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Posts posted by Dasorine

  1. Mines gone from 8/4 before doing any missions for either of them, to 3/4 to 0/4 to 12/4 and now back to 0/4 yeah its rather silly


    On top of that I've not once got a single reward its always been 3x mails (not complaining about the excessive cores they want to send me but still)

  2. At no point have I stated I believe this game to be a finished product, what I stated is that using the "open to the public and sell paid content" model requires certain things that a normal beta process doesn't.


    Also being a beta/in development still does NOT excuse flawed designs etc, being in a beta/development means that when such things pop up they need to be told openly and honestly what you feel about such content so that they can work to correct it.


    What your suggesting to do is basically every time something comes in or happens that you don't feel is as good as it should be is to shut up and accept it because its "beta" and its subject to change (which doesn't mean it WILL change)


    Whether you paid or not.


    The point with the paying thing is that there will be a large amount of people who have seen this advertised on steam, have downloaded and seen the paid shop, they may or may not have paid for anything but to them this game seems like its fully released even if its still undergoing development and changes. This means that some people will expect even test changes and such to still work towards making a fun and interesting game.


    And regardless of how many times you put "beta" on something there are things that will happen and ways people will think.


    Anyway i've had enough of arguing that giving feedback is about giving feedback and not just ignoring something "BECAUSE ITS BETA"


    I've put my feedback in here, I thought this "operation" regardless of intent was poorly thought out and that missions in general are missing something to make them truly good.


    If your thoughts on my feedback are "Meh its beta I don't care how badly thought out things are or what your suggestions are" then good for you, but if your not going to post anything even remotely constructive in a feedback thread with feedback thats on a feedback forum for a game in development where developers actively want feedback, then please don't post anything at all.

  3. See this why I don't understand why people think "its a beta" is a valid excuse.


    When you excuse something by saying "its just a beta" your essentially saying "Ok you did something bad/not good but thats ok because you may or may not change it in the future"


    This is a bad attitude to have as a beta tester and its a bad way to give feedback to someone developing a game.


    If something is bad or at least not good, telling them IS THE ENTIRE POINT, not excusing it. The sooner they get the feedback on such content the sooner they can start working up a solution. Excusing them due to beta is giving them no feedback at all.


    And sorry but the moment you allow someone to pay for content in your game and release it to the public, regardless of whether its still in development or whether you explicitly state that paying doesnt guarantee things, there are still things you need to consider and uphold, the trend of releasing as paid alpha/beta is fairly new and as such many people still seem to consider it ok to run practices that would normally be used for unpaid beta tests etc which sort of doesn't fly in the new format.

  4. The moment you but time limited content in certain people will feel forced, the moment you put lore and events into something it becomes more than just a simple "test".


    Using "Its beta" as an excuse is just that, an excuse. Yes Im aware the game is still very much in development and that everything they will be doing will generally be a test to them.


    This feedback is me saying this is not the right way to go about doing these tests nor a good way for them to go about doing operations in a game that while considered beta is still technically released with paid content in it.


    This is not a closed beta where everyone playing will know that they are there just to test, this isn't even an open beta where a lot of people will be acknowledging that this is a test run to clean up things for release, this is a released game that a good portion of players won't see as a beta at all regardless of how clear the company tries to make it known that its beta, specially those players that have paid money and such and you cannot excuse bad design as "test and beta content" in those circumstances.

  5. Well for one you said that them trying to tie lore to it would be too much work yet there's quite evidently some lore trying to make its presence felt in it.


    And while they have said they want people to participate and try out the changes this doesn't specifically state or even hint at the fact that this is not a final iteration or even a particular "test" promotion, any new content would have kinks to work out yet not every change will have a mini-op like this to promote people doing it repeatedly in fact by making a little operation of it, it makes it feel more like a definite change as they went to the effort to make the SoL for it.


    And either way its still poor design overall for an operation regardless of the intent and trying to pass it of as a way to get testers for it doesn't change that fact.

