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Posts posted by Ravers_Fallacy

  1. Yay... Intermission part infinite.

    You know, I've never played a story from nightwave. It would be 100x better to simply repeat old story content so people who haven't been playing for a decade could enjoy content that doesn't exist anymore? instead of literal NOTHING part 8....

    Warframe preys on FOMO so much it honestly disheartens me from even wanting to play.

    • Like 6
  2. 2 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Current system:

    • Companion full dies, as in dead and gone and never returning the rest of the mission
      • Vacuum is disabled
    • Companion "dies" but is actually in the temporarily downed state that Vulphaphyla (and maybe Djinn?) go into before reviving
      • Vacuum is still active

    New system coming with Dagath update:

    • All companions enter the temporary downed state if they're "killed", not just Vulpaphyla and Djinn
      • Vacuum is going to be disabled, per Pablo's statement "we're thinking about disabling vacuum while they're down" (paraphrase)

    This is what I'm saying. If they actually do go through with what Pablo says they're thinking about, that is something that actively harms the majority of the playerbase. It's a completely #*!%ed and smoothbrain idea to go through with, and I genuinely cannot understand why they're even considering it.

    it sells more boosters... if you're missing loot from a dead pet, you will be more inclined to pay for boosters to get more loot when your pet is alive... just like nightwave creds not telling you they 'expire' after the season.

    New Player experience is literally losing everything you work for(in nightwave) because you weren't spending all your creds as you go and didn't know they become useless and have to sell them for credits after the season... yes this happened to me, yes i'm still extremely tilted over it.

    i understand DE needs players to spend money, but why does it have to be predatory? why do we need 2 premium currencies? why does the skin PACK have to be an expensive FOMO pack? (and the devs just laughed that comment off and said the skins looked so good!... thanks you just explained how its FOMO)

  3. 58 minutes ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

    No, I don't always want to have vacuum suck up things I don't need at the time. Radar though is bettwr.

    what exactly do you NOT want to pick up at the time? The only thing I can think of is survival missions? and you're already at 100% and have drops on the ground?

    42 minutes ago, trst said:

    Meanwhile univac can lead to the problem it already causes with wasting consumable drops but is then forced onto everyone.

    Please explain this more. Not trying to be rude or ignorant but I don't understand when this could ever be an issue?


    42 minutes ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

    Nah, I'll just take the half a second to pick up the items.

    Ok you're trolling. Or I suppose you might not be wrong. Half a second per drop. And most missions have about 300 drops. so, sure you are completely correct. over 2 minutes picking up drops instead of playing the game. Survivals can go upwards of THOUSANDS of kills, which can be about 1 thousand drops... you really are telling me you walk around touching every single drop... by choice?

    • Like 1
  4. tl;dr Universal Vacuum/Fetch would help new player experience much more than radar. Having a loot vacuum before you unlock pets and Fetch or Vacuum mods.

    One of the devs literally said something like "It takes a while to get around to animal instinct for new players"

    yes. yes it does. it also takes a while to get vacuum/fetch on a pet.

    New players having to TOUCH loot does not make the game fun. New players should be taught how to navigate with bullet jump, jumping NEAR loot and getting it picked up. There should not be ANY reason to walk into loot to pick it up when we have bullet jumping and speed/flying frames.

    Watch new player videos on youtuber (like Markiplier) the game is so slow for them while everyone else is running ahead killing everything.


    They literally just announced giving Kahl loot vacuum while I was writing this? I can't rewind live but I think I just heard that.

    • Like 7
  5. SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I took forever to obtain a railjack but i really enjoy railjack missions. they are very flawed though. its literally just a mission WITH extra railjack stuff. it would be fun if most railjacks were mainly railjack instead of jumping out and entering a ship to do a normal mission... just takes away from the railjack!

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