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Posts posted by -PLM-Waldschrat

  1. I got problens with archgun deployers recently. Everything else on the grear wheel works fine but the archgun.

    Mainly on Orb Vallis but it recently happend on hydron aswell.

    The bug happens if you are client only. Even if your connection to the host is decent according to the ping indiator.

    The archgun deployer works if you stend right next to the host only.

  2. I had several games where the last crew ship did not spawn or flew out of sight wich forces you to abort.


    It happens if all fighters have been defeated, the crew ships just turn around and fly into the void. You need to be lucky to see the three yellow dots of their engine to catch them.

    If the crew ship is far away from the railjack at the moment where the last fighter is killed it just turns around and fly off.

    It happens alot if players fight in their archwing far off the railjack and spawn enemies there.

    This AI behavior really needs to get fixed. 

    I also had crew ship kills did not add to the counter but could not replicate it. It happened a few times if i killed a ship with ordnance.

  3. This challange needs to be shown as locked if one does not have unlocked the 4th stage of the heist.

    Silver Grove Specter challange has this feature already.

    It makes it hard to reqruit a squad. You have to explain it to every recruit thats has no accsess to it.

    Also Region chat gets flooded with whats is profit taker etc.

  4. I just did a test myself at the 3rd sortie mission.

    the 4 seconds invulnerability seems to work for me. The blinking bubble wich inicates the invulnerability is there and it and the bubble stays at 100% hp wich i could clearly see on the little number on the skill bar.

    didn't found a way to see if the damage absorbtion works.

  5. With the different starting plantes it is way to unefficient to farm with friends.

    Even if you get more planets, you most likely can't farm together most of the time.

    For now we are dammed to farm in public squads or rely on luck to get matching planets with friends.

    For all new liches the planets should be the same for 6, 8 or 24h, than rotate to another one.

    This would help against empty public squads aswell. 

  6. If you want to trade a specific mod you forgot the name of, one should be able to search for keywords from ist description text!!! 

    If you are at the upgrade screen from your weapon/warframe you can search for Keywords.

  7. Nova with Molecula Fission, Oberon and Chroma are pretty tanky and have alot of usefull CC.

    If you rely on self healing there are plenty mechnics in the game. Medi-Ray is a mod for your sentinel and Life Strike is a melee mod or Protective Dash from Vazarin. Later you can get Magus Repair/Elevate for reputation at Cetus and Fortuna.

    Those heals with Vitalyity, Quickthinking are a good start for squishy frames.

  8. Bug still present.

    Phoenix Spirit/Talons are working for one mission after you switched from another school to Madurai. Tested at Plague Star runs.

    After first run passives are disabeld.

    Bug carry over to all other missions, even simulacrum.

    Only way to fix is changing to other school and than back to Madurai.

    Thats pretty odd since it is a really important part of the Madurai school, can't belive this is not fixed jet!

  9. As a veteran of Warframe i desperately wait for a Daily Login Reward rework. I'am playing warframe for 3 years now with over 3000 hours mission time. But some times you need to take a break. After those breaks, even if you log in every day AND actually play the game for hours EVERY day, you got no chance to catch up. Now im sitting here with more than 100 days behind and cant belive this is not changed jet. THIS need a revisit before we can rank up to MR 26.

  10. On 15.3.2017 at 5:56 AM, DemonicAngel7 said:

    THIS ISSUE HAS BEEN RESOLVED!!! Thankfully support got me the BP back after it being sold so long ago. This was due to me not even have built the weapon therefore 0 mastery. They simply added the bp to my account so i can build it. If you guys ever see [DE] Saki, please, show him some love. He was insanely fast about it too. Actually took him about 15 minutes. No joke. I was at school, typed up the report, did part of my assignment, looked down at my phone and saw the email with the reply. Enormous amounts of respect for Saki. GG support, will always back you up if someone is talking poorly towards you.

    I must agree. [DE] Saki is such a nice guy :)

    I got them back too. 

  11. The Scrambus disabled all my powers. Even after he died i had no accsess to them. The red symbols in the HUD where still there. One other player had the same issue. Dying and letting the bleedout timer run out, than revive solved the problem. But it came back with the next Scrambus. The host didn't had this issue with is powers. The latency was not bad, doors opend fast, no rubberbanding enemies.

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