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Posts posted by robertdin

  1. It happens to me sometimes.

    The room is accessible from another room it's not behind the door you see, if you look closer there is a corridor leading to the room so the best bet is to try the room in the other direction.

  2. I've been in a few clans so far and with every one happened the same things, players began too play the game less and less and after a few months we were only a hand full of people that played the game regularly.


    This meant that  every new research that was implemented needed an insane amount of resources to build. This made me thinking ,as I think I'm not the only one with this problem, can the resource needed for the clan research be based on the type of clan and the number of active players. 


    Something like a Storm Clan that has less than 5 active tenno, instead of paying x10 base resources, it would be implemented a base number of active players and reduced taking it in consideration, so let's say 10 players and as only 3 are active reduce the amount of resources by 0.5 for each inactive player so the research would cost x6.5 base. 


    To class a player as inactive it can be taken in consideration the amount of hours he played/times he connected in the last month.


    I know it's poorly written and I'm sorry for that, let me simplify:


    Base x 10 - (10 - active players)*0,5



  3. I recently changed the weapons I use for the "End Game" stuff:


    As primary i usually use the Tonkor for the amount of damage it deals and the AoE but only if you can deal with the bouncy projectiles, and the Telos Boltor for the damage output ( I have it modded for fire rate and radiation to kill Bombards faster)  and the Truth effect for survivability.


    For secondaries I use the Telos Akbolto for the same reasons as the Telos Boltor and the Sonicor because if it doesn't kill the enemies at least it incapacitates them for a bit. (Sometimes I also use the Vaykor Marelok but I'm more of a "kill a lot of enemies at the same time" guy)


    The melee weapons i use in "Late Game" the most are the Dragon Nikana and the Dakra Prime. I use them for the damage output but as I only use them when I'm in a tight spot because of Life Strike. The one that I use the most in general is the Jat Kittag because I like to send the enemies flying.


    So these are the weapons I use the most, this doesn't mean that when I get to the "End Game" stuff I always have these equipped.

    Always have in mind that any weapon is useless without a frame to use it, frame that is more important in "Late Game".   

  4. It happened to me every time I do the raid, I die in the toxin injector room in which the injector is on a platform and when I revive I get stuck.

    Let me elaborate: I can't move, when I press the "W" button I start the walking animation but I stand in the same place. I can't use any of my powers, I can't shoot any gun, I can't switch between guns, I can't use melee so basically I can't do nothing. Even if I die, during the bleed out period I can't shoot the gun.


    I tried to use the "/unstuck" command and it does nothing and I can see the mouse cursor on screen.  




  5. So, i skipped a part of the Jordas Precept Quest because i already had Pherliac Pods, played ONE mission and now im stuck because it tells me to build something that is not in my foundry. I do not have whatever blueprint i am supposed to build


    What do i do NOW? XD

    You have to do a mission and kill a Juggernaut and it drops a BP for a new type of Pherlic Pod which you have to build, I think.

  6. IDK You're game quality, but I have everything max, and Surprisingly among the plethora of game devouring bugs in today's patch, I think VOID looks significantly better! Yes its different... DE mucks up alot of things (new valkyr skin looks 1/4 as good as it did in pics/vids pre-release... sigh... my plat is crying now) but void looks good xD. Max settings, adaptive exposure off. SMAA + CFAA (edge detect)+ supersampling on 2560x1440 looks good on 32 inch.

    Well, I have all settings maxed, I am playing on 1080p and I noticed that the Void is darker and the gold is more realistic but it seems that in my case the AA doesn't work on the gold.

    I have all the other textures working properly but the gold's edges are ignored by the AA. I have Bloom, High Dynamic Range and Motion blur turned off which I don't think it affects that.


    FYI: AA means Anti-Aliasing. 

  7. Hm, alright. Sounds like between there are spawning issues on a variety of missions (Excavation lacking power cell carriers). If anyone else can confirm rapt0r's claim or has similar reports, please share here.

    I just did a 40 min T3 Survival and no heavy units or Nullifier spawn.

  8. There is no such thing as "the Best Primary", it all depends on your playing style. I use the Tonkor for defense, the Amprex for Infested, and so on. You have to try all of the weapons to know which one you like the most and which one is good in every situation. 

    The weapon you need to bring in every mission depends on the frames and type of mission.


    Just try them out and see which one is more fun for you. ( I still remember when you could use the Tonkor on fellow players, good times, good times.)


    FYI for high lvl missions CC is more important than DPS.

  9. Archwings: Itzal is clan tech and should be fairly simple to get (unlike Elytron which is a drop farm grind).  Itzal is simply FUN and makes Archwing a blast IMO, definitely recommend it for a change of pace from time to time.


    Warframes: I will always suggest Mirage to people, she is just darned fun and can be very powerful in the right hands.

    The Itzar is the best Archwing of them all, I don't play any Archwing mission without it.


    Mirage is the Best CC in Raids, I ashamed I sold her and can't get her anymore ( I didn't know Quests are a 1 time only missions at the time).

    I would recommend Nova/Nova P if you like to make things easier at higher levels or if you want to make things easier in general. 


    As a weapon you have to test them all and see which one you like the most, they are all different. I would recommend the Braton P with the Syndicate mod for Mid to High level missions because of the health restore effect. As a secondary I would recommend the Telos Akbolto with a macro for rapid fire and it will kill lvl 50 enemies faster than a Soma P. There are many good secondaries in the game as the Brakk + Arcane Awakening or the Hikou P. 

    As a melee I prefer the Jat Kittag for Fun, the Tipedo for "fast travel" and the Dual Ichor for damage.

  10. Trolling them makes you a jerk. You can solo it if you want. You have to do invasions FIVE times for one reward, and you want to take your time with it instead of getting the repetitive mission over with so you can do something more interesting? Especially on the competitive invasions like Potatos, you need to do them quickly if you want the reward.

    i understand what you are saying, BUT I do those missions to help other players and to have fun while doing that, I'm what you call a team player and I like playing co-op with others, that is why I play Warframe and not CoD.

    If I want to do a Reactor or Catalyst alert I take my Saryn and solo the hell out of it but if I'm doing a regular invasion I try to help others before getting all the kills. Imagine how fun it is for those players that start a mission and have to run/copter their way to the finish through an empty map.

  11. Those abilities are useless in end game so go do some long survivals or defense.

    It bugged me also when a player takes Saryn in a Invasion and runs ahead, kills everything and waits on extraction for the rest of the players.When this happens I begin to troll them and they leave.

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