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Posts posted by Somsnosa

  1. All the Zenith disc does is mark the heads of enemies and change the gun to fire in semi-auto. It doesn't mimic the Azima with firing the entire magazine like a turret.

    Unless you meant the weapon itself is staying in full auto despite the disc being deployed, in which case disregard this reply.

  2. Basically, I was with a squad of players on ODD, we stayed until wave 25, where the Host and owner of the ODD key had to go, the rest of us decided to stay, and upon Host Migration we were all returned to the starmap without any resources, affinity, or mods earned during our stay. And to think I finally maxed those Aklato.


    No fancy way of putting this other than if the owner decides to leave at the last second he can grief everyone out of earned resources, or simply the people who stay don't earn anything.


  3. I'm not sure if it is just me, but has anyone else been experiencing problems with trading Ember Prime Helmet blueprints? I've been trying to trade for them, but every time the other end of the deal cant put it up for trade. Sorry if this has been mentioned previously, but with having every other part for this frame, it is starting to get rather annoying.

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