a 4th ability that feels more like one should. Vortex has intensity to it, but doesn't back it up very well with action, for its cost, but I think Overclock would be a worthy replacement.


    Anyway, please tell me what you think, if you feel that there's something wrong with this, please tell me. If you think a rework isn't necessary, please say why, as I've given my reasons for why there should be one at the beginning. Next I intend to look at Nova, although with nothing quite as drastic as this. Thank you for reading.

  6. 12 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

    What if 4's effects are only shared with globes that are in direct contact with 4?

    Interesting idea, but this would probably make it a bit clunky to use. To use optimally, you'd need precise placement, so a slight miss with a globe would mean needing to move it. On top of that, it'd need to be extremely clear when you were attached to a globe, or you might accidentally let a load of enemies thaw.

  7. So my intention with this is to go over a few of the older frames that I feel have amassed glaring issues over time due to either just innate problems with how they've been designed, or redundancies that have come due to the introduction of newer frames, starting here with Frost. Others I intend to look at are Vauban and Mag.


    The problems that I find with Frost are as follows:

    • Frame's purpose is very limited, working best in situations where you have to defend a specific point for a long period, but loses out to other frames with similar purposes (i.e. Limbo, Gara, and Khora) who are able to do a better job if used properly.
    • Passive ability is purely reactionary, you have to take unnecessary damage for it to activate, with only a 10% chance of any effect.
    • Compared to almost all other frames, Freeze has a substantially weaker CC effect for a first ability. It can slow a small area if it hits terrain, but if it hits a target, the CC is conditional, and is broken by damaging the enemy, while having comparatively low damage.
    • First and second abilities are made redundant by the fourth. Freeze is a single target stun, with the option of a small AoE slow, and Ice Wave does mediocre damage for its impressive visual effect. Avalanche does much more damage than either while stunning, rather than slowing, all targets in range, even if not for as long as Freeze. For pure numbers comparison, look at the difference between: one cast of Avalanche, two casts of Ice Wave, and four casts of Freeze.
    • Globe has redundant properties, and can be detrimental if used improperly. Yes, it can throw enemies away, but there's no reason to do so, and if you do use it like that, you now have a globe in the way. If you want to get rid of the globe, you need to use more energy, meaning that you might as well have cast Avalanche.
    • Avalanche is, objectively, amazing. Nice damage, removes armour, great visual effect. However, when compared to almost every other radial AoE ability, it loses out, even in CC duration, for which, thematically, it should be quite good at. Additionally, if both are equipped with augments, Frost's Avalanche and Mag's Crush are near identical.
    • Ability synergy is almost non-existent. The only example is Freeze destroying Globe, for which the only real incentive is to not have a globe there anymore, as the damage is so low.
    • There is no unified objective behind the abilities. Saryn's abilities all come together in boosting damage for each other, for example.

    We have our issues, now we need to set about fixing them.

    Let's start with the passive. I have two suggestions for potential replacements:

    1. Melee attacks against Frost's shields will freeze the attacker. This is a more consistent version of the current passive, offering a semi-sturdy defense against enemies while still retaining some form of limit on it.
    2. Cold procs against Frost will instead increase his speed, rather than slowing him down. This is my preferred option, really, and also draws a parallel with Ember's passive of increasing strength with heat procs. I also feel it makes more sense, as an ice-attributed warframe being negatively affected by the cold feels odd at best. This also makes up for Frost's low speed.

    Now for the abilities. I'll do it in reverse order, as I feel that the Avalanche change is the most substantial.

    Avalanche > Removed. I like Avalanche, but, for one, it's just a "Press 4, kill everything in a radius" ability, secondly, the name doesn't really fit its effect. A real avalanche involves large masses of snow, ice, and rocks falling the the side of a mountain, but this ability freezes everything in a small area, which is completely different. So, the replacement:


    New 4th ability, Long Winter:

    Long Winter is a channeled ability. For every second, enemies in a radius around Frost are slowed by 10% (+STR) for 12 seconds (+DUR), with additive stacking, meaning that it would reach 100% in 10 seconds. When the slow reaches 100% on an enemy, they are frozen. Frozen enemies have their armour reduced by 40% (same as Avalanche currently), and take 150 True damage (+STR, no status chance) while remaining in the area of Long Winter.

