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Posts posted by larisagnia

  1. Still want the dojo's fixed, thats the main point of the thread. Please state if your having any other problems like this, (not any other bugs but the "can't melee after one use of a dojo dueling room bug". Thank you :D



    Also if you wanna duel me, just msg me in game. I like to use weapons like Obex or Venka or dragon nikana, but if you be doing something "unfair" ima counter it with ORTHOS PRIME :O!

  2. Welp, I want it fixed. I have the title as best dueler in my clan, and we host tournaments every few days or so. Not trying to be greedy but please DE fix this in the next update! And for those who say pvp in warframe is stupid, lsiten up. There is a way to be good in warframe. You use OP stuff, you fight the OP stuff, and you fight with the OP stuff against other OP stuff. But theres a way you are even stronger, and only the best duelers understand this. To be the best, you have to avoid the OP stuff. A lot of people think "Oh if I use this op nyx bubble I'll always win!" That's a strong player, but the best player is the one who uses a method to counteract that. You wanna be a good fair dueler? Learn to counter things :)

  3. Okay so, I am a competitive dueler, and I wanted to duel with mah clannies. But what happened was, last night the dojo dueling room floors with the circle things became bugged. The white circle wouldn't show after one use, and you could still kneel but when dueling, you were bugged and things. Anyone else having this problem?

  4. You heard le title, why can't I log in! D: I want to be able to duel with mah clannies, but warframe seems to dislike me today. When I start up the game, it took forever for the update notes to come rolling in, then after I started the game, it just doesn't let me log in. I type in the right password and everything, but it says Log in failed. Anyone else having this problem?

    Well.... during the time I typed this up and found some songs on Pandora, I was able to log in. Its still a problem to me, so anyone want to chime in and see if your having this problem?

  5. You heard le title, why can't I log in! D: I want to be able to duel with mah clannies, but warframe seems to dislike me today. When I start up the game, it took forever for the update notes to come rolling in, then after I started the game, it just doesn't let me log in. I type in the right password and everything, but it says Log in failed. Anyone else having this problem?

  6. -My favorite warframe is nova

    -My favorite weapon is Boltor Prime

    -I tried jacking off to warframe...

    -Tried it again with bondage after failing the first time...

    -My favorite game

    -Get bored a lot of the time

    -I make sure I look good when I go and play on warframe

    -I alaways try to save my teammates if I can, unless it would jepordize the mission

    -I'm Valkyrs submissive slave

    -Pretended to be a girl for half a year on warframe. (WON 200 BUCKZ!!)

    I have more but ill say em later :D

    Oh, I use novas portals to block the way to extraction, tele peole out of the map, tele peeps out of their camping spot to a group of infested, or just tele myself top the top of a t3 room and just cast AMD's down at enemies, and I troll peeps by putting a lot of damage on my MP on ODD so it casts through the whole map and takes forever to get a wave done! :D

  7. -My favorite warframe is nova

    -My favorite weapon is Boltor Prime

    -I tried jacking off to warframe...

    -Tried it again with bondage after failing the first time...

    -My favorite game

    -Get bored a lot of the time

    -I make sure I look good when I go and play on warframe

    -I alaways try to save my teammates if I can, unless it would jepordize the mission

    -I'm Valkyrs submissive slave

    -Pretended to be a girl for half a year on warframe. (WON 200 BUCKZ!!)

    I have more but ill say em later :D

  8. Here goes...


    Kinky Set:


    No Primary




    Secondary Kinky Set:





    Red Neck Set:










    Dragon Nikana





    (Not sure for secondary)

    Nami Skyla OR Dual Zoren


    Storm Trooper:

    Rhino Prime

    Latron Prime (BLASTURZ!)

    Angstrum (It LOOKS like a normal blastur... but IS IT? >:O!)

    Choosing melee (What did storm troopers have as melee weapons? You tell me! :D)


    Le Flying Birday of Doom!:


    Paris Prime

    (Not sure for secondary)

    Glaive Prime (Or a angel kind of weapon)


    The god of Lightning:




    Jat Kittag (With electricity, its a godly hammer >:O!)


    The God of Destruction:

    Ember Prime



    Orthos Prime (Or Dual heat swords, something like that)


    The Boxer:

    Rhino Prime

    No Primary

    No secondary



    The Seducer:


    No Primary

    No secondary



    The Paladin:


    Paris Prime

    (Your choice of secondary)

    Orthos Prime (Or a hammer)


    The Nuclear Elitist



    (Your choice of secondary)

    (Your choice of melee. I would use Serro, orthos prime, fang prime, something like that)


    The cowboy of the sea (OH BOY!)



    AkBronco Prime

    Fang Prime


    The Nightmare:




    (Your choice of melee)


    I have PLENTY more idea's, but I was in class and could only write these down in a short time period xD

  9. Dear Tenno and Corpus,


    It has coom to me attention, that something fishay is goin on here. If you will works for the Corpus, then we will raise tha price on our payments.

    On one condition. I hear some of you call us Grineer Dogs. The others have no problem with that but... I want to be a cat. Why can't you just call me Grinner cat? Please consider this deal Tenno, it will help you and the Grinner at the same time...


    And as for you Corpus. Stap stealin me costumarz!


    Yours truly,




  10. I detest all of the hype threads and discussion threads that pop up after somthing is added, but this is somthing that needs to be said. The WF community begs for another prime, yet you whine when your reciever does not drop. I think we need to stop it with all the primes or at least untill more missions are added to the void. Yes we did get new missions with interception and Hijack, but that will only provide a buffer untill the next prime access. What are your opnions on this?


    Your spelling lives up too your name... :D

  11. This has been going on ever since update 13. It's not the updates fault. Instead of trying to find out who did this, we should find the solution. After solution has been found, then we go and reprimand those who did it.


    Trinity Is Red


    Zephyr Is Blue


    If you see the Grineer


    You know what to do...

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