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Posts posted by SkalleBonk

  1. Hello Tennos!

    Today i wanted to level up some new weapons and Archwings on the mission node Salacia on Neptune but every time i died i respawned in the beginning of the mission. Is this a bug or intended? Haven't played Archwing missions in forever until Balor Fomorian showed up this weekend so i was a bit confused on why the respawn was so far away from my objective.

  2. If you are fishing by day on the plains i would suggest to get Murkrays. If you have the bait and fish around the east ocean you get the task done quite fast.

    If you are fishing in the Orb Vallis i would suggest fishing after Charamote. Easy to get and there is a good spot for them in a cave to the east of Ustara Crater.

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  3. One thing they could change is the mod Regen/ Primed Regen. It could have infinite uses of respawns but have a cooldown before beeing able to respawn again (Just like Djinn's Reawaken mod do) but with no invulnerable state.

    Another thing i would like to suggest to be changed is if mods like Repair Kit or Medi-Ray is equipped on a sentinel, they should be able to give themself some healing.



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  4. So after taking a long break from Kuva Lich hunting i decided to hunt my nemesis again this weekend. Everything went smooth until my Lich became level 5 and my Helios Prime died instantly on every Kuva Lich mission. Even with maxed Primed Regen, Metal Fiber, Enhanced Vitality and Calculated Redirection slapped on Helios he just can't survive at all. I even tested to remove Helios weapon and Targeting Receptor to see if he made less aggro but it was about the same as if he had weapons.

    I know this has been asked before to buff sentinel companions survivability and i do think they need some love or be able to use mods like Link Armor, Link Health and Link Shields. Then maybe they would survive a bit longer. Another thing that would be handy is a way to respawn them yourself by crafting let's say "sentinel deployment" but with a cooldown of course before you can respawn them again! Right now my sentinel just feels to fragile when i hunt Kuva Liches and having your companions die in seconds just makes them feel useless.

    I have not taken my kubrow or kavats with me on missions in a long time since Helios Prime is my best buddy and he was my first Prime item. He is very dear to me so i can't let him go!

    So please DE, give our Sentinels some love!


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  5. Will the Zeloid Prelate assassination mission also be removed? Wolf's assassination mission was removed and now you can only spawn him with a beacon so i guess the same thing will happen to the Zeloid Prelate. I started to farm the parts for the Pathocyst weapon 2 days ago but I'm still missing the Subcortex part for it.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Violet_Luna said:

    Hi, I was wondering is razer synapse good to use while playing warframe or you will get ban if you use it. Razer synapse is like a third party software, I think. I need you guys opinion on this. Thanks you.

    I've been using Razer Synapse for many years so no need to be worried about getting banned for using it!

  7. Just now, AndouRaiton said:

    It's a FLAWED equilibrium, you get it from killing Vor in Vor's prize, which is why it costs less, has less ranks and a weaker effect.

    That might be it! I still have a flawed Fast Deflection but that one says it's flawed. Almost forgot Flawed mods still existed 😄

  8. Hello Tennos!

    Yesterday i was farming Lephantis for Nekros parts and got some mods aswell. And today i was looking through my mod list and saw this odd bug



    As you can see, one of the Equilibrium mod does not cost as much endo and credits to max as the other Equilibrium mods. I rarely use this mod since i use Energy/Health pizzas instead. So is this a bug or have you guys seen something like this before with other mods?

    Have a great day Tenno!

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