  6. well they have tried to tie in some lore with the inclusion of the faction your helping so going 1 step further and putting out a single additional mission involving them wouldn't have been a huge amount of work.


    As for testing it out lots if they wanted to do that a much simpler way would be to simply have the syndana as a random reward upon completion of said mission type while its at its 2.0 iteration.


    This would ensure people play the new variant plenty without making them feel forced. Either way what your saying their trying to do and what they actually have done doesn't match up much at all.

  7. yep but mini-operation or event, either way its not good design, simply promoting grinding of new content for small rewards is not a good way to showcase such content.


    At best people grind it in the most efficient way possible not really taking in the new content, at worse people feel forced to grind the new content in a way that makes them actually dislike it/bored of it.


    New content/changes are meant to feel new and exciting, purposefully making it so people rapidly do the content actively removes the feeling of newness and excitement from it making it feel no different to the old content.

  8. To start with I have to say its nice to see updates to mission types the wardens give new motives and tactics to the rescue mission type.


    However the big failing in this is the event. 


    At what point does making players grind the same mission repeatedly make an "event"?


    This event essentially comes down to "Grind nereid in neptune 12+ times for a syndana" with very little backstory or such to make it even the least bit entertaining past the first mission and no real reason to run any of the other versions of the mission outside of not having them unlocked.


    Previous events have contained elements of grinding but with something more to it, for example grinding the components to run a core mission in the previous event. This one just seems... rushed and not thought through.


    Heck it could have been so much more involving with the simple addition of 1 mission and a change of concept.


    Instead of having to gain 100 points by rescuing people repeatedly you could have had it so you gain the badge by rescuing a hostage at each of the new planets and once you have rescued each person you can then run a "boss" mission involving all the rescued people for an entertaining finale. 


    This would still show of the new rescue 2.0 while not just resulting in a tedious grind of the same mission.


    And this sort of extends to all missions in general and is the reason why basically my entire clan no longer plays, eventually the game comes down to grinding the same content repeatedly with no real investment in the story of the game or such.


    Beyond the occasional mission where you get attack by the stalker or his friends or the mission type randomly changes (which is always a breath of fresh air in a long session of play) you basically just read the mission type and very little changes between maps/mob types/frames used with only assassination missions really ever being "interesting".


    This is why I would ask you to consider something along the lines of a composite or story mission type, these would be missions that involve multiple types of objective (which could be randomized) that involve at least some semblance of a story to draw people in.


    For example lets take the first mission in the game: Terminus on mercury, a simple exterminate to get players introduced to the game after the tutorial.


    If this became a "composite" mission this is how I could see one iteration of it being:


    Firstly change it to "Assault" mission type.


    First objective: Exterminate X amount of Grineer on the ship.


    Lotus pops up explaining how this Grineer ship has become a threat and your tasked with neutralizing the threat.


    On objective complete game rolls and comes up with new objective: Sabotage Target


    Lotus pops up requesting you neutralize the ship entirely by sabotaging the target but alerts that Grineer reinforcements have arrived and are boarding the ship.


    On objective complete game rolls once more and comes up with a final objective: Assassinate


    Lotus pops up explaining how a Grineer leader (mini-boss/leader mob to random assassination boss appearance) has arrived to retake the damaged ship and that your final task is to remove him before leaving.


    This could involve heading to a new ship in a similar fashion to invasion missions but doesn't necessarily require it. 



    So this mission has gone from a simple kill x and leave mission to a fairly complex mission with a clear story as to what and why your doing things and has you doing a variety of tasks. 


    Granted possible doing this for the first/every mission would not be the best idea having the presence of these sorts of missions would help alleviate some level of feeling like a grind, specially if each objective was rolled randomly and if you could extend tile sets to include changing environments (later ones could involve moving from space stations to landing on planet tilesets etc)


    This is the sort of thing that I think would take this game from being a fun little third person shooting game to something a lot more involving and entertaining.




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