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Posts posted by Haraswift


    2 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

    I dont really like the idea because it force players to use full weapon set if they want to use weapons from sets at their full potential and it's a bad thing for customisation.

    Yes and no. I want the stat boosts to be noticeable but not necessary. To be completely honest; anyone who says this is COMPLETELY necessary is in it for "Muh Numbers". I want these themes to have a reason to take; and add future space for weapon sets.

  2. So! Here's something I rather like.

    We have I think four completed weapon families in the game currently;

    The Tigris Family (Bladed Gunplay), Consisting of Tigris/Akjagara/Redeemer, the Boltor Family, consisting of Boltor/Bolto-Akbolto/Boltace, the Soma Family, consisting of the Soma/Aksomati/Dual Raza, and the Stalker Family, Dread/Despair/Hate.

    That's a lot of set weapons! So I thought to myself, why not give someone equipping the full set a bonus? Something like the Tigris Family inflicting additional slash procs any time they inflict procs other than slash, or the Soma family speeding up when they crit? It's very open currently to ideas, but I thought I'd toss it into the fire that is the forums and see your thoughts.

  3. *Screaming. Intense screaming.*

    DE. I hate you guys, I love you guys. Bugs, falling out of maps, delays, nerfs. It's all crap. And yet...

    And yet I keep coming back to endlessly fiddle with my colors. I keep coming back to shoot my PUNCH GUN (The latron prime, modded for fire speed) some more. I keep coming back because let's face it, being a space ninja who is occasionally in space is fun. So. DE. Thank you for making a game that when it's all said and done, is worth all the hassle.


    I'm looking forward to this.

  4. If you have not gone full Aku (From samurai Jack) while playing Inaros, you are missing out. Try it. You will experience new joy.


    (This little thing has literally rekindled my love of warframe. It's such a little thing but it vastly improved a S#&$ty morning and other people should know of it.)



    So, to start with! A sweet melee weapon; the Bull! Coming back from a previous post, the Bull is a punch gun, There are two big possibilities, one being that it's a new weapon type (Which I'd prefer) and the other it's just a new fist weapon (Which would sorta defeat the purpose.) Let's talk about the Bull first, and then the two options.


    The Bull, is angry. As it's own class, you'd be able to hold E to do a very violent straight or uppercut, punctuated by a shotgun blast. As fist weapons, they'd have crazy knockback. Lots of impact damage either way, a chunk of puncture and low impact.


    Now, as a set of fist weapons, there are obvious pros; it already has stances, it'd integrate fast, and you know, more fist weapons, which, tbh, is kind of a small group. But... it'd sort of take away from the idea itself.


    As it's own weapon, it'd use a lot of hard hitting strikes from both the armored fist and the gunfist, generally finishing on a shot from the gunfist. It'd have the charge attacks, a nice new stance, and you know, be openly the most brutal thing available. (I am totally not biased >.> <.<)


    And then, another class of weapons? The much requested "Longer Scythe" in the form of War Scythes, which are big, slow, two handed monstrosities. I don't have a lot of ideas there but it bore the mention.

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