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Posts posted by Ruakha

  1. Seriously, who buys forma?


    Read the whole thing:


    [...]or by buying it with the plat you got from selling the prime parts you could get instead of forma bp's / cells.[...]


    It would be the best thing ever if DE removes forma / forma bp and cells from the void droptables. I have enough of this crap for at least 2 years. That would be a great redemption for all this bullS#&$ they have done this year. At least for me.

  2. Oh, i admit that i didn't knew that Warframe was a game about buying plat and trading. Ok, my fault.

    On a side notice: do you know that you don't get anything for free? Your time is valuable.


    But now, i give you some time to actually read the whole thread and make a reply without picking only the things you want to have read instead of everything what have been said.



    Thank you MvMArcher



    damn typos again

  3. But surely you can still do just that with the synoid, sure it might not do it to the same insane amout it did before, but by all rights it's still a decent weapon.

    It's a lot easier to change a few things then everything, it's only lazy if it isn't done to completion.

    Everything will have to change if we're to achive a state were everything is balanced (Granted having everything at a complete balance might be an impossibility)

    The problem in this case is the gamemode, as we're dealing with an infinitely scaling of numbers.

    And this is a good thing, because it allows for a healthy dissusion :D


    Yeah, i can still do it. Maybe 3-4 times for about each 10-15 Seconds. And i already have it modded for slower firespeed.


    And they don't have to change everything, just every weapon. And not even all of them at once. More like "Oh, this thing i'm working on is done and i still have 15 minutes till lunch, time to adjust one or two weapons.


    Missions or gamemodes that don't have to be touched in this case, everything not endless is a walk in the park already with nearly every weapon and frame in the game. Thanks to forma.


    With nerfing, they extend the grindfest most people hate where we come back to the "forcing to buy plat" discussion.



    How the hell can i split up quotes?

  4. Of course others are allowed to have fun!

    The question is: how do you have fun in this game?

    Is it from the mindless slaughter of countless enemies, what if you enjoy a challenge, is your idea of fun to be the most effective at running missions?


    If it's the first one, well we have lower level survial and defence missions that can supply that.

    If it's the second one you can take the higher level missions (however this is where the balance problems come into play, let's say I join in on a t4 mission (highest level outside of the new raids) to have fun with some tough enemies, well these enemies are a joke when certain weapons/frames are used)

    If it's the last one, well we might have some problems, but just because something got nerfed doesn't mean that you can't still be effective.


    Again the main problem is that the game isn't quite sure of what it is or what it wants to be.




    If the problem lies with a few items, it's easier to change said few items instead of buffing everything else up and once everything has been buffed we now stand with useless enemies which also have to be buffed.

    And then the circle begins anew.


    Just as a side note: It isn't just about nerfing or just about buffing, we have to take the outsiders and bring them closer to everything else, this means both the overpowered and underpowered stuff.


    I have fun in several ways.

    Sometimes i do want to slaughter countless enemys, sometimes i go on long T4 Survivals. Sometimes i even grab my Braton just because i love the sound of this weapon. In the past i've taken a buddy to the void with Trinitys invul blessing and only ogris. It wasn't even this effective, but it was fun, we were laughing our asses off. And like that, i enjoyed my synoid gammacore. Cutting enemys in small parts and making funny noises in TS, it was great.


    Then DE stomps through the door, looks angry at everbody and yelled histeric "No! Stop! No fun allowed here. Give me that gun, i'll break it!"


    And no. It's not easier to change few items. It's just cheaper. And lazy.


    I don't see the problem with allowing players to go X+5 minutes in survival instead of the average X minutes.


    We're complaining a weapon is too powerful, and you're suggesting we make everything else too powerful as well?


    No! We are not complaining a weapon is too powerful. A handfull player does that. It just seems to be so much complains, because the majority is in the game, enjoying playing instead of whining in the forums.


    And yes, i would enjoy if the Braton were as usefull as the Soma Prime, because it looks and sounds just so much better.




    Generally i'm on your side in terms of "everything has to be balanced", i just look at the matter from a different point of view.




  5. It isn't about killing enemies faster or slower then teammates, it's about having fun!

    I can't enjoy the game if a teammate is killing everything in the blik of an eye [...]


    And when you don't have fun, the other players also aren't allowed to have fun?


    Because "your kind" of player doesn't do the exact same thing to those not like them, hm?

    At least the guy playing correctly and submitting bugs/playing honorably during a beta is a better gamer than the guy ruthlessly exploiting/abusing intended mechanics etc...

    Some of us play with good intentions. OP and others of his kind give off the appearance of not having good intentions. Call it what you want, but your projected attitude/intent is like that of the locust swarm. Who wants that around their product/environment?

    Go be like that in GTA/COD/whatever else "that kind" of player can excel in. But its not gonna be in this game. Tenno Culture simply will not allow it, or we would have never survived. We are NOT the Orokin, for better or worse


    This isn't about exploits, you are in the wrong thread.

    Also this game isn't a beta. No Game where you (can) invest real money is beta, especially not for several years. I don't give a F*** what DE is saying about it, they lie.


    If the game is too easy then it becomes braindead and boring, non-engaging to play. You're only playing to meet certain daily quotas of credit/fusion core/syndicate standing/leveling up stuff. You're not "in the zone" when you play.

    The gameplay becomes about managing your account and not about being a space ninja.


    That's the point of nerfing OP mechanics, to keep players on their toes.


    The point of nearly every change in gameplay mechanics in this so called "year of quality" is to keep you farming to the point where you buy plat. Your whole argument gets invalid when you remember that WF is a game with unlimited enemy scaling. Who gives a F*** when somebody can go 10 Minutes longer in survival than you do?


    In fact, WF would be a better game if i could farm credits, cores, standings, etc in 1-2 hours. So after that i can play the gamemodes i enjoy and actually have fun. At the moment it is the opposite. The needed farming takes so long, after that i have enough of WF and play something else.


    In the last 4-6 months, DE is turning from the good guy developer to EA/Ubisoft.


    "Yeah, Players are complaining about RNG. We know, this isn't fun and we are working at remove/minimze it. Meanwhile, here get some new RNG BullS#&$ because F*** you!"

    - Nearly every Devstream ever



    If they feel a certain weapon/frame/ability is too strong in comparison to others - just buff the other stuff and give everybody a little smile on his face instead of pissing off a good amout of the playerbase.

  6. For our Tactic, a Volt is essential:

    Search for a small passage or better doorframe without possible enemyspawn behind you. Place a Voltshield at the door (no incoming damage + extreme range for amprex / synoid gammacore). We take a Loki with us to get life support thats lying outside or hold a door open with his decoy (if necessary), a Nekros to spam desecrate and a random 4th Frame (often greedy pull mag)

  7. [...]slithering race of whatever the hell Jabba the hut Is [...]


    A hut. Jabba is a hut. And i like Leias Slave Outfit!


    Besides that, you are correct.


    Btw: The post is a) worth reading and b) easy to read.

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