    So far, this just looks like a cold version of World on Fire that requires you to stand still. However, the range of Long Winter would actually be quite small, about 10 meters (+RNG). In addition to this, Long Winter is also cast by any active Snow Globes with additional range equal to the radius of the Globe (currently 5m). This means that Frost can cover a substantial area with Long Winter with careful use of Snow Globe.

    The energy cost of Long Winter is increased as you channel it, similarly to Hysteria, and also by how many Globes you have active.

    So far, this probably doesn't look that appealing, so let's move on to the other abilities to discuss synergy.

    Augment: When an enemy is frozen by Long Winter, allies standing within Long Winter gain a barrier that absorbs 60 damage.


    Snow Globe:

    Mostly unchanged. However, the shatter damage should be increased depending on the remaining health of the Globe at the time. Another option would be to deal increased damage to frozen targets. The push back of creating a globe should also be substantially lowered so that it pushes enemies just outside of the globe, while the freeze effect should be changed to count as if frozen by Long Winter.

    Due to Long Winter, there may be some issues caused by Globes, so I'd like to say that you should be able to shoot through Snow Globe in either direction. You can do it with Gara's wall, so why not this? To facilitate either of these, it may be necessary to reduce the number of possible active Globes to two or three. Only one globe would cause problems, as Frost will want to stand in it, which negates the idea of Long Winter coming from Globes as well, so three is probably best. The only problem with this is how easy it would make interception missions. To counteract this, I'd say to add a low energy drain per globe of 0.5/s, meaning that if you run out of energy, your globes disappear. It would be kind of annoying, yes, but it also makes sense, if you think about it. However, it shouldn't count as a channel, even though it technically is, so as to keep current functionality. You just now need to think about things a bit more.

    Augment: Changed to count as if enemies were frozen by Long Winter, but maintaining the 50% chance.


    Ice Wave:

    Almost unchanged. Now has no status chance, but adds an equally effective slow that can count towards Long Winter, allowing you to speed up the time it takes to freeze an enemy.

    Augment: Same change as the main ability, while also adding that Frost moves faster in the area created by this augment.



    I have two ideas for this, both of which seem quite reasonable to me:

    1. Remove CC breaking after damage. Add charge effect to the ability, which adds punch-through, allowing you to freeze multiple targets.
    2. Change name to Frost Lance. Fires a projectile that slows (not freezes) enemies on impact. Has indefinite enemy punch-through, and deals additional damage to frozen enemies.

    In either case, energy should be refunded if the projectile shatters a Snow Globe. 

    Augment: Unchanged.


    In all, I think this would make Frost feel a lot more solid with a more usable toolkit. It feels a bit odd to not be using the cold procs, but I'm not sure if it's possible to use a different slow additively with the cold procs to make the freeze effect. If it is, then sure, have 1-3 use cold procs, but otherwise, this is the option.


    Please, tell me what you think, and if you think I should take a look at other frames as well (I think I have a pretty good idea for Vauban).

  8. TNtZSjF.png

    Rather minor bug, but as the screenshot shows, I found a mining spot today that spawned in midair, with no graphic for it other than the outline. Made it difficult to find, but still worked. Fortunately the terrain wasn't complicated.

    I should have made it more clear, but you can see the map slightly. This is next to the beached whale on the coast near the barrier to the left as you leave Cetus.

  9. This seems to be your personal complaint thread now, and your main point seems to be that devs aren't taking time out of actually building the game to talk one on one with every single person who has a concern about every single change.


    You are completely ignoring that that is completely impractical and arguably detrimental to the game. For every single person who likes one thing, there will be another who doesn't. They've said before that when it comes to that, they can't just sit still, they have to make a judgement, and they'll do what they think is best for the game, not what will spite you the most.


