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Posts posted by PoorCensored

  1. Recently, my PC died. Around the same time, my partner picked up an Xbox One. As I mostly used my PC for gaming, I don't know that I want to drop the money into a new gaming rig. I thought I might try just gaming on the Xbox One.

    The only problem is that the Xbox One game lineup is... lack luster.

    Then I noticed Warframe was available.

    I started playing Warframe on the PC days after the Founder's packs went away and played from Update 10 through Update 13. I had crafted all (and catalized/reactored most of) the sentinels and warframes available at the time, save the new Hydroid and Helios, and the Primes. Upon leaning that I could ever complete the set of Primes, I decided to walk away, as there were a ton of other games I wanted to play.

    Now I'm in a gaming desert, and it is my understanding that Xbox players can't get Excalibur Prime at all... I'm not sure if I'm ultimately happy with that, but it lessens the sting.

    Is Warframe worth playing on the Xbox One? I know it suffers a patch delay, I'd have to find a good clan for access to clan tech, I'd have to figure out how multiplayer communication works on the system (can I use a keyboard, do I need a mic), and I'll have to get used to using a gamepad instead of a keyboard and mouse. (Despite being rather good at FPSs on the PC, or even phones/tablets, I suck at them on consoles.)

    Lots of the new content looks promising (ships, dogs, arwings, factions, actual story), and makes me really want to start playing again. However, I've seen rumors of a Chinese exclusive warframe, which makes me wonder if I'm setting myself up for a future OMGWTFBBQQ table-flip rage quit.

    Is Warframe worth playing on the Xbox One now? Is there an active player base? (Especially important for alerts.) Are there quality clans? (I'm not super competative, but they are necessary for clan tech, unless Ghost Clans got a massive overhall.)

    Is it easy to get used to the Xbox One controls? How interesting is the new content? (Appearances can be deciving.) Do alternate hats still give alternate stats?

    I believe PC to Xbox One migration is a non-starter, is this correct? Any suggestions on starting warframe and equipment? (I'm assuming that Excalibur is going to still be the best warframe option, as he doesn't become available until Pluto; given Mag is still on Mars, and Volt is still clan tech. I'm assuming, even with choices, all starter weapons are still trash.)

    How much does platinum tend to go for now? Do they still do crazy low platinum sales? And have warframe and weapon slot prices changed? (I'd be looking to eventually have one of ever warframe, sentinel, and arwing. I don't know how the dogs work, if they need slots. Previously, I had kept every weapon I ever collected - but I might just stick to 9-12 total this time around, and sell anything but my favorites.)

    If anyone takes anytime to answer any of my questions, I'll be very thankful for your time and effort.

  2. Primed Chamber


    Is also given out as awards. I've seen 'winners' given it after certain live-streaming events. Yeah, not common, but another way to get it.


    Mmm maybe because we are getting new content every week? and because the beta of course, the game is "under construction"... and because this is free to play? I thinks that's why this game have got too far. I don't know if Destiny is already out, but It looks like Destiny is going to have alot more of players not only because the game have amazing graphics or actually have a LORE. I think Destiny will have more players because THEY ARE MAKING A GAME FOR EVERYONE, for those who like PVP and for those who hate PVP and love PVE and hate competition. 


    Destiny is console only, but it will be available on PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. So... take that as you will.

  3. What to buy: Slots.


    I'd say buy all the slots you need for all the different Warframes, then slots for all the Sentinels, then as many slots for weapons as you think you'd like.


    After that, colors, skins, and sentinel and melee accessories.




    What not to buy: anything you can craft in game; at least until you've bought everything you can't make in game.

  4. Balancing the game means improving it for everyone because ultimately it increases the variety - more interesting game.


    Here is a small problem with Warframe:  you cant sell power and keep it beta at the same time. Beta means constant changes to improve the balance, but when you sell items then nerf them, you only upset the players and ruin their trust - they would not buy anything next time.


    But many companies are doing this, LoL and Planetside 2 as examples of games selling power then changing the balance (Im sure there are many more)



  5. An optional economic system would ruin the game? Would you seriously have less fun shooting space bad guys and blowing them up with space ninja magic, because somewhere out there is someone who is selling an item to someone else who needs it, taking less time to do so than using the current trading system? Ruin the game? Don't you think that's a little dramatic?



    Well... trading ruined TF2 for me. I've completely stopped playing it - and I loved that game. I started playing with the Orange Box and, yes, Trading did a lot to the community, or communities I was in, to ruin it. But... I'm against allowing any trading in Warframe, so... I'm obviously biased. I'm all for making trading as difficult as possible - and I want it to far back in the shadows as it can.

