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Posts posted by Skulltron

  1. My clan just finished that 15K mutagen sample grind and we really want to upgrade to the next clan tier, but some of my friends are worried that it might mess up our research progress and have suggested waiting the 3 days for the researching to finish before upgrading. Does anyone know if upgrading while we have research in-progress will cause said research to reset, or should be we be fine? I really don't wanna make my clan grind out more mutagen samples 😞

    EDIT: I know that the question has been answered in the past but it's been a while since then and I just wanna confirm that things will still be fine

  2. Might not be relevant and might get retconned but it's also worth noting that a corpus Archimedian named Perintol was the creator of the original sentient prototype during the time of the Orokin Empire. Who knows, maybe some secrets of how the Sentients work was passed down within the ranks of the Corpus scientists?

  3. Personally, I like the ult the best out of the abilities. It's like a melee ranged version of mesas, which is kinda cool. I don't like any of the other abilities or the just copious amounts of blood though. She was billed as this elegant, gory frame and I kinda pictured like, blood particles just floating around her as her abilities or something instead of just being doused in blood which is just kinda cheesy IMO. I think she looks great when she's not covered in blood though.

  4. A thousand times yes! I'm the leader of a fairly new clan and we've been having some trouble with remodeling the Dojo and I was just saying to my clan how nice it would be to have some kind of tool to assist with remodeling so we wouldn't have to destroy rooms that we would just rebuild anyways to get rid of a single hall. I really hope that a feature like that gets implemented soon though because the two hour wait to destroy a room physically hurts me.

  5. Hi there, I don't know if you're still looking for a clan but my friends and I just started up a new LGBT+ Clan called Aesthetiica Prime and I think that it might be just what you're looking for! We're a brand new clan and we probably don't have a lot to offer an MR 20 player but if you're interested then feel free to message me!

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