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Posts posted by Blyr

  1. Eh, after playing all the frames, I'd say Volt.


    Electric just isn't all that great. It does decent damage to corpus, but when have you ever struggled to kill corpus? His shield is neat, but you're constantly flanked or moving, so it's better to get behind cover. His speed ability is pretty fun, but again it's just for laughs. 

  2. Not sure how simple or difficult it'd be to add another chat channel to the game, but I believe a specific channel for questions is necessary.


    As it currently stands, you have Region chat, which depending on who's there, you'll either get a fully fleshed out answer to your questions, "visit the wiki", made fun of/insulted, or ignored completely. (I am proud to say that you get more answers than anything else the majority of the time, however!)


    This would give newbies a specific outlet to find help when they need it without getting frustrated, while leaving region to being a more general chat to find groups, talk about the game, and let us jerks be jerks. :p


    Possible concerns:


    1. No one would visit it!

    Not true. In chat when someone talks, the channel turns red. If you spend a lot of time in the chat, and you see a channel turn red, you'll typically click it to see what's going on. I know a handful of people who'd spend time there simply because they enjoy helping others.


    2. It'd turn into a hang out/Trolls/Etc.

    This... could be handled with the community itself, but considering there's no current moderation in the chat (as far as I know) it would be difficult to handle. I have faith that the good would outweigh the bad, and the helpful players who'd visit the chat would set an example for anyone who tried to do otherwise (as is done on the forums a good amount of the time.. we set everyone by the community way, instead of letting them name/shame, and other things.)

  3. More doors that require all team mates to press a button!

    Too easy to enable griefers though :(


    =\ i just about never come in below second on kills/ damage done. if they cant keep up with my path of heartless slauther they are scum that cant get over picking up every piece of trash loot



    ps: this is  an online game; if the reward isnt the maximum possible , you gave out a PENALTY!

    If you're so good, then you shouldn't have any problems sticking with the group and making sure everyone gets to extraction safely. Or, y'know, just solo.


    We already get bonus affinity and credits if you stay together, that didn't stop rushers since inception, why do you think your suggestion will?

    Because you get a full reward if everyone makes it or not. This is to incentivize sticking together, working as a team, and making sure everyone gets out safely. It's done in ME3 and works wonderfully, because you *never* leave a man down, you never leave anyone behind, unless it's virtually impossible to save them. You'd be surprised at how much people value a minor bonus.


    Not really. In games there have always been tiers of rewards. What's been suggested is that you still get the 'maximum' reward that you get normally. But you get a 'bonus' on top of that for full extractions (and presumably more team work actions that can be added to the list). So in other words you get bonuses for doing more stuff per mission in the group you've clearly chosen to play with. 

    You like to rush through the missions, and that's fine by me, but as far as I'm concerned you should get nothing else if you've not worked together, worse still to call it a penalty just because you're too lazy to work in a team when you are clearly playing a co-op/team game is baffling to say the least. If you don't want to play with others then don't.

    Also, this.

  4. You want a status symbol. I can agree with that (and I have said so, in any thread asking about endgame <3)


    I don't agree with them making reskins/altered frames though. Skins? Yes. I'd prefer new frames to be new, however.


    It'd be cool to have to clear the hardest stage 100 times to collect, 15 blueprints, spend 10k rubedo & 3k alloy plate, and over 1m credits, and finally get some super cool cosmetic item to show off for your hard work.

  5. I would highly recommend Banshee. Her skills make her useful for pretty much any situation. Ember's Skills are too focused on damage to make her useful in nearly as many situations.


    As for Banshee being ofetn classified as a "stealth based" frame, I really don't understand that. Yes, her silence skill gives her a little bit of help in the stealth department. All three of her other skills, however, benefit a much more aggressive playstyle, making her "Stealth" Classification make no sense whatsoever.

    Her being called a "stealth" frame is the game itself. It's the role she was originally meant to fulfill, even if the rest of her abilities don't quite pan out that way.

  6. I just noticed it too. I was hoping there'd be a public announcement so we could congratulate them, but they're probably still in the process of picking moderators.


    I haven't seen any moderators I disagree with though.


  7. Two different playstyles really.


    With ember, you have her ring of fire that deals initial damage from the casting, then damage from the ring itself any time something walks in it. This is a good defensive measure because it allows you mobility and you're free to shoot your weapon while the ring is active. She also has an armor ability that reduces damage by a significant amount, and her fireball does decent damage (for a 25 power ability) that also creates a small fire hazard for enemies.


    She's obviously most effective against infested, but I use her against corpus and grineer alike, with little issue.


    Banshee on the other hand is more of a stealth based frame, regarding her abilities. Most people typically play her as a nuker though, rushing near large groups of enemies, hitting 4, and clearing rooms. Her sonar is very useful, her first ability is decent crowd control if not funny, but her silence ability is lacking because stealth isn't incredibly viable at this point.


