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Posts posted by KingPartyaza

  1. On 2018-12-28 at 6:50 AM, RX-3DR said:

    It's mostly a server storage space thing. Each 20p slot holds a Warframe, and its rank/forma, that contains 3 Mod loadout and 3 Appearance sets. Each mod loadout has your 8 slots + Aura + Exilus on top of 2 Arcanes. Each of those mod slot has to point to a certain mod that exists within your account's mod slots. Each Appearance set contains all your colors, helmet/skin/pose, attachments and their colors, syndanna and their colors as well as sigils/emblems.

    It might not appear to be much but that tiny payment of 20p actually links to a ton of things which is probably why they are limiting each individual Warframe to 3 configurations sets. It's also possible that the way the storage space is set up for each slot/Warframe, it might not be as easy include a function to buy more configuration sets.

    You're talking about warframe loadouts, which cost 20p and hold one warframe, one primary weapon, one secondary weapon, one melee weapon, and one parazon, plus some exalted weapons or shadows for some warframes like excal, valkyr, and sevagoth. This topic is aboit configs, which are accessable through the mod screen of a weapon or warframe. I agree that loadouts take a lot of server space, but that's not what this topic is about.

  2. What if the sentients couldn't figure out a way to overcome their void weakness so they turned to the void to make it their strength. But then it backfired and something maybe like excal umbra happened and the orokin/tenno got control of it? Or maybe the Orokin thought, "Hey, our enemies seem pretty strong. Why don't we try again with our new technology?" Bam, sentient warframe.

    On 2018-05-06 at 3:09 AM, Nez-Kal said:

    "Hey, you know that thing that is currently slaughtering us, and these Frame's we're designing are the only thing that can not only stop them, but push them back as well?"


    ".......How about we make a Warframe....that IS a Sentient too!"

    "........................." *Jade Light* "Okay, next!"


    On 2018-05-06 at 7:34 AM, (PSN)zeratul____12 said:

    I dont see this going well since the Sentients get screwed up pretty badly by void energy and a warframe has void energy coursing through it constantly. Best case scenario it just fries itself upon activation, and worse case being it causes a massive void explosion.


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