  6. 1.) No one cares

    2.) Doesn't change the fact that it drives a significant amount of retail sales.  But hey, I guess a holiday that can mess up 1-2 months worth sales just based on the day of the year it falls on is insignificant.


    The point only came up in a discussion about how DE (a business) is approaching the holiday.  How the holiday affects you personally is irrelevant to that discussion.

    Regarding days off... Most places I've worked have given off copious amounts of time in the winter for "the holidays". I can list of tons of institutions that shutdown for extended periods of time: for starters, look at school, university, government, and banking holiday hours. Easter has comparatively little effect.

    Similarly, whatever effect Easter has, it is ultimately dwarfed by Christmas. It's like comparing a successful lawyers salary to the income of a Walmart heir. Yeah, there's a big difference from the baseline minimum wage worker, but there are still on completely different scales.

    I'm not looking for an argument. You think Easter is a major holiday, fine.

  7. You musn't read the news much, pretty much every year there's a glut of articles blaming whether we had a late or early easter on how retail sales in march/april have turned out :|

    1) The Winter Holidays Is The Only Time I Tend To Get A Week or more off in a solid block.

    2) All retail economic spending driven by other holidays in the US pale in comparison to that driven by Christmas.

  8. Minor holiday? It's only the most important holiday for the world's largest religion. How many billions of people need to celebrate it for it to be a major holiday? And before you ask, I'm agnostic.

    I base major/minor on two main components:

    1) How many days off work does it give me?

    2) How much economic activity does it drive?

    So... basically just the winter holiday cluster is major.

  9. Correct, the first time cronus has a 100% drop chance, thereafter it becomes rng. The change was introduced as the guaranteed drop gave new players an easy way to farm credits that was not intended. While the game has changed some since the change was made, the drop method has remained


    This is incorrect. About a month ago (in 12.X), I opened a support ticket about this. Support indicated the first time drop rate for Cronus is not 100%, and that drop was made very rare. In the same ticket, I asked about machete's availability and Support indicated it was still available as a rare, 3-day log in reward.


    Edit: I ran 3 dozen Vor runs in the first few days that I started playing, and 1-2 runs every day since. I started playing shortly before Valentine's Day and I've yet to see Cronus drop.

  10. Why should you get a CD between contests?


     This is a territory war. There are more would-be land owners than there are spaces to own.


     If you want to stick on the map you need to fight to own that piece of map. Especially if you intend to hold multiple areas under the name of one Alliance.

    I have a couple of new concerns:

    1) 24 hours open rail vs up to 48 closed seems like a bad availability ratio. Time will tell if this holds true.

    2) Rails a cheap to build, but expensive to maintain. What is the possibility of a couple of clans deciding to build a rail, nor actively defend it, and just relay it as a challenge after its destroyed?

  11. If we leave the railway unchallenged, they'll obviously tax it. And no clan's gonna let another clan gaining the profit freely. So there will be wars, unless we can achieve a never-before-seen Gentlemen's agreement of some sort.

    Not true. I think almost all the rails were 0 tax... no reason to challenge them at this point.

  12. Ah, yes, you're right. I understand the 0% matter, I do, I'm enjoying it...


    But the moment my Clan gets its Alliances up and running, and the moment we have the opportunity to attack, I ASSURE you: I WILL be attacking a 0% rail, and when your 0-tax policy fails to pay for your rail's damages, we WILL rule the system. Enjoy.

    I love your good-natured, sportsman-like spirit.

  13. Guns of Icarus Online did a pretty good job there.


    To my knowledge, Guns of Icarus Online is a team-based PvP game - or at least that is how the developer describes it.



     Please remember that absolutely nothing in the Dark Sectors is actually such a necessity that you could ever actually argue it is forcing anything. This is not, will not be and never was 'forcing' a Competitive mindset. It is a Competitive aspect that is there if you want that sort of option and you can ignore that entire expect if you don't feel it suits you. Going back to what I've repeated a few times earlier one for time (because this is a bit that is worth repeating so info spreads slightly quicker) the Dark Sectors are essentially 1/3rd of the Endgame package DE talked about. There is no real significance in us receiving this part of their endgame first. It just ended up being finished first. Wash any worries of this showing signs of a trend from your mind, as this will always be a primarily cooperative game.