    Additionally, because they aren't able to talk to absolutely everyone, they do have a system in place to have a focus group of players, that being the design council, and you don't get on that by whinging.

  10. Thing is, in the long run, DE HAS stated that they think that it shouldn't be necessary to have a specific build for a task. There are too many things in the game for that, and it just leads to everyone using the same builds, ignoring everything else.


    You shouldn't need to have arcanes, You shouldn't need Trinity, Nekros, or some other healing frame to survive in the long run.

    Things like life strike are also out purely because of how rare it is.


    Having health orbs give percentage makes perfect sense, since it would make little difference in the beginning, but keep them relevant at the end, while not needing anything specific that requires grinding to get to it.

    Saying "Ah yes, but with this specific weapon and mod combination, I am fine!" does not help one bit, as not everyone is using "this specific weapon and mod combination".

  11. Stats for all warframes follow a constant:


    The value of the health and shields at rank 30 is 3x that of the stats at rank 0 (100 at 0 becomes 300 at 30).

    Energy is similar, except it is 1.5x (100 becomes 150).


    Everything else stays the same, except the abilities, which are independent.

  12. So, what we have in-game are two obvious types of sentient, the drones, such as occulysts (referred to as 'fragments' by Hunhow), and a more humanoid variant, of which we currently have Hunhow and Natah. What we also know is that they were initially created by an 'Archimedian' known as Perintol, and they are capable of self-replication.


    So, the Sentients are machines without a doubt.

    So then, how did Natah and Hunhow come to have a human (or at least humanoid) form?


    First thing of note, both Hunhow and Natah seem almost identical from what we can see of the two, with the former looking as if he's been burnt to ash, yet somehow reconstituted. Of most importance is the fact that the masks are identical, despite being the origin of the Lotus symbol due to its shape, thereby implying that it in fact has nothing to do with the Lotus specifically.


    Now, all of the other Sentients seen are formed with an empty circle at their core which seemingly houses their consciousness, as seen with Hunhow's presence in the full version of War. So, why do Natah and Hunhow lack this gap? Well, simple. It was there. The evidence of the consciousness can still be seen, as both Natah and Hunhow, on the front of their masks, have a glowing light.


    Now we're at the fun part. If the light is positioned in front of where a human's eyes are, then that would place the gap where the brain would be. Therefore, my conclusion is that the core Sentients, such as Natah, have adapted to the extent of being able to possess a human/orokin by taking control of the brain, with their true self being the mask.


    Finally, an important part. Who did they possess? Now, this may seem irrelevant, but the Lotus speaks to us about Margulis. But the question is, how did she know about her? From what we know from Second Dream and from the Detron Crewmen synthesis, Margulis died sometime around the Sentient's first usage, most likely before, as Ballas was still active around then, and was secretly manipulating their development. What we don't know specifically is how Margulis died. If someone as powerful as Ballas was truly in love with her, as shown in their conversations, she wouldn't have been executed commonly, but probably more quietly. He most likely kept her body in pristine condition so as to not insult her memory.


    So, some unknown time later, Natah was sent to destroy the Tenno, and in the effort, began in-depth research. She found out about Margulis, and with methods only available to a Sentient, as a machine, found out about Margulis. She then managed to recover Margulis' body, and possessed it. The link between them was, however, two-way. This meant that Natah gained all of the knowledge she was looking for, but also gained all of the emotions that she felt towards the children.


    This, combined with the recent loss of the ability to replicate (becoming barren), caused her to long for a replacement, as we have seen, as she refers to herself as the Tenno's mother to this day.


    Who Hunhow possessed is unknown, and perhaps irrelevant. It could have been an Orokin commander, in an attempt to gain military knowledge, maybe even Ballas himself, in an attempt to play on the leftover emotions of Margulis (thereby causing the Lotus' lasting fear of him?), or possibly even an actual Tenno, in an attempt to overcome to susceptibility to the void, but instead caused both to nearly be destroyed, hence Hunhow's burnt appearance.

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