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Posts posted by -HitZ-

  1. 6 minutes ago, Fantasiorg said:

    Not enough complaining is ruining the game so. I did my part and quit the game for now. Very nice game ruined by devs greed.

    The fact that you don't need credits right now doesn't mean that the rewards were not nerfed by half their amount.

    Good luck with maxing your mods. You need 1600 000 credits for each one for rank 10 at least. I suppose 14 000 on dark sector mission is enough to you.

    Couldn't say it better.

  2. Imagine if they included the so called nerf, oops "rework" of ash and nerf of tonkor in the patch, people would be massively uninstalling the game. It is truly cunning what they are doing, every single patch is about nerfing, oops "reworking" stuff, but they must do it gradually, otherwise the public outcry would be so big, wont be bearable. Honestly, nothing can impress me anymore. As long as there are DE fanbois saying, this nerf is OK, that nerf is OK, they will keep doing it, pretending like its nothing and continue treating the community like docile cows.

  3. Yeah, it's not cool to force players into doing raids, with the nerf of the credits, even more low mastery rank(unexperianced) players started doing raids. Thus making the game even more annoying, cause you have to deal with them most of the time.

  4. 39 minutes ago, RyuDragnier said:

    From what I'm seeing, it's to encourage doing the Dark Sector missions. A 20 minute survival run got me over 40k credits on Ceres. That's more than a little bit impressive.

    Impressive, before the nerf, you could make 55-60k in 2 mins. Catch my drift?

  5. Yeah pay for boosters for normal drops xaxa.

    4 hours ago, BAD9eR said:

    well gee .. thanks for telling us that you are all good :) have a sticker of psychological validation ;)  i fail to see the point of your post though , so you raid that gives you 500k roughly per day , i can spend that 500k in one trade tax . how am i supposed to generate enough credit income to be able to keep up with my trading ? which is my endgame btw :)

    Maby you are not supposed to do trading anymore, since trading is actually hurting them more than simply purchasing plat. Remember, you pay enormous tax only if you recieve plat from trades. With other words, lowering the money flow.

  6. 1 minute ago, Shadow8600 said:

    I've been told multiple times this is a visual bug. Have they confirmed credits were nerfed?

    Fissures don't award credits, sorties too(as i hear), raids award 1/3 of credits and DS nerfed by half. Does this confirm it?

  7. 1 minute ago, DeMeritus said:

    Here is the totally unsubstantiated rumor with absolutely zero evidence whatsoever to back it up:

    On a number of the popular TeamSpeak servers where devs that have influence over such things hang out, the regulars and others within earshot of the devs bragged endlessly about having more credits than they knew what to do with, bragged about how easy credits were to get, and so on.  After hearing such talk consistently for a long, long period of time, it's reasonable to guess that the devs decided that something had to be done about credit rewards.

    Now you know... the rumor... which clearly has no basis in reality.

     You know, there is better way to make those players lose substantional amount of credits? 

  8. Just now, NightBlitz said:

    i havent rly felt the supposed credit nerf, but then again, i dont spend credits like a gambler, and run alerts for the little extra, even before sotr

    Trust me, you will feel it at some point, if you haven't yet started to fuse primed mods/trade with other players.

  9. It is depressing that threads like this will be shamelessly ignored by DE. Forum is filled by those though. Player count must drop tremendously, so they will realize what a mess they have made of this game.

    @OP I strongly support your opinion.

  10. 4 hours ago, DEATHLOK said:

    This was the first week I've been unable to buy Void Trader gear, because I cannot earn enough credits to do so. Simply crafting needed resources is leaving me broke.

    If anyone at DE had the notion that people would suddenly start buying Credits for cash because of this nerf, I'm fairly certain they are wrong. I'll quit playing the game before that ever happens.

    Sad truth.

  11. The ones saying that credit nerf is ok and there is nothing to complain about are casuals or veteran players sitting on a pile of milions credits. The change doesn't affect you, however if the system doesn't change, sooner or later it will bleed you dry, because you wont be able to sustain your credits. Ofcourse unless you are sleeping in hieracon. If I am just starting the game at the moment, I will be disgusted and probably quit, it doesn't make any sense to put the players behind so many grind walls. 

  12. Introduction of primed mods long time ago demanded credit buff, so players could focus on cores farming and such, making the grind less tedious. With this "silent" credit nerf, which is not even in patch notes and revision on credit bundles on market, they scream in your face "if you dont like grinding 5 days for 1,75m for fusion, you could just buy it from shop for 900 platinum". Trading is dead also. It is depressing how no1 from them is stepping forward and stating what is the reason behind that and will it be reverted to values b4 the update. Few more weeks and I'm outta here.

  13. 38 minutes ago, Valdentia said:

    I would love an official reply on this.

    Sadly no1 will give you that, its better to be silent and doing damage control, than explaining people the nerfs, ooops, bugs left and right. Everything is about money, however my wallet will stay shut. 

  14. Just now, Hesyol said:

    I really hope those aren't changes, just bugs they will fix sooner or later. And "sooner" is better.

    As for sories, I agree, this may be a bug, however cutting down credit reward from raids and dark sector/void fissures - this is intentional, i'm 100% sure. Maybe they planed this, cut down the credit rewards, so people will CBA farming credits and just buy plat and buy things from market with it. Also credit nerf is direct blow on trading between players, forces you to mainly buy, instead of selling stuff to get platinum.

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