     Aside from that, though we have different reasons for being unhappy with it, we share some of the same opinions on the weak points a Dark Sectors. Though that is pretty normal.


     To be painfully clear - because I realize my rather aggressive posting habits can make it troublesome for me to communicate my point properly - the thing I wanted from Dark Sectors, what I expected, was a platform in which clans would be able to create their own name and identity and turn themselves into pushing factors that people could get behind in a similar vein as the Gradivus Dilemma. The sort of ultra-light RP that players got into and seemed to seriously enjoy with all the hype to compete and cooperate that came with that event. Watching the community from my perspective during that event left a strong impression on me and I regard that event as the best one DE has ever organized as a result. I'd love to see people use the Tools DE creates to turn that into a normal part of the game.


     My disappointment springs mostly from that. There is both a gameplay and a community angle to it that, in my opinion, really isn't delivering.


    I wasn't here for the Gradivus Dilemma, but I think ToeSama probably addressed your issue better than I could. The Gradivus Dilemma was all of the players fighting as freelancers in a war between two groups that are relatively horrible, with a nice shinny prize for you to have depending on who eventually won.


    That's nothing like what the rails are. The Dark Sectors don't have, to my knowledge, any exclusive loot given out to just the people who control it as a draw (and, if it did, it would cease to be 'optional'); and we're not being involved in a war against what appears to be fascists and greedy merchants, but against our friends and allies.


    I don't mind Clans having a place in the game, and being able to make a mark... I'm just not sure that this is the way (pitting Tenno against Tenno). And I have a personal issue with any contest that relies on wealth/resources, rather than skill. But, my biggest qualm (in this thread) is that people are upset that people who play a co-op game immediately started to act in a way that is beneficial to everyone... which is what you should expect from people who play a co-op game. If the community, as a whole, didn't work towards the common good, it wouldn't be a very good co-op game; and, if people weren't looking to work toward a common good, there are lots of competitive games out there they would be drawn to first.


    Note: I enjoy PvP. I logged an insane amount of time into competitive team-based games, like TF2. And, while I think I could find an PvP form of Interception very fun (where both Tenno teams couldn't harm the other, but had to capture points both from each other and from the Grineer or Corpus); I don't know that it would be good for the community as a whole. Similarly, invasions where players manned on both sides, but couldn't hurt fellow Tenno, sounds really interesting - but may not be good for the community as a whole (maybe both sides win if everyone ends up exterminated? No - nevermind.).



    I did think about it. Our alliance have discussed this very topic.


    If an alliance has more than one rail, they're funding repairs and bounties through a network of rails..And any successful alliance will have a network, so they can in fact make their rails worth defending, seeing as how theiy have a good cashflow. So, you are getting a postive return, if say 1-2 out of 2-4 rails are in jepordy. I lose out on 2% of 16,000 but I also get 1-10k as battlepay..and well, 2% of 16,000 is 320 credits. So even with a 1k battlepay, or 500 for that matter, I'm up. But it's not about the credits man..It's the zeitgiest that matters. I'll worry about credit farming when I go out there for work every day.


    And, I won't say how much my alliance has saved but we have enough saved already to pay out people above the tax rate for a measurable amount of time given that the rails have been up for half a day and we've reached that sum, I'd say my theory checks out. Plenty of blood money to make the game more interesting.


    Yeah... this is one of the things I was afraid of... some clan figuring out that if it can manage to bank roll enough rails that support taxes, it can start steam rolling. I suspect we'll either stay at 0 tax rails or eventually end up with either a monopoly or oligarchy of clans holding all the rails. If one or two clans that taxes gets a decent foot hold, I suspect the tax income will allow them an inordinate advantage over the rest of clans when it comes to assaulting and defending rails... 


    And nothing like having a monopoly (or oligarchy) rule everything. Plutarchs everywhere will be happy.

  14.   I'm really not. I've got no reason to be ashamed at all. I'm not required to share an opinion with this community and I never have been.


      Dark Sectors are not a purely cooperative experience. Hoping for a hugbox where nobody goes on the offensive and wins is asking for this part of the game to be turned into a joke. It isn't too far from just plain missing the point.


     I said it plenty already. I think it is a mixture of presumptuous and cocky to have no tax at all unless you know damn well you're good enough for the long term implications this can have. You put your own clans &#! over the fire banking on the idea that the randoms who appreciate that small gesture you've made with no taxes will be enough to save you from invaders fast enough to save your clan vaults.


