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Posts posted by MrCythos

  1. I think that DE is trying too hard to please everyone in warframe and in currently trapped in trying to do so (not that they are but it certainly seems that way). Although it is great that DE is listening to the community so well, constantly patching and giving bugfixes, It seems like warframe is almost losing itself. They should stay focused on what they need to complete and fix rather than constantly adding minor adjustments. I could be wrong about this but I'd rather the developer stay focused on what they can do. I think the game went into open beta way too fast because the game is clearly unfinished in many ways and I think the developer needs to focus on building up from the core mechanics of the game.

  2. Right now it takes up 1.27 gb and that will increase as time goes by due to patches and new content being added (i remember when it was only 500mb). There aren't any "requirements" that have been posted but so long as you have at least 1.5 dual core processor and the dx9 gpu, you should be fine. It'll probably work on a 3-5 year old computer, it really isn't a very demanding game despite how it may look. Although if it is giving you a problem (reduction in fps), go to the option and change the shadows. Generally shadows are the most demanding. Changing the texture quality won't really do too much unless your gpu has really low vram. And turning off motion blur and bloom may be helpful. Not only in performance but also I find them annoying so I keep them off.

    edit: Strac_CRO posted the requirements. I didn't realize they put any up. my bad. I'll just keep this here for future reference.

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