    Ember on the other hand lacks a ultimate nuke that most other classes have, where you push 4 to clear groups. Her 4th ability does grant her invincibility frames, but due to the high cost of the ability and the mod point cost, it just isn't very viable.


    If I had to choose between the two of them, personally, I'd go with Ember, because she's just more fun overall.. however, caster frames are my favorite thing in this game.


    If you just want to nuke everything and keep going, go with Banshee.

  8. I'm honestly not too surprised about the Gorgon, because having a powerful, high rate of fire gun with 100% perfect accuracy makes the vast majority of other guns redundant. Grakata is a perfect example of a useless gun, because it has lower damage than Gorgon, and before the nerf, it's had no advantage over the gorgon whatsoever.


    In order to leave room for improvements among higher rank weapons, we need to have everything balanced out.


    HEK is meant to be a long range shotgun, it's also the highest rank weapon available, and as such it shouldn't be out performed by lesser shotguns due to the falloff range. I can see them increase the range before fall off takes effect from 10m to 15m, or 20m now (which wouldn't let you snipe with it still, it'd just become more effective at mid range).


    Glad to see DE is taking our feedback seriously instead of brushing our concerns aside. :) Proud to be a founder, this awesome team deserves every bit of it.

  9. This has my vote. Would be a massive change (for the better) to how teams *should* work. Good Job. 

    Thanks :p


    As long as it's a bonus for full extraction and NOT a penalty for rushing I'm fine with it, +1!

    Yep. I'm taking the "buff everything" instead of "nerf everything" approach.


    I hope they use this, far to often does one idiot rush ahead and stir up the lions den, just to run from it like a idiot and leave like 20 enemies to kill his teammates. Voted up.

    Thanks for your support!


    A slight credit and xp bonus would not stop rushers.

    It's meant to provide an incentive to have your entire squad extract, instead of one man rushing ahead and waiting for the second fastest on the team to show up for the countdown to start. We could always go with the penalty route, which would definitely stop rushers, but I'd rather try this method first.


     sure give me another reason to rage at you slow inefficent game play

    Have you ever considered that if you stayed with your team, helping them kill the enemies along the way, you'd all get there as quickly as you would alone?


    Nah, it'd probably encourage rushers to play Mag so they can pull others along.

    Hardy har har


    but then I also like to see a reward system for stealth, if that gets i there's absolutely no reason to go stealth and sneak through past enemies (I prefer not to kill if it's not necessary...)

    I could definitely see this happening with the stealth revamp.

  10. There isn't an issue with people who have founders/pay vs. people who are purely free. There are certain individuals who want it to SEEM that way, however, and I really don't know why. (I'm not talking about you, either, OP.)


    I understand that people don't want "founders" to talk down to, or belittle "non-founders"; but it's going to happen regardless. By drawing attention to that fact though, you're giving them attention, and reinforcing their negative behavior. If you ignored them, wrote them off as a jerk, and continued on your way, then the issue would begin to lessen. Instead, by blowing it up, you're giving new comers and people who don't visit the forums much, the idea that there's some big issue at hand.


    THAT state of mind, that the non-founders resent you for being a founder, or that the founders resent you for not supporting DE, will spiral into a toxic community. Do NOT harbor this mindset. Do not draw attention to "Well I saw a guy who had a master badge say that this guy was a dumb froob, lets publicly humiliate him and convince others that this is now a widespread issue when it's really an isolated case".


    This community is incredibly nice, especially considering how big it is. I've come from MMO's where you were called froob, and anyone who made any form of purchase in-game would avoid you, even if you just started the game! It was called Bloodymare or something too.. and it didn't last very long (unsurprisingly). If there ever becomes a significant issue with elitism among the community, then I'm sure DE will take the time to address it and tell everyone to calm down. As it is though, people are doing more harm than good.

  11. A solution that doesn't involve causing grief or misery for everyone involved: Bonuses for a FULL extraction.


    Something along the lines of +5% exp per person, and +500cr per person in the group, but only if you get a full extraction. This would encourage more groups of 4, and rushing would no longer benefit you. You'd actually be hurting yourself, by rushing.


    If people decided to grief and forfeit the full extraction bonus, it still wouldn't be a massive issue, because the bonus isn't that significant; it's something to give you a pause so you work for full extraction, but if you lose it, it won't ruin your entire day. This borrows heavily from the way ME3 handled extractions, and it worked very well in that game.


    Having a teammate die would still award full extraction if the other three made it, but with reduced bonuses.. encouraging you to keep your team together, and keep everyone alive. (Teamwork!)


    This might also get people to stop soloing as often, because you actually have an incentive to work together with others.. meaning more open groups.


    If this idea has already been stated, or is incoherent, I apologize in advance.. it's 7am, and I work the night shift.. I just wanted to get this out there before I fell asleep and forgot.

  12. Status items, plain and simple.


    Give people something to lust over, something to spend weeks, even months trying to obtain, to give them something to show off. It can be purely cosmetic, but people need status symbols.


