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Posts posted by Valyrym

  1. Seriously, this is pretty bad. What about those that managed to craft War before the hotfix? I want war REALLY badly, and I was thinking about purchasing the bundle to save time farming stalker, but now that I find out that theyre trying to FORCE me to purchase said pack, no thank you.


    Does War even inherit broken-wars catalyst? probably not. Right now, It's not worth it to try to side-grade to war.


    I don't even like longswords.

  2. I was running on a comp with an AMD 1350 processor and an EVGA GTX 770 graphics card and had this same issue, although my game locked up to the point of entirely freezing for 10-15 seconds at a time every 5 seconds or so. In between freezes I would end up with bugged, choppy, slow sound and anything between 2-15 FPS.


    However on this thread https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/568459-u18-bug-report-megathread/page-6 there's at least one person posting saying they have an Intel processor with this same issue, so it may not be an AMD only problem at all.

    https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/568459-u18-bug-report-megathread/?p=6452726 This post in particular.

    Thanks for the update, and yeah thats exactly what happens to me. I switched it to windowed mode, minimum settings, and set its affinity to get 9fps when its happening. Sometimes it will even freeze for 5-6s regardless. It's insane.

  3. Is there any chance you could get a copy of your EE.log immediately after you've experienced these framerate drops?

    Info on how to find your EE.log can be found here.

    Yup! where do I post it?


    And should i alt+f4 the game after it happens to prevent more stuff being written or something else?

  4. I have an FX6300 + GTX970 and managed to run into someone else with the same issue so im reporting it here.


    When going underwater framerate drops to the point of hitting seconds per frame.


    This could be a bulldozer bug as I managed to crank out 9fps when I set warframe's affinity to be only on processor 0.


    EDIT: likely a bulldozer bug, the few intel people ive talked to havent been having any issues.


    Running the latest nvidia driver, and I'm also not overclocked or anything and physx is off.

  5. Name: Eyes Only

    Handle: Valyrym

    Steam: steamcommunity.com/id/valyrym

    Age: 23

    Goal: Join, dedicate self to a friendly community for coop partners, furs are a bonus.

    Headset/mic: Yes, but you would have to drag me by my tail to get me to re-download TS again.

    Reason for Joining: See goals

    Referrer: Cipher-Fox, Friend IRL. Going to smack him later for making me actually post a forum post.

  6. Randall2.jpg


    hmmmm that might be a teaser for a new frame possibly being released during u15? from that little picture it looks like it might be a slim male like ash. maybe another element?

    More importantly, is that a USB/arduino modded C64 I see there!? O.=.O Much respect, much props. I run a USB modded IBM Model F XT myself, though the C64 KB is linear if i recall correctly.

  7. The interface freaked out so I logged out, but the mod overlay stayed, pressed "mods" button and the only mod that appeared to be available was passive focus type "Ancient Restribution". I did a google search for 'warframe "ancient retribution"' and came up with nothing, hence the title.


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