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Posts posted by Skully938

  1. was playing a bounty on the plains on public came across a black pixelated textures around enemies when shooting at them, 

    not sure if this will help but it feels like it could be a particle effect possibly, anything from blood splatter to a explosion effect, seemed to be limited to combat i've included footage below it was too fast to try and screen shot



    thanks not sure if just me or something else


    reply if any other information is needed 🙂 

  2. Wanting to Buy a corinth riven mod, to basically re roll into the ground hence not wanting to spend an absoulute fortune on it

    if at all possibly ill break my budget if it has Magaizne increase, + fire rate and + multi shot,

    Thanks in advance 

    - guy who got sick of sitting in trade chat to no end

  3. Hello fellow Tenno, 


    Ever wanted greater interactivity with your kubrows, with the new weapon the Javlock that could be a thing.

    With recently playing around with the weapon i love throwing the thing, but having to go and collect it is a bit dangerous sometimes, and then i realized, i have a perfectly good chesa kubrow which is currently sitting in stasis that would love to be taken on missions and probably would love a game of collect the javlock. Since the kubrow already collects things it would be good, and its enough of a trade off to allowing tenno to stand back and continuously throw the javlock, since the kubrow would take off, say using a sunika or another type of kubrow or a sentinal

    so yeah tell me what you guys think of this and whether it would be a good idea, giving the chesa kubrow a nice niche to equipping it 


  4. Recently i have been messing around with volt and his changes a little more after his recent-ish changes and still very much enjoying them.

    but when it comes to his third ability i have a few questions, well not questions specifically but quality of life changes if you will:

    first off i completely understand the reasoning behind not allowing player to not equip a primary whilst carrying the shield around seeing as that thing doesn't have a health bar and stop all incoming damage, practically, aaannnd now it able to be mobile so there has got to be some sort of disadvantage/limitation to picking this almighty shield up and taking it with you, this being that u have to pull out a secondary or melee, fair enough. What i was discouraged to see was that your other hand unless you are using dual weapons, your other hand kind of flops around, making the shield just float there.

    Which then made me think that it would really be nice to see a small animation, or pose it which volt holds the shield with his other hand making it more reasonable to assume he is not able to wield a primary weapon due to having to hold the shield up, and i mean when it comes to dual secondaries, and say picking up the data module this is kinda already taken care of cause its like they almost just merge into one (not saying that this is best thing in the world, would mind seeing that it would halve the fire rate and magazine cause the player is technically only carrying one, but that's just me) 

    as far as feed back goes this is minor, but would be really cool to see and i think just bring the affect of the power up to little higher standard, and as far as i can tell warframe takes great pride in how it looks, so this could be a really cool thing to add in.

  5. 9 minutes ago, tastic said:

    Not used Loki in a while but were you using a fast fire rate weapon or one of the newer mods that adds crazy fire rate speed to some weapons?  There was a issue with lokis stealth and the audio from fast fire rate weapons while stealthed that would trigger stuttering

    i don't think it was an audio issue this but more a direct result of casting the power in general, 

  6. was playing Ani, void mission, and happened to notice there was was a severe amount of freezing when i turned invisible, ans this was noticeable game wide with the other players in the mission, cause there game to freeze as well. with the final conclusion of cause in my game to crash in the end.

    Has anyone else noticed this? Not sure if it was just me. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Tsoe said:


    In fact it would be great if this mod convert any health gain in armor... like some over health that would work with healing abilities as well... not only health orbs


    This idea would be good too, i didn't really notice this as i would be kinda self damaging having despoil on there which ment i was always able to pick the health orbs up.

    1 hour ago, Dobermann92 said:

    I tried it as well, unfortunately sometimes the HUD is buggy and I don't know what is going on at all. A fix would be awesome. I can support your 1st idea, but I think the 2nd would be too OP.

    hmm, perhaps it would be too OP, it might be too easy to allow people to get the armor up to the max without having to really fight for it....... would be nice though xD


  8. Recently I have been running a despoil Nekros with the addition of this mod to try something new and different for a change in my MR 21 years xD. but something that I noticed about the mod, that it was helping my Nekros actually survive a bit longer than usual. The mod still wasn't all that it could be, considering that there was a good idea behind it so I thought up a few:

    Idea 1:
    The first thought that occurred to me was that I was losing the armor buff mostly before the enemies got to my health which is where the armor buff actually takes effect. so what I thought would solve that simple issue would be to simply change the mod to only take effect when damage was done to health thus allowing the mod to actually take effect and allow it to be used rather than be wasted. 

    Idea 2:

    This idea was a little more complicated, but would still benefit from having the first idea thrown in as well. Basically as the mod is at the moment it only allows a total stack of 3 health orbs totaling in a armor buff of 1350 armor which for Nekros who can already get back health from desecrate, and now kills which is awesome, the armor is really good especially for his play style, but I digress, the point I was going to make was that instead of just have a 3 stack limit the player should be allow to pick up way more. Now don't get me wrong i wouldn't want the armor buff any higher I think 1350 is awesome and really quite generous, but what I don't like is that in heavy fire it can be gone in just 9 seconds, so what I propose is to allow the the first 3 to stack and will give that total of 1350 armor, but any further health orb pickups will then just reduce the total value of armor per health orb, for example:

    with the first 3 each health orbs gives a bonus of 450 armor, which it states but with the next health orb pick it up each one would only be valued at 337.5, and this would continue till a stack of 10 in total so that it does have to be maintained quite frequently but so frequently that it is never there. At a total of 10 stacks each stack lost would only lose the player a total of 135 armor bonus, and as before it would have 3s to disappear.

    I would love to hear some other ideas and more feedback on this mod as I think it is a really nice idea in concept but wasn't implemented as good as it could be.

  9. dang nammit, i just had this idea too....... was thinkning about posting about it..... didn't have the nerve so i'll just latch on here. 

    i would love to have an ingame tool to create maps and or tile sets using warframes pre built assets i feel it would allow so many people to find even more to do in warframe, of course there would be a voting process on which tiles or full maps are actually implemented.

    though an issue with the way warframe makes its maps especially for exterminates and captures... so on and so on. either we would have to be limited to as said before making quest or full playable missions without the level generation taking effect, or we would only be allowed to make single tilesets which of course like forge as well would be limited to size and amount items that could be placed within the scene/ tile.... the only other options is if we were limited to make interception maps and defense maps, as these aren't randomly generated each mission, which has a plus and minus to it all on its own.

    either way still would love that idea, whether be questing or level design both i am interested in.  

  10. Account cannot not be updated, is the issue i am having and earlier today i wasn't able to login. i guess late night focus farming is out of the question if everytime i finish a mission i loose all that i gained, not to mention resources and other stuff that would be nice to keep

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