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Posts posted by (PSN)RusStarik

  1. Hmm...

    Rubedo is a small parts of an extinct, colossal creatures that lived in a space a lo-o-ong time ago. They was made of a pure energy and somehow became crystals when they died. Then their crystallized bodies fall on planets like a meteorites, and then, a lo-o-ong time after this, parts of their crashed bodies was discovered and named Rubedo. :D


    I like this theory.

  2. Terraforming and atmospheric bio-domes. Justified

    True, true... But then I wanna see dat dome in the skies and dat terraformers in a distance! :D

    In all seriousness, I would be very interested as to how the Corpus would set up base on a arid, burning planet.

    Lore is needed here, at least ingame visual hints, you know, like a fkn colossal mechanical, atmosphere-processing, Thing in a distance. XD
  3. especially in any of the tower key missions. after like 10 minutes in survival, everything becomes ridiculously choppy. and my internet is really fast compared to most people so theres no reason it should be this choppy. im surprised there arent more comolaints about it.

    Lagzzzz. Find few players with which you don't have this problem and play with them. Or play solo, like a boss.
  4. So, here is my ideas:

    Name: Nightmare(for Tenno)

    How it works: All light sources blows up, entire room becomes dark, scary sounds everywhere, and enemies starts to flee into nearest room, or shoot into nearest person(friend or foe), or kill themselves after few seconds of terrified screams. Don't effect robots.

    Upgrade: Increases percent of enemies that will kill themselves. Maximum - 70%.

    Name: Zone of shadows(for bosses)

    How it works: View distance of players decreased to ~2 meters, with dark fog on a border, all enemies turns into fast moving shadow-enemies with low HP, but huge melee damage, same enemies starts to spawn around players. Enemies disappears a few seconds before end of ability.

    Name: Timeshift(for Tenno)

    How it works: Casts an orb around tenno that reverses time to all objects(like bullets - they'll fly back to enemy) and enemies(they'll run backwards away for few seconds) that touches orb from outside. Increases firing speed and speed of casting abilities for friend inside orb. Ability using some energy per second to be active and can be aborted at any time. Caster can only slowly walking around while using this ability - he can't shoot, run, jump, etc.

    Upgrade: slightly increases radius of orb(max ~2 meters), walking speed(max ~half of usual speed) and decreases amount of energy per second.

    Name: Heavy Rain (for Tenno)

    How it works: For a few second all Tenno that was in a radius of ability when it was activated, will het infinite ammo for their weapons and won't need to reload it. Weapons like bows, sniper rifles, etc will get a double firing rate instead of "don't need to reload" part. + it refills ammo for all weapons.

    Upgrade: Increases time of infinite ammo and radius of abilify.

    Name: Mine! (for bosses)

    How it works: Boss steals weapon that deals him damage. This ability is active by default. Stealing deactivates ability and starts cooldown. Boss can steal all weapons from Tenno. Boss can steal and use absolutely any weapon, including sentinel's.

    Name: Direct control (for bosses)

    How it works: Boss gets an extra shield and starts a psychic attack of one of Tenno. Tenno that have been attacked can't do anything - can't shoot, move, use abilities, etc.. If rest of Tennos failed to destroy boss's extra shield in a certain amount of time - Tenno that was attacked will kill himself.

  5. It is someone who's browsing through google, they probably didnt wanna sign in, and decided to just read the forums as opposed to reading and posting.

    Nope, it's just Google's Uber-AI. Don't mind him(Her? It? Whatever...), he is "young" and curious. :)
  6. Why dont they just offically decide to make an announcement that Cross Platform Play is gone and be done with it?


    The only thing that DE need to do to make cross-platform possible is hold PC updates to release them at the same time as PS4 gets them(like Gaijin did, with their War Thunder). If they don't want to do this - they need to say us, simply because it's a fair thing to do to your fans.

  7. This is something that I don't need, especially if this will mean "farm 140 hours to get extremely rare pink-colored Iron Skin". But I'd love to see "Iron Skin with different/customisable color" as a reward for something. ;)

    And I can appreciate if DE make color of energy on Iron Skin slightly more visible.

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