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Posts posted by locutis

  1. I think Gunnery Rank 10 is fairly well balanced considering how powerful Gunnery rank 9 is.  20 percent extra heat is fairly trivial when you can press the reload button to dump all weapon heat in half a second and continue shooting.  Reflex aim only snaps to nearest target when you aim down sights and it only works with weapons that give you a leading target reticule. I find it works as intended and makes it so you can actually shoot fighters down when they are at a weapon's maximum effective range. 

    Though I would like to see a little better balance between railjack skills and weapons, since now I just use use ship weapons instead of skills.  Which is a 180 flip from before the railjack update, where I would use railjack skills over weapons.  I can understand the reason to make skills tied to warframe energy so that one gunner doesn't just drain all the energy and use all the ordinance, but find it makes me just not use skills now as it's pretty confusing not knowing if I have enough energy or not.

  2. There is a bug with Wukong's cloudwalker ability and falling into pits, especially on rescue mission.  If you fall into a bottomless pit while coming out of cloudwalker, you will respawn at the starting spawn location at the beginning of the level.  It mostly only happens when speed running rescue, when you are constantly jumping in and out of cloudwalker without really touching the ground, but it happens often enough to be very irritation when you already have the hostage and are on the way to extract only to respawn at the beginning of the level.  Sure, one of the solutions is to not fall into bottomless pits, but a bug is still a bug.

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