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Posts posted by jawnt

  1. Not at all, I don't have 20 of each link mod nearly maxed with bite and maul rank 7 either, those are just illusions.

    What really can be told judging by the "get gud" posts is that these people seem to play on a really low level instead, maybe they aren't anywhere near endgame, maybe they aren't even rank 10 and think that shields or health matter in any way, not even getting into the AI and design issues.

    20 of each link mod? what do bite and maul have to do with survivability? Take a link health and link shield, drop in some garbage mods and whatever cores you have around and then use  frame with some decent defensive stats. combined 2600 hp/shield kubrows can live a good long time.


    As to the rest of your passive aggressive nonsense...sure.

  2. Oh gee thanks I didn't think of that I'll just control him manually to make him stop standing over fires for 10 minutes not moving, or tell him not to run off the room itself on it's own dying gods know where not even leaving a nav point and bleeding out in 3 @(*()$ seconds too.

    While I'm at it I should teach him that getting close to that lvl 80 heavy gunner isn't such a good idea because 2 of it's bullets will kill it and no amount of shields or life steal in the game will help at those stages, you know, the only fun stages of this game that present a challenge in this game, and where the trick is not getting hit at all, will also tell him not to get hit by the other 20 level 80 heavy gunners that just happen to come with that one too.

    Thanks man, appreciate the constructive feedback.

    I got mine to 30 without killing it. Maybe don't take it up against level 80s before you get it some hit points.


    I mean going by your earlier posts you don't even have all the link stat mods yet. It dying is going to be mostly your fault.

  3. honestly i feel like itd be cool if theyd implement this thing someone else suggested it was basically an adoption center for kubrows so if you didnt want you kubrow you could send it up for adoption and people could get one of their own without having to go through the tedious farming for eggs seems like a win/win for me

    As long as they can't be renamed so I proliferate a collection of kubrows named after DE staff.

  4. Since people aren't being punished so long as the best in every category is available. I say we make every weapon between the best and the worst of every category into exclusives. Obviously this means absolutely nobody would be punished according to the community's logic, since people can still farm for the absolute best weapons.


    Yeah! Wait, no, your logic is awful.


    I've missed some event rewards and I have yet to shed one tear. I like games that put unique or time limited items into the mix. Get some, miss some.

  5. Just went and did a public Alad V. The other players were mastery level 2, 3, and 6 and Alad V was level 54ish.


    I was the only one with any revives left after the fight and he dropped a fieldron sample. This scaling is horrible hah.

  6. I would settle for the game tested standard of Aggressive, Defensive, and Passive. When my Sunika isn't running halfway across the map to attack something it's standing still ignoring the world while it gets shot. There is nothing that a Sunika does that makes it superior to a sentinel with sweeper AND its AI is a mess.

  7. I must speak bad english...


    I am not annoyed at the ennemy, I am annoyed at the NUMBER of ospreys that spawn at the same time in the same zone in some missions & at the (in my opinion) much too powerful skill they have

    for the number, do a def on sechura & tell me this isn t too much when you get 5-6 of these on your tail at the same time. not annoying?

    as for the power: shields are totally useless vs it & at high lvl, just brushing 1 of the poison trail is sufficient to kill you. not annoying?


    I don't mind Sechura post patch. I run solo with a high hp/shield Zephyr. I've never been killed by a single poison trail, perhaps you exaggerate.

  8. I had no problem killing individuals with my soma+dex furis (first run solo) or boltor prime (second run with others) whenever I could aim at them.  I'm not complaining about stuff scaling with way too high health like in high-end void survival.  That was thankfully not the issue here, their health was high but it was a high-end mission and nothing was notably tanky.


    The problem was that past a certain point there were tons of them surrounding me and all their special abilities were activating since ancients all are eximi and give enemies around them special abilities now.  The part I died repeatedly and popped my last three revives at was in a room where I had an ancient that was also a fire eximus on top of their base abilities now (it was one of the big hive rooms, the dead-end rectangular one).  The enemies would not stop spawning long enough for me to actually hunt out and kill the protective hives, I had fartsprays constantly running across the room making entire strips of it uninhabitable (I'd like DE to look at the logs or something because I swear to god I killed like 8 fartsprays in that one room and they kept on spawning), etc.


    The problem is there were way too many of them with 50% of them having special abilities that were either unavoidable given the terrain or the nature of the abilityMaybe I just got unlucky with what combinations decided to spawn that run, but it was crazy, and when I grabbed other people for the second run we were on skype and they were also commenting on how crazy the number of spawns (and the number of spawns with special abilities) was for that mission.



    Here's a shot I took before I even had the revive issues.  This was a few rooms away from where I failed, and I was already noting a serious increase in the spawn rates of enemies (especially ones with abilities) which is why I took the below shot.




    (Kinda' wish I had enemy radar so the sheer number of infested and how they were constantly coming from all directions could be seen.)



    Yeah, my complaint is that given the enemy level and the mission, it was way harder than it should have been.  Like I mentioned before if it was Grineer or Corpus I would not be complaining here.  The infested were definitely the weakest faction beforehand and needed a buff, but all the buffs and abilities they got, put together in an actual mission, equal way too much given how many of them spawn and how they were spawning constantly.


    You took a DexFuris in there and suffered but it was trivial to clear rooms like that with a Brakk. I also had tornado handy if I got cornered like that and needed to make a hole. I didn't mention it but I never formad the Zephyr's aura so I had the extremely helpful physique equipped heh.


    Level 40 infested should be hard and soloing higher level breeding ground missions were like there during the event so I had a good idea about what I was getting into with the hive sabotage.

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