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Posts posted by OtisSpunks

  1. Its all starting to make sense now why the market had its UI redone. Tell me, where is the sense in removing ways to obtain a material used in nearly all new constructions in favor of it being placed near souly in one seasonal event? And wheres the logic in releasing a brand new frame that requires this material immediately after said seasonal event closes? You know whats fun, waiting around endlessly for something to do in this game, getting an update, and then having my face slammed into a time gate on top of a time gate. 

    edit: Looking forward to the white knight responses. Probably my favorite part about the official forums. 

  2. Well I am happy to see so many people supporting DE in this troubling time.

    Listen, my frustration is less about bugs being present but more toward the quantity and the added restrictive mechanic of eidolon hunts. I want DE to realize that the amount of bugs is causing the whole experience to degrade rapidly. Let us choose when to hunt the eidolons instead of spending so much time coordinating just for the whole thing breaking apart due to bugs. If arcane saturation is an issue, then dont have 100% drop. Alternatively you could also only allow a certain number to drop in a given 24hr irl cycle. Waiting around for 2 hrs to not get what I planned to get done because of bugs is an absurd thing to request of the games community. 

    Admit your code is broken and provide a cushion to compensate for said broken code, I just want DE to stop adding insult to injury.  

  3. Alright, this has gone on long enough. I am so sick and tired of waiting around for 1hr 50mins just to get plagued by glitches for 40mins. I am so tired of not having air breaks on my arch-wing forcing me to dance in the sky or intentionally slam into the ground. I am so tired of when meleeing to get out of my arch-wing I teleport 50-100meters back in time if not outright returning to where I took off at. I am tired of after picking up a shard the alter then tells me I don't have one, I am tired of hacking sometimes breaking while in arch-wing, I am tired of Lures randomly refusing to link despite being on top of the Eidolon. I am tired Eidolons teleporting while fully linked... DE I am tired of being almost forced to play the plains for any discernible endgame while its in such a broke ass state. 

  4. VIDEO
    AUDIO WARNING: keep the volume low, I recorded it quickly and did not adjust my levels. 

    ^^^^ So I've gone in and out of the plains 5x now during this night cycle and I keep getting this bug. ^^^^

    Description of Bug:
    Eidolon will spawn but will either stand still after spawning and then immediately decend back into the ground or will walk a short distance and despawn outright. The Teralyst will just respawn over and over and over. Meanwhile when collecting Lures, once captured they will begin a flight mission to the ISS and leave you to fend off the eidolon on your own. DE, I think we need another Hotfix because the last one broke your plains. 

  5. 2 hours ago, devildevil21 said:

    It's most likely a bug..


    it's coming from the vruush or whatever it's called the grineer turret in the camps (the one that shoots several bullets per second).


    Before update 22.12.0, these same turrets would throw the homing missiles only when you were in archwing. The damage is supposed to be absurd so that it one-shots you in archwing, instantly sending you back to normal mode.


    Seems like with patch 22.12.0, titania got this bug where she is now considered a target when in razorwing, for those turrets. Since the turrets are supposed to one-shot our archwings and send us back to normal, it will also one-shot us in razorwing. Except we don't go back to normal form, we die. That simple.


    I hope they fix this bug asap... first the ascend bug, now this... when will titania be properly playable? :v

    Thankyou so much, this makes a lot more sense. +100

  6. 2 hours ago, Oreades said:

    Hmm yeah did take her out on the plains today and i definitely experienced far more "Surprise! You're dead!" Deaths than i think I've ever experienced. 

    The only other thing that provides as much cheap death are the lvl 100 Sapping Osprey mines from the sorties. Tho at least they give you an indication of the death zone a second or so before they just kill everything. 

    I think I have figured it out. I'm in the plains now and I saw what looked like a standard mortar turret shoot a slavo of seeking rockets right at me as soon as I entered razorwing. Took me from 300 shield 740hp down to 14hp and some of them missed. Its absolutely insane now, not 5 secs after entering my 4 this thing rocked my world. 

  7. If nothing was changed then I am experiencing these mechanics for the first time despite the 50+ hrs I have spent in the plains these past 2 weeks on Titania doing max level bounties. I still believe something fundamentally has changed, but its completely possible I am wrong.    

  8. 2 hours ago, Sitchrea said:

    There's always been Grineer AA guns near main camps.

    Thats not what I am talking about. You know those grineer that jetpack into the air and shoot the salvo of rockets that have a short seek time? Its like those but that dont seem to come from a ground unit grineer and they seek you for much much much longer distances and they hit like a freight train.. or rather enough to 1 shot her razorwing butterflies or a Titania using a fully ranked vitality. 

    My guess is like what LSG501 said. With the introduction of dargyns they gave the gineer greater anti air since the dargyns is offensive much like the arch wings can be. However they seem to forget one crucial detail. When I am shot out of my archwing im not dead, I fall to the ground but am still alive and effective. An inconvenience sure, but I wasnt insta-gibed. 

    Others should try this and see if they experience the same. Get into razorwing around bases and see if you get absolutely rekt'd by a mysterious mass of missiles.  

  9. So I was doing a 20-40 lvl bounty in the plains and I noticed that when going into razor wing with Titania I am now being insta killed from some strange anti-air the Grineer have suddenly acquired. Does anyone have any information on this? And why the *&%^ was this implemented with little to no mercy? I have absolutely no time to react at all aside from not using my 4... which completely defeats the point. 

