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Posts posted by XioKenji

  1. "It's Sony's fault!" bullcrap. 

    It's always Sony's fault , lol. same with other titles such as Pl*nets*de2 and DC un*verse that also got free releases in ps4 , theyr'e not up-to-date and have major problems and it's Sony's fault , not "SOE(Sony online entertainment" , but Sony(the PS4 dev division atleast).


    * = Didn't read the forum laws and such but I thought this thing is kinda forbidden so...

  2. Make Valk's Ability4 cleave all the targets infront of her , get rid of the float and make it apply melee weapon damage/crit/element.


    Every weapon that isn't FangPrime , Duel Ichors and Galatine needs a huge buff.

    Maybe someone wants to potato is Sakana , Bo or even Dark dagger to be a viable option for endgame or something , the only viable endgame melee weapons are the ones mentioned either for  Major DPS or even insane OMFGBBQ charge attack damage.


    Heck I'd say give us a melee "slot" , we press "Key" then switch into our melee weapon.

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