     And that is all no taxation is. A small gesture. After playing a good bit of the Dark Sector maps tonight I've noticed that the gains I make playing these rails are easily enough that even a 5%/5% tax wouldn't begin to put a dent in what I gain from playing them.


     That said, It isn't just about just successfully defending. You need to be able to sustain yourself and it's going to be incredibly expensive. 



     If your clan/alliance is tough enough then fine. In fact, good. If you can tussle with whoever shows up and win and make it out okay each time then you'll have earned your right to be cocky like that. 


     But as it is now I'm just seeing a whole lot of people making the assumption that their clan can handle making themselves a target like this and all for the sake of being against a taxation feature that nobody even knows if they'll need or not.



     You want your clanmates and allies to pay out of pocket to support your rail? Fine. But I don't envy what can happen to you and your clan and your allies if you don't have what it takes. You can't actually expect to count on randoms saving you. You need to know your clan is good enough.



    You have made quite a few posts since I posted last; and I'm choosing this one to reply to. If I've missed something in your other posts, or misaddressed you or your views, please let me know.



    The entire idea of pitting Clans of Tenno against one another over... greed... just seems... well... petty and wrong.


    First, Warframe is a non-MMO, co-op third-person shooter/beat'em'up. The only significant non-MMO, primarily co-op game I can think of that managed to blend competition and co-op decently was Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 - and most of the people I knew either enjoyed playing a co-op mode or versus (with low overlap - the lion share of their time was spend as co-op or versus).


    Forcing competition into a co-op experience goes against the grain of the basic experience of a co-op game, which is cooperation. Yes, a certain percentage of people are always going to be competitive (anywhere you go), but, if the majority of people who are attracted to your activity come for cooperative play (because you made a cooperative activity!), then you have to assume that the natural response of your player base is to try to cooperate when faced with a challenge - even if that challenge is supposed to cause, or relies on, conflict and competition. Further, a significant number of people drawn to cooperative games like the fact that the games are cooperative and lack competition with other players - and adding conflict elements can make the game less fun for them, particularly if it divides the community or is the only available end game.


    Now, I've seen lots of primarily competitive games (especially in the RTS and MOBA genres) that manage an enjoyable co-op experience, but not so much the other way around. If you know of any other significant, successful games of a similar class to Warframe that managed to do co-op and competition well, I'd welcome being enlightened with examples of how it can be done right.


    Second, if you're going to try to motivate me to compete, offering me some petty little resources I can farm anywhere isn't going to do it. You'd have to flash a lot more than credits or resources at me - and I'd be offended by platinum offers. The only battle pay I can think of that might motivate me would be Orokin Catalysts/Reactors or maybe Forma... Even then, I'll support the side that I believe will have the ultimately lower tax rate. What you *really* need is some sort of story or political or social reason for me to become involved.


    Lastly, competition brings out the worst in a lot of people. I know, people say "Competition brings out the best in people." It brings out the best in some people, and the worst in quite a few others - and it always seems that the worst float to the top (in my experience). Most of the competitive type people I know in real life are, comparatively, horrible. I've know so many competitive gamers who, when their SO shows an interest in a game, they proceed to crush their love mercilessly; instead of trying to play at their partner's skill level and provide coaching. Most of the clans I've encountered in competitive FPSs aren't much better. Yes, you can find nice ones, but there are a ton out there that seem to enjoy hating on their competition, and new players...



    tl;dr - Tying to pit players against one another in a cooperative game is difficult, being contrary to the basic nature of the game and attracted player type; and trying to use greed as a motivator in a game where cooperation is a huge factor in your success seems like backwards decision.

  15. And what exactly is your argument on why it would be a bad idea? I haven't seen anyone give reasonable feedback on why it's a "bad idea", just a bunch of people saying "NOPE" or assuming this will be bad because D3 failed at it...

    See what happened with Trade Fortress 2...

    All trading should go...


    This. But, I'd get rid of platinum trading too, if I could.

  17. Seriously though, Orokin Cells and Galliums are swarming into my inventory like crazy while Neurodes and Neural Sensors are really scarce.....


    But, I don't build Primes, so my Orokin cell needs are minimal, and my neurodes need is much, much higher. It only takes about a day to level a new weapon... Akfuris takes, what, 8 neurodes for example...

  18. @xIridescent

    I haven't heard from DE about if the Dex Furis will be available next year or not. As such, my pair is still sitting in my inventory unused. If I could, I'd give them to you.

    (If someone from DE is reading this and can make it happen, please feel free.)


    If PS4 exclusives are released, I agree. I think a lot of vitriol will bubble up.

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