    When I first started playing, anyone that had a sentinel blew my mind, I figured they were super pros because everyone else I ran with didn't have one, and the only one I saw cost 100k (which was like, a lot of money!) then once I hit rank 2, anyone I saw with a hek was pro in my mind, because they had the ultimate weapon. It gave me drive to keep pushing forward because I needed it too. I wanted to show everyone I was the best.


    That's all Raids, and anything else in MMO's boil down to; Look at this awesome, super powerful gear I have! I'm the top of the top. TF2, and hats, etc. 


    Just give people multiple long term goals to achieve.

  13. At first I thought it was 25-30m because I was still managing to kill things with ease at that range (with a heavily modded hek) so I decided to go ahead and strip all my mods and go to mercury, so I could be as accurate as possible.


    This was a pretty rough test, and there are variables to take into consideration (enemy types having different armor, etc.) but I just wanted basic info.


    My findings:


    Up to 10m - Full damage (6 dmg per pellet vs. Grineer)


    12m - First reduction hits (5dmg per pellet)


    14m - (4dmg per pellet)


    22m - (1dmg per pellet)


    So it's safe to assume at 20+ is when the drop off is drastic enough to warrant using another weapon.



    Beginning of the video is me shooting the grineer point blank to show that 6dmg the max possible damage for reference.

  14. Whats the difference between this, the alt helmets, the skins, etc.?

    Better question: Why is giving people options a bad thing?

    I have full faith in DE and upgraded to Master AFTER the 7.9 patch. People are seriously blowing things out of proportion.

  15. Personally I'd be much happier with, "Man, I didn't get what I want, but at least I got either something I didn't have or something I can sell" compared to "Well, that's day 3 with no alerts worth playing, guess I'll just log in, get my fifth day-7 ammo box, and log out." Call me cynical, I don't mind, but I'd rather people be actually playing the game and not getting what they want than sitting around not playing and not getting what they want.

    If it was random, it'd just piss people off, because they'd be farming the ? alerts and getting rifle amps 15 times in a row, instead of something useful.


    Besides, with the credit buff, people are doing alerts with people who don't have the items, because the people who don't have them may not have the planet unlocked, or they may not be able to find a group. The system, as-is, is encouraging cooperation, instead of flooding the forums with "DE THIS IS STUPID THE ALERTS SUCK GIVE US GOOD STUFF"

  16. If people are losing sleep over a game, then people need to take a step back and reevaluate their priorities.


    Does it suck to miss a potato or alt helmet because you were asleep? Yes. Is it reason to stop sleeping altogether, or wake up in the middle of the night just to make sure you get it? No, of course not. The rare items keep cycling through alerts. If you miss it one time, it *will* be back around the next.


    Honestly, as someone with mild insomnia, appreciate your sleep! I work the night shift because I won't be sleeping anyways, but when I get home if I do manage to fall asleep, I'll be in bed for roughly 5 hours before I'm awake. Not rested, mind you, but awake. I'd never trade the sleep I get for virtual items.

  17. Alright, I'll say I haven't maxed it yet, but I do have a lot of the "essential" mods, (charge damage, charge speed, etc.) and here's my thoughts on it so far. 


    Damage wise, it's on par with typical melee weapons (pretty good damage charged) and the range is nice. Ricocheting lets you hit multiple targets, it has two polarity slots (dash and V) and being cuts through infested like butter (as you'd expect.)


    The ricochet is... different, to say the least. It's a bit hard to predict where it's going to go.. and it ricochets off some enemies, and passes through others.. which will throw you off as well. If you miss with this weapon -- you're in for big trouble. You can still fire your gun after you've thrown it.. but if you threw it, you were likely out of ammo and in need of a bit of breathing room. I do however like the fact that if you aim at the enemies legs you can almost OHKO the heavier units, and that aiming for heads will almost guarantee multiple headshots. It's just that learning this weapon, learning how to aim it and use it properly is going to require more skill than the typical weapons do.


    When I first got it, I thought "ALRIGHT LETS TEAR THINGS UP, HOORAH", then it was, "this is still pretty cool, but.." and now I'm feeling "I like it, it's fun, but my old melee weapon is more useful.." kind of situation. Paris esque, where the paris is super fun to use, but in practical situations you won't always bring it along. (Paris fans -- don't chew my head off, this is just an example. :p)


    I think in the long run, when people learn to use it, it's going to be a devastating weapon.. but there's no need for the massive outcry that there is. It's definitely something else though.. it breaks the rules the typical weapons follow, so it'll catch you off guard... however I think after the first week everyone has it, they'll be moving back to their old melee weapons (except for the dedicated few).

  18. Hek is still the god of primaries.


    At an effective range (i've only done very rough tests) it does essentially no damage (tested this on mercury - had to use 2 shots to kill lv 1 basics) but that range is the earliest you'd call long range. Hek is still effective short/mid range. Now you just have you use your lex for sniping, so no big deal.


    People need to stop overreacting.

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