    I have now seen what the "change" is (could have been there from the start and I had never been targeted by one). Either the mortar battery can now also fire a salvo of seeking rockets or there is a new turret added much like the mortar turret that will fire salvos of seeking missiles. The damage these things do need to be adjusted for frames like Titania who aren't dargyns or archwings which are meant to be taken away from players when hit. 

  10. I'm sure I will be met with a bunch of "That is RNG, just deal with it" but you can only go so far before you are assured its not RNG but instead a deliberate 1% drop chance. 13 Chassis, 15 Neuroptics, and 0 systems. Its nuts when the prime version is about 100x easier to obtain than standard. At this rate a vaulted prime frame is easier to obtain. I bet I'll get Excalibur prime before I get Nova standard.  

  11. When playing a Tower I Capture mission on Solo I reached the room with the final capture target and noticed an inability to access a portion of the room, it was a misrendered collision map, which disallowed me drops beyond is boarders.  I assume its either an asset's collision map that was left behind after said asset was removed or relocated, but seeing as these levels are generated I think a collision mesh was accidentally left on the renderable asset list in the algorithm that generates the levels, or the mesh in question could have in someway broken away from its partner asset when the level was generated. Either way, it wasn't a big deal to me as my capture target fell outside this but the loot beyond it was saddening to see go, and not to mention had the target been on the other side... the tower run would have been a bust.

    [Video Evidence]

  12. You are welcome to join my guild "The Muffin Tops"its an inside joke. We are currently only 3 members but are attached to other clans via alliance. The three of us average about 400+ hrs a piece and our dojo has all research facilities and completed research is growing daily. We currently are pushing specifically for higher end gameplay so you are welcome to join in.

  13. I would like to offer a place for you as I play with many UK players even with being based in the US, and I too also understand the dislike in over populated guilds. But I am hesitant to offer as the clan I have while fully stocked with research it holds currently only 3 members (all of which with 400+ hrs in the game). 

    If you cant seem to find anywhere else to settle feel free to message me. 

  14. Myself and a friend started a clan just for the research due to being kicked from other clans for being inactive (We play in spurts as we complete a lot of the content and would rather wait for new content updates than continue to grind). We are looking for a few other players to join in for tower runs, vaults, alerts, etc... We really dislike pubbing and would prefer those willing to use Skype.

    We have all research facilities made and are continuing to add on. As for completed research we are only doing research on what we want at the time so if you are wanting something specific and it isn't already completed then you are expected to chip in yourself.

    Any other questions feel free to ask.

  15. I've managed to acquire this exact issue as well; the HUD for the navigator indicates that raiding corpus supply crates is the next mission in "Vor's Prize", but the node is nowhere to be found.


    I'm a returning player who opted to replay the intro, and I'm curious if that has had some kind of effect. I had went ahead and crafted the Ascaris Negator immediately after receiving the blueprint and repairing the Foundry (since I had ample resources to do so), not knowing the quest line would offer a mission to pick up resources.


    Could having the Negator already crafted before the story required it have triggered this issue?

    I am in the exact same position as you. I have a feeling that making the Negator early may have messed the whole thing up for us.  

  16. That is very strange then.  Yes, please make a video to show us what's happening and we will look into it.  Thanks.

    Notice how when I start to shoot at things my gun and foot steps move to the proper volume but all the other effects like ambient, shield hits, melee swings, and Grineer voices are WAY louder than they should be. I did not catch the sound effects playing when the sound effects slider was at 0% as it only happens on occasion and I have limited HDD space for capture but I assure you it is there. The only way to keep these sound effects from playing loader than everything else is to revert back to default settings and never touch them and control the audio levels with my sound card or head set... however this is just a band-aid for the issues and makes the whole "Audio" section in the options menu completely pointless as I cant customize my own audio experience like intended (so yes as soon as I touch any setting from the default state this bug kicks in, higher the % on the bars the less noticeable but that just because I am upping everything to match the bugged out 100% volume sounds). 

    Edit: I would also like to point out I did not edit the video in anyway. I uploaded the raw file so that volume fade is the games doing not mine. 

  17. Well if you want to mute all sounds I would suggest turning down the Master Volume in the Audio Options menu.  Voices in the game are controlled by the Speech slider so if you are just turning down the Sound Effects slider you will still hear Grineer talking and MOAs chattering, etc.  Each slider in the Audio Options menu controls different sets of sounds.

    I am aware of this, but The sounds play even when Voice and sound effects sliders are on 0%. If I have the master volume even at 1% I still get 100% volume sounds effects and voices. If you want I can make a video showing what is happening, the audio bug pickes up while recording too.

  18. So ever since update 12 released I have been getting random sound effects playing at 100% volume whether the sound effects are turned on or not (In mission only, menu areas are fine), in other words I can have the sound effect volume at 0% but I will still hear MOA screams and Grineer "pain" sounds (and many other sounds) at 100% volume even tho the sound effects are turned off. Another issues is that all the audio is no longer directional, so if I were to turn away from a friend and he shot from behind me normally you would have simulated sound to tell you shots are coming from behind... not for me anymore, now it plays all sounds same volume on both the right and left channels. 

    This makes the game impossible for me to play with the sound enabled, but also makes it hard to enjoy without sound as the game is rich with it before update 12. If anyone has a fix for this it would be very helpful.

    What I have tried to resolve this issues:
    - Uninstall and reinstall game
    - Verified game files
    - Updated soundcard drivers (They were already up to date before update 12 launched)

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